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Posts posted by ilsott

  1. I use IE at work (because I have to) and I found it extremely annoying to go to your site and then be shown the message about switching ot FIreFox.
    I fixed that. you get a nice banner for now. :)
  2. Bah, you may have worked hard for it to work in IE, but it looks terrible in Opera... :(No, scratch that, it looks terrible with both IE, FF and Opera, at least with resolution 1024x768. Is it perhaps optimized for 1280x1024?
    I'm using a Mac and Windows at 800 and 1024.Unless you're using a different operating system, I tested it on all those browsers at 1024 and they all look fine.Maybe you just don't like the design itself?? :)Anyway, as for the Splash page, I modified it to us a Tan/Star hack Banner. Which will be moved to a BigFat FireFox image in the left column later on. I know it won't work in IE7, but hopefully they will sort out IE's issues it won't be an issue, so I am (and will be) rightfully targeting any browser < IE7. :)best.
  3. The point is to support all browsers! not just not to support IE!
    If IE was destroyed, I would be supporting all browsers.I'll be taking that splash screen down this weekend. It'll be replaced with a bannar, and then after a month or so, a big link/image in the side bar. All for IE browsers that aren't compatible with standard code (...cough...all of them).
  4. You should try to make style definitions by thinking of groups of items (classes) more than thinking about how you want each individual element to work. This makes it easy to change the overall look later - and even take bits from past work and reuse it.Either way the end the page looks good- Goodwork!
    Thanks. I'll read up on creating classes. I've heard about them, and after your brief intro, they seem like something I need.best.
  5. Whatever happened to simple and concise ... and maintainable .... .... anyway...There are cleaner ways to do this (your site), but keeping with what you are doing...
    Enlighten me.I thought this:http://infoshop.nfshost.com/quickindex.htmlWas a candidate for a pretty slim and workable three column layout.Unfortunately, big things break in the center column and I had to do some very ulgy things to get IE to work.I shipped the page yesterday with IEdestroyer.http://infoshop.org
  6. I have been working on getting my css IE compliant for a couple days now and I can't handle it anymore.http://infoshop.nfshost.com/altindex.phpI'm not sure which IE/Win I'm viewing it on, but it's probably not IE6. It's doing fine on IE/Mac, netscape, firefox, and safari. Big surprise that IE/win is the sore thumb.First, the background of the center column is stretching out to it's parent div (wrapper). Second, every time there is something funky in the center column ("Lorem ipsum" works just fine) the column breaks and goes below the two other columns.btw, I'm planning to ship this with a explorer destroyer flash screen for IE users.http://www.explorerdestroyer.com/Thanks a lot.Here's the important CSS. The * html stuff was me trying to solve the problem with the box model hack.

    div#wrapper{margin-left: 253px;min-width: 447px;width: auto;background: #FFF;}div#left{float: left;width: 240px;display:inline;}div#right{float: right;width: 160px;margin-top: -10px;display:inline;}div#center{ /* content width for other browsers */min-width: 282px;width: auto;margin-right: 170px;background-color: #FFCC99;background-image: url(alt/img/infopeachbg.jpg);}* html div#center /* this is recognized by IE only */{/* total width, only for IE5.x/Winbackground-color: #FFF;background-image: none;overflow: hidden;width: 353px;clip: 353px; *//* content width for other IE width: auto; */}

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