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Posts posted by Fed

  1. Remember that if you use a relative path, it is treated as relative to the location of the stylesheet.The safest way might be to put your background images either in the same directory as your style sheet, or in a directory inside that directory.If the browser is unable to find the image based on the url, then no image is shown.

    this was the issue :|I had set the image path like it was in the page folder and not in the /css/ forlderI didn't know it looked for it starting from th css file locationthanks a lot for your help :)
  2. hi guysI am trying to put an image as background of a <div> through my cssit hasn't to be repeated and this is the code of the page:

    <div id="menu">dddddddd</div>

    and this is the css section:

    #menu {  width: 980px;  height: 24px;  background-image:url("images/img_03.gif") !important;  text-align: left; }

    I have tried both with "" and without, with ./ in front and whatsoever might come to a standard minded guyI have looked for samples and they show nothing different from what I am doingI have tried both in Firefox and IEno image is shown :|someone knows what I am missing?

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