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Posts posted by dvm

  1. Hi, I've got a main page which contains 2 iframes. I've got some javascript embeded in the right iframe which has some global variables I'd like to access from the left iframe. Is there a way to do it? I tried embedding the script to the left iframe as well but I've got different variablesThanks.

  2. Hi to all. I'm writing some pages for a client that will use a mobile terminal sporting windows ce. We show the page through a table and the table's css class is as follows:.mobTable { /* ready for mobile device */ position:absolute; width:220px; height:225px; left:0px; top:0px; /**/}which fits perfectly on the given screen space. Now what I'd like to do is have each row be the proper height (say 2 rows, 50% each, 3 rows 33% each) which is accomplished if I leave the css untouched. Next I'd like to have each element inside each td grow to 100% of the row height. So if I had a text input it would be as tall as the row. Currently if I use 100% for the class of the input the row shrinks to the height of the input. Is there any way I can accomplish this?

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