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Posts posted by Taerlin

  1. Hi I have a script that I use to send info from my contact form.I would like to have the date function changed to the following I am in Australia and I have my server in the states so I need to have the time set 16 hrs + to what I get now to give me our local time.$name = $_POST["name"];$address = $_POST["address"];$city = $_POST["city"];$state = $_POST["state"];$postcode = $_POST["postcode"];$phone = $_POST["phone"];$arrivaldate = $_POST["arrivaldate"];$departuredate = $_POST["departuredate"];$email = $_POST["email"];$comments = $_POST["comments"];$today = date("M d, Y");$recipient = "email@mydomain.com";$subject = "subjectline goes here";$forminfo ="Name: $name\nAddress: $address\nCity: $city\nState: $state\nPostcode: $postcode\nPhone: $phone\nArrival Date: $arrivaldate\nDepature Date: $departuredate\nEmail: $email\nComments: $comments\nForm Submitted: $today\n\n";I have tried a few different strings but it stops the script posting the information that the user has typed in..Any assistance would be grealy appreciatedTerry

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