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Posts posted by powkeman

  1. Well thats alright I suppose, has there been a poll on this forum in order to get an idea of the scale of support? It may be that not many ppl would pay to download it, yet thats only 2 out of how many users that would not be viewing your adds lol (as often). So surely that would not have an overall effect, each way it cancels out lol. EG. they would not use a different site if they did not have acess to the dloads, because they would be used to the style etc. Either way, a continually changing site with new tutorials being added regularly would be able to attract ppl for the updates, and it may become a habit.Either way, I can understand the reluctance to change but it may pay off in the long run. THink of all those happy customers :) just think.I rest my case.

  2. :) I must admit... i've been using this site for years now, either as a guest or the various user names i've had. Yet, i've always had to do it from school becasue i'm on dial-up at home and it's unbearably slow. I would love to be able to download a series of tutorials from the site at school and put them on at home. I would also be willing to pay, becasue of the quality of the reply. Surely this would balance the cost of the advertisment that you lose?On the other hand... the tutorials must be continually updated so, why not have the downloads at home and then attract users back to the site in order to update their downloads. I mean, you can't lose the customers completely.Another possible plan would be to put it all on CD and sell it directly to the users. You could even sell them on eBay lol :) How about a book even (the possibilities are endless lol)Of course, while money is a BIG factor in running a buissness (der), surely many happy and satisfied customers who go around talking about you should also be something that you should imagine.powkeman (12.24)powekman@gmail.com
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