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Posts posted by cloudbust

  1. like gsmith said
    echo 'Subtotal: $'.$subtotal=number_format(($tiretotal+$oiltotal+$sparktotal),2).'<br>';

    Is your problem.It is assigning the subtotal as a formatted string to $subtotal.Until you get 10 tires the subtotal doesn't go over 999 so there is no comma until then.Try the following code to get a better idea what is going on....

    echo ("1,000.00" * 1);

    What does it print????? not "1000" as you might hope...If you want to stay with the one-liner (for the sake of keeping yourself and everyone else confused about what is going on!) try this

    echo 'Subtotal: $'.number_format($subtotal=($tiretotal+$oiltotal+$sparktotal),2).'<br>';

    The above is setting $subtotal to the actual sum - not the formatted string! So even if you do the assignment in a separate line, make sure you are assigning the sum of the numbers to $substring - don't use nubmer_format() until the echo!

    While the reply by gsmith gave me an immediate remedy, yours helped me realize why it was happening so I thank you also. I had not realized that the function was returning a string vs. a float. DOH!! - READ THE DOCS - I GET THAT NOW!!! That is what happens when one is too broke to pay attention.Thanks again!
  2. Greetings,Please have patience with this newbie.I am trying to learn PHP and have run into a seemingly bizarre problem.I am trying to execute a simple tax calculation and am getting inconsistent results.The server is running PHP 4.4.1 with Zend Engine v1.3.0 on a Linux (2.4.27?) server with Apache 1.3.33.You can access my test page here: Bob's Bits. If subtotal is less than $1000.00, the 10% tax is correctly calculated. Any subtotal above that does not calculate correctly. Try with 9 tires then with 10 tires as values. I have tried many ways of restructuring the statements to no avail. I have tried using 10 for $taxrate then dividing by 100 in the tax calculation. I have tried removing the decimal completely, but the calculation still performs the same way (Subtotal $900 gets $9000.00 tax, subtotal $1000 gets $10.00 tax). I have tried removing the number_format function. The portion of code that seems affected is:

    $taxrate=.10;echo 'Subtotal: $'.number_format($subtotal,2).'<br>';echo 'Tax Rate: '.($taxrate*100).'%<br>';echo 'Tax: $'.number_format($subtotal*$taxrate,2).'<br>';echo 'Total: $'.number_format($subtotal*(1+$taxrate),2).'<br>';

    The subtotal always calculates correctly.I did create a separate php page with a hard coded subtotal amount in the calculation that works properly. that can be seen here:Calc Test.The code for that is:

    $subtotal=1100;$taxrate=.10;echo 'Subtotal: $'.number_format($subtotal,2).'<br>';echo 'Tax Rate: '.($taxrate*100).'%<br>';echo 'Tax: $'.number_format($subtotal*$taxrate,2).'<br>';echo 'Total: $'.number_format($subtotal*(1+$taxrate),2).'<br>';

    I appreciate any assistance with this.Just in case it is being caused by something outside that code block and you are actually still reading this, here is the full code:

    <html>	<head>	</head>		<title>			Bob's Bits - Order Results		</title>	<body>		<h1>			Bob's Bits		</h1>		<h2>			Order Results		</h2>		<?php			// Create and load short variable names			$tireqty = $_POST['tireqty'];			$oilqty = $_POST['oilqty'];			$sparkqty = $_POST['sparkqty'];						// Calculate total items ordered - this will also be used to validate entry			$totalqty = 0;			$totalqty = $tireqty + $oilqty + $sparkqty;						// Create and assign constants for pricing			DEFINE ('tireprice', 100.00);			DEFINE ('oilprice', 2.00);			DEFINE ('sparkprice', 1.00);						// Temporarily displays status of variable fields using isset			/*			echo 'isset($tireqty): '.isset($tireqty).'<br />';			echo 'isset($oilqty): '.isset($oilqty).'<br />';			echo 'isset($sparkqty): '.isset($sparkqty).'<br />';			echo 'empty($tireqty): '.empty($tireqty).'<br />';			echo 'empty($oilqty): '.empty($oilqty).'<br />';			echo 'empty($sparkqty): '.empty($sparkqty).'<br />';			echo 'Variable totalqty= '.$totalqty.'<br />';			*/			// Display results			if( $totalqty == 0 ) // No items were ordered so display an error message			{				echo '<font color=red />';				echo 'You did not order anything on the previous page! <br />';				echo '</font>';			}			else // At least one item was ordered so display order details			{				echo '<p>Order Processed at '.date('H:i').' on '.date(' F jS Y').'</p>';				if ($tireqty > 0)				{				/*					Incorporate a volume discount algorithm for tires such that:						1 - 10 tires = 0% discount						10 - 49 tires = 5% discount						50 - 99 tires = 10% discount						100 or more tires = 15% discount				*/					if ($tireqty < 10)						$discount = 0;					elseif ($tireqty > 9 && $tireqty < 50)						$discount = 0; // should be 5					elseif ($tireqty > 49 && $tireqty < 100)						$discount = 10;					elseif ($tireqty > 99)						$discount = 15;					echo 'Tires: '.$tireqty.'@ $'.number_format(tireprice,2).' each: $'.number_format($tiretotal=($tireqty*(tireprice -(tireprice*$discount/100))),2).'<br>';				}				if ($oilqty > 0)					echo 'Oil: '.$oilqty.'@ $'.number_format(oilprice,2).' each: $'.number_format($oiltotal=($oilqty*oilprice),2).'<br>';				if ($sparkqty > 0)					echo 'Spark Plugs : '.$sparkqty.'@ $'.number_format(sparkprice,2).' each: $'.number_format($sparktotal=($sparkqty*sparkprice),2).'<br>';				echo 'Subtotal: $'.$subtotal=number_format(($tiretotal+$oiltotal+$sparktotal),2).'<br>';				$taxrate=.10;				echo 'Tax: $'.number_format($subtotal*$taxrate,2).'<br>';				echo 'Total: $'.number_format($subtotal*(1+$taxrate),2).'<br>';				echo 'Total items: '.($tireqty + $oilqty + $sparkqty);			}		?>		<p>Page 47</p>	</body></html>

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