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Posts posted by DataBrink

  1. I am a computer science Teacher and I would also like to request a student progress tracking feature. It is the Nr. ONE killer feature of a platform like Codecademy to be able to link accounts to a teacher account that can access individual progress.

    Sadly Codecademy has just been bought by some ******* big corp. Resulting in them cancelling all account and price offerings to schools and hiking up the price per license by 300 times. Making it impossible to keep their service on a public school budget. I am not joking. I wish I was.

    As a reference material w3Schools is already our bible and go to resource for teaching students how to code.

    But when it comes to interactive guides, it is way too simple for students to fake or copy a sceenshot from another student then claim they "finshed" an entire online guide. So for grading purposes, most such guides are entirely useless.

    Such a feature does not need to be complicated. All it needs to do is have a way for one account to send an invite to another, by mail or internally. So that a student can accept and grant the teacher user access to see their progress. It can then be displayed in the exact same manner as progress is usually displayed. Flip a permission and boom. Priceless feature for the betterment of learning web skills for all humanity.

    Please consider this.

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