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Posts posted by redwall_hp

  1. It loads pretty quick for me, I like the header graphic, and the overall look is pleasantly clean.However, Synook and Skemcin have a point. You need to find a way to make the site unique. Find a niche, or find some way to make it more than just an ordinary developer board. ProBlogger.net has some good advice on niches (I know it's ProBlogger, not Pro-forum-er, but the advice still applies).

  2. THanks for the help. It's working great now. Yeah, I was about to go through and clean up my code before I noticed this odd glitch. I'll go off and do that now. Thanks again.

  3. Here's the HTML (I know it's not XHTML strict. I'm working on that) :)

    <html><head><title>NTugo</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.ntugo.com/lib/style.css"><link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/favicon.ico" /><script type="text/javascript">//Contents for menu 1var menu1=new Array()menu1[0]='<a href="#">Link</a>'menu1[1]='<a href="#">Link</a>'menu1[2]='<a href="#">Link</a>'menu1[3]='<a href="#">Link</a>'//Contents for menu 2, and so onvar menu2=new Array()menu2[0]='<a href="#">Link</a>'menu2[1]='<a href="#">Link</a>'menu2[2]='<a href="#">Link</a>'//Contents for menu 'blogs'var blogs=new Array()blogs[0]='<a href="http://blogs.ntugo.com/">[All]</a>'blogs[1]='<a href="http://blogs.ntugo.com/ntugo/">NTugo</a>'blogs[2]='<a href="http://blogs.ntugo.com/computers/">Computers/Internet</a>'blogs[3]='<a href="http://blogs.ntugo.com/books/">Books</a>'blogs[4]='<a href="http://blogs.ntugo.com/movies/">Movies</a>'blogs[5]='<a href="http://blogs.ntugo.com/gaming/">Gaming (PC/Mac/Console)</a>'//Contents for menu 'Other'var other=new Array()//other[0]='<a href="#">RSS Reader</a>'//other[1]='<a href="#">Bookmark Manager</a>'//other[2]='<a href="#">Web Directory</a>'//other[3]='<a href="#">URL Shortener</a>'//other[4]='<a href="#">Aye</a>'other[5]='<a href="#">NTugo Network</a>'</script><script src="http://www.ntugo.com/lib/scripts.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="http://www.ntugo.com/lib/scriptaculous/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="http://www.ntugo.com/lib/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js" type="text/javascript"></script></head><body><div id="wrapper"><div id="innerwrapper"><div style="position: absolute; right: 10px;"><a href="#" onClick="new Effect.Appear('login_dialog')">Login</a> | <a href=register.php>Register</a></div><a href="http://www.ntugo.com"><img src="http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/logo.gif" border="0"></a><div id="navigation"><ul><li><a href="http://www.ntugo.com/"><span>Home</span></a></li><li><a href="http://www.ntugo.com/mail/"><span>Mail</span></a></li><li><a href="http://www.ntugo.com/"><span>Portal</span></a></li><li><a href="http://aye.ntugo.com/"><span>Aye</span></a></li><li><a href="sitemap.php" onClick="return clickreturnvalue()" onMouseover="dropdownmenu(this, event, blogs, '170px')" onMouseout="delayhidemenu()"><span>Blogs+</span></a></li><li><a href="sitemap.php" onClick="return clickreturnvalue()" onMouseover="dropdownmenu(this, event, other, '155px')" onMouseout="delayhidemenu()"><span>Other+</span></a></li></ul></div><br style="clear: both;">[Main Content]</div></div>©2007 NTugo, all rights reserved.<div id="login_dialog" style="width:350; height:150; background-color:#bfbfbf; position: absolute; top: 50px; right: 60px; border: 2px solid #449f00; padding: 5px; display: none;"><a href="#" style="position: absolute; right: 5px;" onClick="new Effect.Fade('login_dialog')">Close</a><h3 style="margin-top: 0px;">Login</h3><form name="loginform" method="POST" action="http://www.ntugo.com/lib/login/scr_login.php"><center><table border="0"><tr><td>Username:</td><td><input type="text" name="username"></td></tr><tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td></tr></table><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="login"><br><a href="#">Forgot Password?</a></center></form></div><script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-735643-3";urchinTracker();</script></body></html>

  4. I'm developing in Firefox, and testing in IE7 as well. I have a tabbed menu at the top of my page (which is floated left sort of). It's one of the Dynamic Drive menus. In FF, it's fine. In IE7 it does this weird thing where it puts a bunch of empty space to the right of my layout (which adds a big horizontal scrollbar). Here's a screenshot:3y83m9j.jpgAnd the CSS:

    h1,h2,h3 {color: #449f00;font-family: Verdana;font-weight: bold;}h1 {font-size: 23px;}#navigation {text-align: center;float: left; /*Set to "left" or "right" to position menu accordingly*/border-bottom: 1px solid #449805;width: 995px;margin-bottom: 10px;}#navigation ul {	font-family: Verdana;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	text-decoration: none;	margin: 0;	padding: 0;	list-style:none;	}#navigation li {	display: inline;	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenbg.gif) repeat-x center top;	text-align: center;	padding: 0;	margin-right: 4px;		float: left;}#navigation a {	color: #663300;	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenleft.gif) no-repeat left top;	float: left;	margin:	0;	padding-left:7px;	text-decoration: none;}#navigation a:hover {	color: black;	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenleft.gif) no-repeat left top;	float: left;	margin:	0;	padding-left:7px;	text-decoration: none;}#navigation a span {	background: url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/images/greenright.gif) no-repeat right top;	display: block;	padding:7px 13px 4px 5px;}#navigation a span {	float: none;}#dropmenudiv{position:absolute;border:1px solid black;border-bottom-width: 0;font:normal 12px Verdana;line-height:18px;z-index:100;}#dropmenudiv a{width: 100%;display: block;text-indent: 3px;border-bottom: 1px solid black;padding: 1px 0;text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold;color: black;}#dropmenudiv a:hover{ /*hover background color*/background-color: #e8f9af;color: black;}a:link {font: bold 13px arial; color: #449805; text-decoration: none;} a:active {font: bold 13px arial; color: #449805; text-decoration: none;}a:visited {font: bold 13px arial; color: #449805; text-decoration: none;}a:hover {font: bold 13px arial; color: #449805; text-decoration: underline;}#leftcolumn {border-right: 1px solid black;}.box {margin: 2px; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #449805; color: black; background-color: #f5f5f5;}.notopmargin {margin-top: 0px;}div.bubble {font-size: 0.75em;margin-bottom: 24px;}div.bubble blockquote {margin: 0px;padding: 0px;border: 1px solid #c9c2c1;background-color: #feffbf;}div.bubble blockquote p {margin: 10px;padding: 0px;}div.bubble cite {position: relative;margin: 0px;padding: 7px 0px 0px 15px;top: 6px;background: transparent url(http://www.ntugo.com/lib/wordbubbletip.gif) no-repeat 20px 0;font-style: normal;}#wrapper {width: 995px;margin-right: auto;margin-left: auto;text-align: center;}#innerwrapper {text-align: left;position: relative;border-bottom: 1px solid #449805;}.headerbar {background-color: #428D0A;color: white;font-family: Verdana;font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px;padding: 3px;}

    I need some help. I can't figure out why it's doing this, but I think it's related to the float on the tab menu. If I remove the "float:left" then it works fine in IE....but the botto border gets moved to ther top in FF.

  5. COOKIE CONTENTS UNDER FIREFOX=========================Name: PHPSESSIDContent: 9a1c6722da23c27a0225fd59e83933faHost: www.ntugo.comPath: /Send For: Any type of connectionExpires: at end of session=========================I'm not closing the browser. I'm just changing the URL in the address bar from with the www to without, and I've tried with blogs.domain.com too. Th browser is still open, and the cookie is still there. I checked. Also for the blogs, I just clicked a link from www.domain.com/index.php to blogs.domain.com.

  6. Currently my session cookies don't work between http://www.domain.com and http://domain.com and http://blogs.mydomain.com/. After doing tons of reading, I determined that I needed the following line in my php.ini:session.cookie_domain = '.domain.com'I added it and did a php_info. It returned the following:session.cookie_domain '.domain.com' '.domain.com'Looks fine. I tried out my login script again. and there was no difference. I login at www.domain.com and everythings okay. I move over to domain.com or blogs.domain.com and it shows me logged out. I go back to www.domain.com and I'm logged in. What's the deal? I don't see why it isn't workning. Does anyone know what to do?

  7. Forgot about that. :) mod-rewrite may work better for some things though. Some scripts tend to not like having their core files changed (yeah i'm talking to you SMF forum).

  8. Suppose I had a website where I had several PHP-based scripts that I wrote along with some 3rd party ones (SMF forum, wordpress blog etc.). How would be the best way to make them all use the same login data? I'm building my own user authentication and registration system, but how would I make it work with other 3rd party systems? I'm guessing I'd have to have my registration script write the usernames, passwords, etc into the main DB table, and also into the ones for the forum and blog too? And then my login script would have to start the sessions for the 3rd party scripts? This is all in theory currently, I haven't started coding yet. Is this the proper way to go about things, or is there a better way? I REALLY don't want to make my users register and login more than once.

  9. Anyone know where I can find a good web host for $4/month or less that meets the below requirements?-At least 25GB storage-At least 100GB bandwidth-At least 5 MySQL DBs-At least 200 IMAP Accounts-PHP, obviously-CPANEL!-Minimum downtimeIf anyone knows of a good one, let me know.

  10. I'm using an SMF (simplemachines.org) forum on my website (the boards at www.siteofrequirement.com/forum). I seem to be having a problem with a persistant session cookie or SOMETHING. SMF has a file called SSI.php. It allows you, when included (or required) with PHP, to access certain features of the board on other pages of your site. If you login on the forum, you're taken back to the forum as is usual. If you login on my test page at www.siteofrequirement.com/logintests/test1.php you have an odd problem, though. If you login then logout you stay on the test page as is correct, but if you go over to the forum after doing that you have this weird problem. Login on the forum (now that you've logged in and out on the test page). No the forum for some reason takes you back to the test page instead of the forum! What's with this? On the SMF forum (where no one has replied after a month), not many others seem to have this problem. Is it something with the server? How can it be remedied?

  11. ALL RIGHT! It centered it. Unfortunately, some parts of the layout still look funny in IE. I checked it in IE5 on another computer, it still looks as odd as in IE7, so I guess we can assume IE6 has the problem as well. If anyone has suggestions for fixing the remaining problems, let me know. It seems that the current remaining problems are the navbuttons not stretching to fit right, and the links at the top being positioned funny.

  12. www.siteofrequirement.com/podcast/It looks perfect in Firefox, but odd in IE7. It refuses all attempts to be centered, for one thing. And then the positioning on some elements is off by a bit. Check it out. I'd appreciate any ideas on how to fix it.

  13. redwallhp.blogspot.com. My template has an odd problem. It looks fine in IE7, but if you check in Firefox (my main browser), it looks horrible. There's a HUGE space between the first post title and the rest of the post. I suspect it's a CSS problem, because I used the Web Developer Toolbar to temporarily disable inline styles. It fixed it. I need a way to prevent this problem. There's a tag sort of like
    <div style="clear:both;"> </div>

    between the title and the post. I can't just remove the tag, as blogger writes it in itself during publication. I can supply the template's code if need be. The actual HTML (not the template code) can be found at the link above, obviously.

  14. I was wondering if anyone knew of any hosts that are $3/month or less and meet AROUND the following specs:300mb+ storage (as muc has possible)10GB+ bandwidth (as much as possible)cpanel5+ MySQL databases (as many as possible)allow the use of my already-existing domain

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