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Posts posted by LightKira

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to create a little program to calculate the income with a tax, but i've got a problem. Instead of sum the 2 numbers, it aggregate them

    Here the example:


    Price = 100

    Rate = 0.05

    Tax = Price * Rate -> 100 * 0.05 = 5

    Income = Price + Tax = 100 + 5 = 105 (but the result I obtain is 1005)


    I want to specify that the Price is get from a input.

    Here the code

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    		<input id="price" type="number" onchange="income()">
    		<p id="result"></p>
    	function income(){
    		let price = document.getElementById("price").value;
    		let rate = 0.05;
        	let tax = price * rate;
    		let income = price + tax;
    		document.getElementById("result").innerHTML ="The income is: " + income;

    How can i fix it?

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