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Posts posted by pmdesign

  1. You can't use <img src="#">? That would be the best way to display an image without a height or width... but I'm assuming you already knew that. However I don't think there is a way for you to do what you are asking.
    Thanks, i knew it but i was trying to make sure it's not possible at this time :)
  2. Hi there,I'm wondering how you can use a picture in your CSS class.Well i'm using the "background-image: url()" option to put an image inside my class, but i need to use "width" and "height" just to be the image displayed...Well i don't think it's the best way. So is there any way you can declare a class with "src" option, and when it's used somewhere in the code, a picture is displayed. I dont wanna use "width" or "height" options cause some of the browsers do not understand it well.Well hope somebody could help me :)

  3. Hi,I know about those definitions:parent_class.class1{}parent_class.class2{}parent_class.class3{}...where parent_class is a standart tag.Can i group the classes like this:parent_class{.class1{}.class2{}.class3{}}so all subclasses gets it's parent definitions + their own

  4. Hi there,I just wonder is is possible to change the class of an element using javascript.Specaily a table element.Here's my code:<table class="border_table" onMouseOver="this.style.background='#f6f6f6'" onMouseOut="this.style.background='#FFFFFF'">...</table>I just wanna change all the class. Something like: onMouseOver="this.class='class1'"oronMouseOver="this.class.name='class1'"Any sugestions ?

  5. Hi there,I need to know how to change all the visualization of a drop-down menu (select tag).All i do seems like this:select {background: #F0F0EE; border: 1px solid #cccccc; font-size: 8px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color: #000000;}But the drop-down arrow is still in Windows style. Well hope somebody could help.Thanks in advance :)

  6. Hi there,I need to know is there any possibility tio make somethink with transperant background BUT not fully transperant, just -50% let say.all i have are some buttons that i need to make half transperant :)Well hope somebody could help :)

  7. Hi,I just wanna know if there's any standart PHP function for checking directories if they are empty or not. If anyone has an idea how to do this let me know. I just wrote a function looping a dir and collectiong info about the number of files there. If it's 0 the dir is empty.<?php $number_of_files = 0;if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $number_of_files++; } } closedir($handle); } ?>

  8. Hi,  Is there anyway that I could use a gradient color from using this code?<code>div.container{width:100%;margin:0px;border:1px solid #CCCCCC; /*this isnt a gradient color, how do I replace this*/line-height:120%;}</code>

    I'm afraid the CSS has no power to make a gradient. Like boen_robot says you can make a gradient but only using image as a repeated background.Here's a CSS editor you can use: Top Style LiteYou can use: .h_gradient {background-image: http://www.domain.com/image.jpg;background-repeat: repeat-x;}for horizontal gradient or.v_gradient {background-image: http://www.domain.com/image.jpg;background-repeat: repeat-y;}for vertical gradientGo to this page and find how you can make gradient using JavaScript and DHTMLGood luck :)
  9. When it comes to XSLT I know you can achieve it if you put the CSS stylesheet inside and use XSL variable to manipulate it.However, when it comes to separated styleshhets, it's a bit more complex. I'm not sure and I hope that someone could answer me this one, but I think that server side scripts could be binded with any file, as long as they have their respective extensions. For example style.php is not for sure an XHTML page. It could be a CSS stylesheet. So there you go: you should be able to put server side variables inside a stylesheet. I'm not sure if this is possible and/or wise though.

    10q so much. It's a great idea. I may use a php script to generate my CSS file :)Много благодаря :)
  10. I may be wrong, but I don't think there is any way of doing that. Although, even if you can I'm not sure it would be a good idea. If two styles are always going to have an attribute that is the same, pull the common attributes into a new style since logically they're independent and then in all the places you want that color attribute you use both styles.That also achieves your aim of only one place to update.Hope that helps!

    Thanks a lot, i'll try it :)
  11. Hi,I just wanna ask you if you can use variables in CSS. For example:i have two colors defined:.t1 {color: Red;}.t2 {color: Blue;}If i define other class t3 but want to use the t1 color, is there anyway to use it as a variable in t3 ? For example:.t3 {color: t1.color}so to be equivalent to .t3 {color: Red;}I need it because it's gonna be so useful if you wanna change the colors of the CSS by cnahging only the main color t1.The questions is also about the other options: background, font .... s.o

  12. a:alink is a:link and a:vlink should be a:visited

    OK i fixed it. But I also have "a" class defined for the other links that are outside .myclassAnd it seems the "a" class cover ".myclass a:link"I dont know what i'm doing wrong but i'll keep trying.Thanks :)
  13. Now friends comes the other problem.If .t2 a:link{ color: white;}works fine, what's the right syntax for alink and vlink ?I've tried .t2 a:alink.t2 a:vlinkbut it seems to be not working :)

  14. Hi,All you know what is a pseudo class:<style type="text/css">a:link {color: #FF0000}a:visited {color: #00FF00}a:hover {color: #FF00FF}a:active {color: #0000FF}</style>But can i use it for my own class like this:<style type="text/css">.myclass{bgcolor: #FF0000}.myclass:link {color: #FF0000}.myclass:visited {color: #00FF00}.myclass:hover {color: #FF00FF}.myclass:active {color: #0000FF}</style>or if it's not right is there any possibility to use a pseudo class for non standart classes?

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