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Posts posted by Edreyn

  1. Quote

    Personally, I'd store start and end dates and ignore the duration

    As I say, I am trying to do something similar to browser games.

    The player starts a task, for example "forge a sword". When he starts, current time should be stored. The task also has a duration, that can change depending on other variables. I need to calculate end time myself (start + duration), then check once in a while if new current time is past end time. If it is, the task is marked as finished. So, I don't insert end time myself, I need to calculate it.

  2. Yes, that allowed me to add values of two columns, but I still don't get the expected result.


    INSERT INTO Processes(Name, StartTime, DurationTime, EndTime, IsFinished)
        SELECT 'AAA', st, dt, st + dt, 0
        FROM (SELECT '2018-01-22 09:00:00' as st, '0000-00-00 00:05:00' as dt) Processes;

    The expected result for EndTime column is: '2018-01-22 09:05:00'

    The actual result is: '2018'

    Of course I declared EndTime as TIMESTAMP

  3. I don't have an insert for my situation, I don't even know how it could look. I'll check the link, thank you!


    Sorry, I didn't read correctly.

    I imagine something like this:

    INSERT INTO Processes (StartTime, DurationTime, IsFinished)
    VALUES ('2018-01-22 15:31:00', '0000-00-00 00:05:00', '0');


    And then i want to calculate EndTime = StartTime + DurationTime



  4. Hello,

    I am trying to do something similar to what is used in browser MMOs.

    CREATE TABLE Processes (
        Name varchar(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        StartTime TIMESTAMP,
        DurationTime TIMESTAMP,
        EndTime TIMESTAMP,
        CurrentTime TIMESTAMP,
        IsFinished int,
        PRIMARY KEY (Name)

    Specifically: I have a process, that has a StartTime and DurationTime. IsFinished starts as 0.

    I need:

    1) When I do INSERT:

    Calculate the end time, the result is put into EndTime field

    2) When I want to update (for now manually, not with timer):

    Compare CurrentTime (should be taken automatically) to EndTime. If CurrentTime is past, IsFinished turns to '1'


    How it can be achieved?

    I have some basic knowledge, but not how to add or compare timestamps.


    Thank you in advance,



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