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Posts posted by khan9999

  1. which tool is best for writing the php code with rich library like sublime have no library . by library i means with help of .(dot) all the function or feature should be available.

  2. i rephrase yours answer as look at the pagination code there is 3 pages and 2 pages and 10 pages total means when no search condition is given it created 10 pages but problem is when ist condition is true and in result bottom of 3 pages is created and when i click one of my page data is refresh but in bottom pagination is gone to 10 while it should restrict to similarity when 2nd condition is true 2 pages is created and when i click one of two pages , data is refresh correctly but but in bottom the pagination is gone to 10......my question is how i can restrict the pagination along with the data

            if(!empty($searchData) || !empty($searchName))
          case "search_data":{
                                //code here
              //code for pagination for example 3 pages is created in this condition
                case "search_name":
                    //code here
                     //code for pagination for example 2 pages is created in this condition
            //code here
             //code for pagination for example 10 pages is created in this condition
        <form action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>">
            <button type="submit value="search_data">Search Data</button>
            <button type="submit value="search_name">Search Name</button>
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