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Posts posted by jodel_from_aol

  1. I am the owner of the Red Hen Publications website, which is in serious need of a rebuild/redesign due to proliferating glitches in my dropdown menus which is now affecting the buttons in the nav bar which do not even have dropdowns. (No. I do not know what is causing this. I have not changed the .css style sheets since I uploaded the site, and this was not present at that time. But over the past 2 years the site has become more and more affected.)

    The site was built in Dreamweaver CC2021, and since you people wrote the Classroom in a Book, I figured that this would be an appropriate place to get some suggestions. I will say that so long as the program runs on my iMac I will probably continue to use it, but my own preferences are for something other than the dummy site which was built by following the instructions of the book. I avoided Bootstrap when building my own site, but then, the current site was intended as a stop-gap. The previous build, done in CS6 back in 2013 depended upon Spry assets which are no longer supported.

    I am seeing a heading for W3.css methods of producing various effects in a site. Are these supported in Dreamweaver CC2021? I would just as soon not start counting on using something that the program cannot handle.

  2. Hullo. It appears that I am long after the faire. But in any case, I am JOdel, or alternately jodel_from_aol, owner of the Red Hen Publications website. The site is in need of another major rebuild/redesign, so I am going to be making a nuisance of myself in the forums here until I figure out what I am going to do about it.

  3. Hullo. I'm new here and have a site which is in desperate need of a rebuild. This will undoubtedly entail a re-org and re-design as well.

    The site, in its current iteration can be found at:


    Warning. It's a static site built for computer screens, so it is probably not going to be navigable on a mobile device (I'm not including laptops. It can handle those)

    Also, although the site worked pretty much as intended it when it was uploaded in Feb 2022, it has developed major glitches with the dropdown menus and this is spreading to the navigation buttons -- which do not have dropdown menus -- as well. This will not enhance your browsing experience and is the primary reason for the need of a rebuild.

    A bit of history; the site is 20 years old, and fairly extensive (200+ pages).The current version is about the 4th or 5th iteration. It, and the previous build were done in Dreamweaver. I still have Dreamweaver, but can see that there is something written on the wall regarding the future of that program.

    Advice is welcome, but there may be limits to how much use I'll be able to make of it.

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