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Posts posted by pjfarley3

  1. You're right, it doesn't work :blink:!I have no clue why it doesn't, only that select is different handled than any other element, notice the unload of a document that has one, it becomes white! (In IE it doest anyway)That very same cause may cause the tooltip thing too. :)And not to mention the select has almost no styling abilities at all :)

    Thanks for the info. As I said above, at least I can tell my boss it's not my code... :) Peter
  2. Is there a problem with tooltips for <select title="..."> in IE6? I can't get any tooltip at all from a <select> (sample below).TIA for any info or advice you can offer.Peter

    <html><body><form><select name="cars"title="Pick your favorite car!">  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>  <option value="saab">Saab</option>  <option value="fiat">Fiat</option>  <option value="audi">Audi</option></select></form></body></html>

  3. The file must always be on the server of course. How could it be processeed if it's not on the server? I think what you meant was "without explicit reference in the XML"?
    Yes, that is what I meant -- no explicit reference to the server in the XML.
    Well, if there isn't going to be a processing instruction with the href attribute, then there must be some third language (on a third file) to connect the two files. It could be a server side script (as in the "XSLT on the server" examples) or if it must be on the client side- with JavaScript.
    I was hoping there could be a "local" substitute for the "href", possibly in an IE6 "data islands" setup, along the lines of:<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=#cdxsl?>where "cdxsl" is the "id" of a preceding "data island": <xml id="cdxsl">...xsl here...</xml>. I tried exactly this in IE6, and it does not work.
    It can't be done by simply combining the files into one, unless perhaps there is some server side script that would know which is which and apply the stylesheet as if it was a separate file. But there's no point in that. If you're going to keep the things in one file, it's better to have plain XHTML instead.

    Thanks for the advice. I guess I have to go with the client-side javascript solution, and supply the XSL as embedded text in the javascript.Peter
  4. Hi all,XML/XSL newbie here. I have a need to be able to put BOTH XSL and XML that uses the XSL into a single stream sent by a server to a client browser (IE6 only for now). The XSL cannot reside on the server.Is it possible to send XML without having the XSL reside on the server, i.e. not using "href" in the XSL line inside the XML?I tried doing the following, but it doesn't work. THe top-level element, "cdcat", is just displayed in the default XML format in the browser.Data and stylesheet copied from the W3Schools tutorials.

    <xml id="cdcat"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!-- Edited with XML Spy v2006 (http://www.altova.com) --><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:output method='html' version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' indent='yes'/><xsl:template match="/">  <html>  <body>  <h2>My CD Collection</h2>    <table border="1">      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">        <th align="left">Title</th>        <th align="left">Artist</th>      </tr>      <xsl:for-each select="catalog/cd">      <tr>        <td><xsl:value-of select="title"/></td>        <td><xsl:value-of select="artist"/></td>      </tr>      </xsl:for-each>    </table>  </body>  </html></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet><!-- Edited with XML Spy v2006 (http://www.altova.com) --><CATALOG>	<CD>  <TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>  <ARTIST>Bob Dylan</ARTIST>  <COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY>  <COMPANY>Columbia</COMPANY>  <PRICE>10.90</PRICE>  <YEAR>1985</YEAR>	</CD>	<CD>  <TITLE>Hide your heart</TITLE>  <ARTIST>Bonnie Tyler</ARTIST>  <COUNTRY>UK</COUNTRY>  <COMPANY>CBS Records</COMPANY>  <PRICE>9.90</PRICE>  <YEAR>1988</YEAR>	</CD></CATALOG></xml>

  5. just type it in and let notepad automatically wrap it. then it will be fine.LG

    Sorry, that doesn't help. Notepad wrapping is on-screen only -- the line that gets stored in the file is everything up to the point where you type "Enter". You can see this if you type a line that wraps to 2 or more lines, then go to the View menu and click OFF the Word-Wrap feature. The text that looked like it was on multiple lines is really all on one single line.For reasons I can't go into here, the actual line length in the XHTML source file needs to be 72 or less, so I need to know if breaking the href value at the end of 72 bytes is legal.Thanks for trying to help though.Peter
  6. I think you can safely pass 256 characters in the address bar.

    It isn't the total length I am asking about, it's the syntax of breaking the href value into two or more lines.In C, f'rinstance, to continue a character literal I code a backslash at the end of the first line and continue the literal at byte 1 of the next line. In current COBOL syntax, you can continue a character literal by coding a hyphen in column 7 and then a quote/apostrophe where you want to continue the literal on that line.I am asking IF the href value can be continued, and IF SO, then whether the syntax I showed (continue at byte 1 of next line) is legal for XHTML 1.0 Transitional.Peter[edit] I should be a little more clear: Is it legal in the XHTML SOURCE file, *not* if it is legal in the address bar of the browser. For reasons I won't go into, the SOURCE file line length has to be 72 or less, so a really long href value just does not fit on one source file line.
  7. Can a long href value be continued onto 2 or more lines? I have a situation that requires keeping the longest line length at 72 or below, and with proper indentation used, the href value for aome anchors will not fit on the line.I coded it like this: <a href="/really/long/web/address/with?VARIABL1=VALUE1&VARIABL2=VALUE2&VARIABL3=VALUE3" />HTML Tidy gives a Warning for this line, saying "<a> discarding newline in URI reference".The DOCTYPE I am using is XHTML 1.0 Transitional.TIA for any pointers to the rules.Peter

  8. I saw the example of how to change the contents of a table cell (pure text data change). I need to *sometimes* insert an <anchor> as the data in a table cell, and sometimes leave it as " ".The function to decide which rows get an <anchor> and which rows get " " would be made in the "onload" event for the document, based on the content of the first column of the row (when first cell is " ", last cell of row should also be " ", otherwise it needs to be an <anchor>).DOM solution preferred, IE-only is OK if that's all there is.TIA for any help you can provide.Peter

  9. <Code snipped>how is that?As far as the <form> goes if you are going to use javascript to process the button click you do not need the <form>...although XHTML strict might require it...I can't remember.

    Thanks, that seems to work OK. How and where to intermix forms and tables isn't very well documented, IMHO. At least for this newbie, it was not apparent that the table has to be inside the form instead of vice-versa.Do you know of any url's to discussions/turorials about how to mix tables and forms correctly?Thanks again for your help.Peter
  10. ...<tr>  <td>    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%">      <tr>        <td align="left"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 10%; ALIGN: left" TYPE="submit" NAME="PREV" VALUE="Prev">        </td>        <td align="center"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 10%; ALIGN: left" TYPE="submit" NAME="REFR" VALUE="Refresh">        </td>        <td align="right"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 10%; ALIGN: left" TYPE="submit" NAME="NEXT" VALUE="Next">        </td>      </tr>    </table>  </td></tr>...

    try that...it should space them evenly apart.

    Yes, that does work -- I have used that exact technique.Two questions:1. Where do you put the <form> and </form> elements? At the <tr> level before the first <td> and after the last </td>, right?2. This technique still uses the "align" attribute, which is not allowed in strict XHTML. How would this be coded in strict XHTML?Thanks for the quick reply.Peter
  11. <div style="width:100%;text-align:center"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 10%; ALIGN: left" TYPE="submit" NAME="PREV" VALUE="Prev"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 45%; ALIGN: center" TYPE="submit" NAME="REFR" VALUE="Refresh"><INPUT style="WIDTH: 10%; ALIGN: RIGHT" TYPE="submit" NAME="NEXT" VALUE="Next"></div>

    do that

    I tried that, but it does not produce the desired effect. Yes, the three <input> buttons are grouped all together in the center of the page, but the desired arrangement is:0. In a single table row:1. First <input> on the left-hand edge of the page2. Second <input> in the center of the page3. Third <input> on the right-hand edge of the pageHow would that be accomplished? I am also trying hard to move to XHTML strict, and the "align" attribute won't work there. What substitutes for "align" for <input> buttons in XHTML strict?A secondary question is how (in XHTML strict) to arrange an arbitrary number of buttons (4,5,6,...) spaced evenly across a row, not smacked up one against the other?Thanks for trying to help, and for your patience with my ignorance.Peter
  12. Hi, <Snipped>As far as I know "ALIGN:" will not work for buttons, it will work for images,To position in the center you can use somthing like this,style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 848px; WIDTH: 10%; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 296px;"

    This is exactly what one should NOT have to do. Absolute positioning ASSUMES that you know in advance what size your client's browser window is going to be. No one can know that. Do you (or anyone else here) know how we are supposed to align buttons within the standard? It was pointed out to me in a private communication that the separate "align" attribute is deprecated in favor of styles. OK, I can live with that, but even when I put the "align" attribute inside a "style", it seems to have no affect on buttons.Why not? Again, how is alignment of buttons supposed to happen? It makes no sense to me that an attribute like "align" has no effect on a button. Is there something in XHTML to substitute? I'll gladly switch if I can get the effect that I want.The only way I have been able to get it to work is by using separate table cells in a single table row, where the style="align: xxxx" attribute at least seems to apply to everything in the table cell.
  13. OK, here are three simple examples of trying to align buttons in a form. Example 1 *almost* works (table with a cell for each button, alignment at the cell level controls where the button appears inside the cell), but the third (rightmost) button not only aligns to the right (as requested), is also aligns vertically at the TOP of the cell, while the first two buttons align vertically in the MIDDLE of their respective cells. Thus, even though the horizontal alignment is taken care of, the vertical alignment is not.Why does this happen? What am I doing wrong?Example 2 is a table with a single cell, and example 3 is a bare form. My question in both cases is, Why don't the alignment attributes do anything to position the buttons on their line (inside a table cell or not)?My final question is this: Where can I find examples of multi-button HTML pages where alignment attributes are used to position the buttons? I am assuming that I am not coding something correctly, so I really, really need to see examples of how to do it correctly, if there are any out there to be seen.TIA for any help or info you can provide.Peter

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head></head><body><table width="100%" border="2">  <tr>  <td align="left">      <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/web/page">        <INPUT							style="ALIGN: left" 	TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=PREV	VALUE=Prev>    </td>    <td align="center">        <INPUT                style="ALIGN: center" 	TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=REFR	VALUE=Refresh>    </td>    <td align="right">        <INPUT	style="ALIGN: right"	TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=NEXT	VALUE=Next>      </FORM>    </td>  </tr></table><br> <br> <br> <table width="100%" border="2">  <tr>    <td>        <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/web/page">            <INPUT	  style="ALIGN: left; WIDTH: 10%"                  TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=PREV                  VALUE=Prev>            <INPUT	   style="ALIGN: center; WIDTH: 45%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=REFR                   VALUE=Refresh>            <INPUT	   style="ALIGN: RIGHT; WIDTH: 10%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=NEXT                   VALUE=Next>        </FORM>    </td>  </tr></table><br> <br> <br>         <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/web/page">            <INPUT 	   style="ALIGN: left; WIDTH: 10%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=PREV                   VALUE=Prev>            <INPUT	   style="ALIGN: center; WIDTH: 45%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=REFR                   VALUE=Refresh>            <INPUT	   style="ALIGN: RIGHT; WIDTH: 10%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=NEXT                   VALUE=Next>        </FORM></body></html>

  14. there is another way, if u don't like to lose yourself in too many tables...it is not exactly alignment, bt it looks the way you want it.u may insert a "spacer" between the buttons. a spacer is a 1x1 px transparent gif, to which you give the height 1 and the width... any value as to look good on ypur page.this is just another way, it is your choice in the end :)

    Agreed, it is another way, but it does not keep the same look when the browser is resized (up or down). This will work only when you know how your user is going to size their browser window. Using the table data element for the alignment is OK by me because I don't have to calculate what pixel size to make things.Thanks for the help.
  15. ahh..now i get you. they just line up one after the other.yes you can make it so they line up left, center and right no matter what size browser.not sure how you go about it without tables, without experimenting with divs.but with tables,<Snipped>i've changed the size of the buttons too, and into pixels, so the writing appears on them at different browser sizes.:)

    Ah-hah! Many thanks. I knew there had to be a way to use forms in a table, but the only example I had was badly miscoded.That would be an excellent teaching addition to the HTML course here. I would not have had to ask if that combination was in the course.Thanks for your help! :)
  16. it works here in both firefox and ie6maybe its the way your putting them in the rest of the page??

    Depends on what you mean by "works here". On your system, does the third button get positioned on the right-hand edge of the browser screen (maximized browser)? Does the second button get centered in the middle of the browser screen?On maximized IE6 here (and in the W3C clickable code tester) the three buttons in the form just line up one right next to each other, with only a small amount of space between each one.What I would like is for the buttons to spread themselves out across the entire width of the screen according to the alignment I request: left, center, right. And since I don't know how the user will size their browser screen, I would like the buttons to dynamically adjust to dofferent screen sizes but keep the relative alignment the same.Can that be done?Peter
  17. Hi all, first post here. I have taken the excellent tutorials on HTML and CSS2, but I have a problem not answered in the HTML tutorial: How do I align multiple buttons on a line? <div> is not appropriate, extra line breaks are generated, and using style="align: center" inside the <input ...> tag does not seem to work either.Complicating factor: The line in question is one row of a table, and I do not want the row to occupy more than one line.Here is a code sample (sorry for the caps, some of this was copied from another location that didn't respect the lower case rule). The class "CBUTTONNORMAL" does not contain any alignment attributes, just color, border and font attributes. Browser is IE6.

    <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/web/page">            <INPUT CLASS="CBUTTONNORMAL"	   style="ALIGN: left; WIDTH: 10%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=PREV                   VALUE=Prev>            <INPUT CLASS="CBUTTONNORMAL"	   style="ALIGN: center; WIDTH: 45%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=REFR                   VALUE=Refresh>            <INPUT CLASS="CBUTTONNORMAL"	   style="ALIGN: RIGHT; WIDTH: 10%"                   TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=NEXT                   VALUE=Next>        </FORM>

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