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Meinolf Müller

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Posts posted by Meinolf Müller

  1. On 5/20/2018 at 7:59 PM, Ingolme said:

    Google will index the page when it finds it.

    Do you mean "when it finds it" directly from the given link or if the url is referenced thru another path within the site?

    The reason I put those questions is, that some people don't understand what I mean. They tell me, that you and they do mean the same, but say, that the link defined with rel="nofollow" is only indexed, when reachable thru another path, e.g. thru sitemap.

    Regards Meinolf

  2. Hello,

    when using rel="nofollow" within <a href="url/path/page.html" rel="nofollow">Link</a> regarding behaviour of Google:

    Is "page.html" indexed by Google and only deeper links within "page.html" aren't followed or does it mean that "page.html" is ignored completely?

    Thanks for your information.



  3. Hello,

    as I'm new in this business I would like to know the reason for the caption tag within <img ...> tag. I'm using the TinyMCE editor for inserting images into my site. But sometimes (not ever) the editor places the caption="false" tag to others like width=... and hight=.... Everything is working and when I take away that tag it is working too. So, what is the reason for that and what else can I do with caption?

    Thank you for your help.

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