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Posts posted by Borderline

  1. Hi, I'm looking for some advice.


    I have a raceform website; the template was purchased and has a web search field already set up which I'd like to utilize. I've been looking online at questions/answers relating to people coding their own search tools, and in many people have suggested using scripts like Sphider instead.


    My site is built in PHP/MYSQLI, and I consider myself a novice. There will be a minimum of 600 pages to index, and all I'm wanting is for the content between the title tags to be indexed - for example, the horse's name appears within the title tags of his individual page, and that's literally the only page I wanted displayed if someone were to search his name (results pages etc should be ignored).


    My question is, how would you recommend progressing from here? Am I genuinely better using a pre-created script, or would a basic search tool that I've created be sufficient. Can you recommend any tutorials or scripts? A lot of the scripts and tutorials seem to have been produced several years ago, so I was wondering if there was anything created more recently?


    Any advice is much appreciated!

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  2. Afternoon


    I set up a substring on the raceid column of my database; the raceid column consists of the season+individual race number, to produce a unique id number. Image of the database below - my code was doing what I expected (hoped for?!) and outputting the four digit season.




    However, I've since done an inner join on the two tables, and the season is now missing from the output i.e. there's just a gap where I would expect the season to appear.

    <?php $result1 = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT runners.raceid, SUBSTRING(runners.raceid,1,4), runners.horse, runners.age, 					   runners.colour, runners.gender, runners.trainer, runners.t_link, runners.owner, runners.o_link,					   horse.horse, horse.sire, horse.s_ctry, horse.dam, horse.d_ctry 			      FROM         runners 			INNER JOIN 	   horse 			        ON	   runners.horse = horse.horse			     WHERE 	   runners.h_link = '01335.php'			  ORDER BY	   runners.raceid DESC LIMIT 1");?>

    The output (this is an include):

    <?php		while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result1)) {				include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/links.php');		  echo "Last raced at the age of ";		  		  echo $row['age'];		  echo " during the ";			  echo $row['SUBSTRING(raceid,1,4)'];		  echo " season.";				  echo "</br>";		  		  echo "</br>";		  echo " <b>Colour/Gender:</b>";			  echo "</br>";		  		  echo $row['colour'] . " " . $row['gender'];		  		  echo "</br></br>";		  echo " <b>Trainer:</b>";			  echo "</br>";			  echo "<a href=".$trainerlink . ">" .$row['trainer'] . "</a>";			  echo "</br></br>";		  echo " <b>Owner:</b>";			  echo "</br>";			  echo "<a href=".$ownerlink . ">" .$row['owner'] . "</a>";			  echo "</br></br>";		  echo " <b>Sire:</b>";			  echo "</br>";			  echo "<a href=".$sirelink . ">" .$row['sire'] . "</a>";			  echo "</br></br>";		  echo " <b>Dam:</b>";			  echo "</br>";			  echo "<a href=".$damlink . ">" .$row['dam'] . "</a>";			  		  }	?> 

    Any advice would be very much appreciated.

  3. Afternoon


    I'm working on producing a series of pages that pull data from several databases. I've generated an index on the data (raceid), as when I first joined the tables, the resulting page was horribly slow to load. Testing in this instance was on a limited number of rows (approx 750) on a different server, and the result was excellent.


    I've since finished the data collation, which has resulted in 11,969 rows in the main database. I've tried a similar code on this dataset but despite the index, the page fails to load and provides an error message: Internal Server Error - The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. The result loaded fine with the horse and jockey joins, it was only when the third join was added that the issue occurred.


    I was wondering whether anyone could advise me on how to proceed - am I asking for an unrealistic result, or is there an issue with my code? Is there a chance the change of webhost could be a problem - my current hosting is shared, whereas my previous was a VPS. I attached below the current SQL, and would be grateful for any advice/pointers.

    $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT 	runners.raceid, runners.pos, runners.horse, runners.eqp, runners.age, runners.weight,					runners.rat, runners.dist, runners.beat, runners.jockey, runners.trainer,					horse.horse, horse.h_ctry, horse.h_link,					jockey_career.jockey, jockey_career.careerlink,					trainer_career.trainer, trainer_career.careerlink														FROM 		runners			INNER JOIN      horse			ON 		runners.horse = horse.horse									 			INNER JOIN      jockey_career			ON 		runners.jockey = jockey_career.jockey  			INNER JOIN      trainer_career			ON 		runners.trainer = trainer_career.trainer									 			WHERE		runners.raceid = 2000001			ORDER BY	runners.runid");



  4. I'm new to jquery and am looking for some advice.


    I attempted to set up the jquery tablesorter on my site, with no success. I then removed it, and set up a sample table code for test purposes using this tutorial:


    I've since tried substituting my own table into the code instead, which has stopped the sorting from working correctly. The main difference that I can see is that the contents of my table is being pulled from a database. Additionally, my template uses jquery-1.7.1.min.js, but tablesorter uses jquery-1.10.2.min.js. Thus far, I've linked both files in my head section, as the navigation wouldn't display correctly with jquery-1.10.2.min.js only. I'm not sure if either of these points would affect the end result?


    Sample page: http://www.arabianraceform.co.uk/form/horses/00002test.php



    <?php    $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT runners.raceid, runners.weight, runners.rat, runners.eqp, runners.pos, runners.beat, runners.plus, runners.price, runners.jockey, race.raceid, race.dateshort, race.cshort, race.racetype, race.distf, race.run, race.ground, race.raceurlFROM runnersInner Join race Onrunners.raceid = race.raceidWHERE runners.horse = 'Wikkara'ORDER BY runners.raceid DESC"); ?>                                     <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/tables/horses.php');?>           <?php mysqli_close($con);?>  

    Table insert code:

        <?php            echo "<table id='keywords'>            <thead>            <tr>            <th>Date</th>            <th>Course</th>                   <th>Race Type</th>               <th>Dist</th>            <th>Going</th>            <th>Weight</th>            <th>Rating</th>            <th>Eqpt</th>            <th>Pos</th>            <th>Beaten</th>            <th>Jockey</th>                   <th>Price</th>                       </tr>            </thead>";            while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {                       include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/inc/links.php');                           echo "<tbody>";                       echo "<tr>";              echo "<td>";              echo "<a href=".$racelink . ">" .$row['dateshort'] . "</a><br>";              echo "<td>" . $row['cshort'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" . $row['racetype'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" . $row['distf'] . "</td>";                       echo "<td>" . $row['ground'] . "</td>";                       echo "<td>" . $row['weight'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" . $row['rat'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" . $row['eqp'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" . $row['pos'] . "/" . $row['run'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" . $row['beat'] . "" . $row['plus'] . "</td>";              echo "<td>" . $row['jockey'] . "</td>";                       echo "<td>" . $row['price'] . "</td>";                       echo "</tr>";              }            echo "</tbody>";            echo "</table>";?>                <script type="text/javascript">          $(document).ready(function() {                $('#keywords').tablesorter();          });    </script>

    CSS Code

        table    {    border-collapse:collapse;    width:100%;    }    #keywords {      margin: 0 auto;      font-size: 1.2em;    }    #keywords thead {      cursor: pointer;      background: #c9dff0;    }    #keywords thead tr th {      font-weight: bold;      padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;    }    #keywords thead tr th span {      padding-right: 20px;      background-repeat: no-repeat;      background-position: 100% 100%;    }    #keywords thead tr th.headerSortUp, #keywords thead tr th.headerSortDown {      background: #acc8dd;    }    #keywords thead tr th.headerSortUp span {      background-image: url('/images/tables/up-arrow.png');    }    #keywords thead tr th.headerSortDown span {      background-image: url('/images/tables/down-arrow.png');    }    #keywords tbody tr {      color: #555;    }    #keywords tbody tr td {      text-align: center;      padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;    }    #keywords tbody tr td.lalign {      text-align: left;    }    #keywords td, #keywords th, #keywords table     {    border: 1px solid black;    }

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Thanks for the reply. Doing that gets me a strange result: http://www.further-flight.co.uk/site/test/justsomeguy.php

    function uc_names($s){  return preg_replace_callback("/(\b[\w|']+\B)/s", 'fixcase_callback', $s);  //return $s;}function fixcase_callback($word){  $word = $word ;  $word = strtolower($word);  if($word == "de")    return $word;  $word = ucfirst($word);  if(substr($word,1,1) == "'")  {    if(substr($word,0,1) == "D")    {   $word = strtolower($word);    }    $next = substr($word,2,1);    $next = strtoupper($next);    $word = substr_replace($word, $next, 2, 1);  }  return $word;}   // Get all the data from the table    $result = mysql_query("SELECT horse, jockey FROM testnames") or die(mysql_error());     echo "<table class='correctenglish' border='1' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='50%'>";    echo "<tr class='toprow'><th>Horse</th> <th>Jockey</th></tr>";       // keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get       while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {       // Print out the contents of each row into a table	  echo  "<tr>";	  echo  "<td align='center'>";	  echo  uc_names($row['horse']);	  echo  "</td>";	  echo  "<td align='center'>";	  echo  uc_names($row['jockey']);	  echo  "</td>";	 	  echo  "</tr>";	  }	  echo  "</table>";

  6. I'm trying to produce a result whereby horse & jockeys names are capitalized correctly. My current results are located here: http://www.further-f...t/testupper.php McNaughton & Billie-Jo are showing correctly, but McDonald and O'Connor aren't. Additionally, I'd like to attempt to have Ii displayed as II. My code is below - could it be tweaked to correct these issues, or is there a better way of achieving all this anyway? Any info gratefully received.

    <?PHP	function FormatName($name=NULL) {	  		if (empty($name))			return false;		$name = strtolower($name);		$names_array = explode('-',$name);		for ($i = 0; $i < count($names_array); $i++) {		  			if (strncmp($names_array[$i],'mc',2) == 0 || ereg('^[oO]\'[a-zA-Z]',$names_array[$i])) {			$names_array[$i][2] = strtoupper($names_array[$i][2]);  			}		  			$names_array[$i] = ucfirst($names_array[$i]);		  		}		$name = implode('-',$names_array);		return ucwords($name);	  	}    // Get all the data from the table	$result = mysql_query("SELECT horse, jockey FROM testnames") or die(mysql_error());	echo "<table class='correctenglish' border='1' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0' width='50%'>";	echo "<tr class='toprow'><th>Horse</th> <th>Jockey</th></tr>";  	// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get  	while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {  	// Print out the contents of each row into a table	  echo  "<tr>";	  echo  "<td align='center'>";	  echo  FormatName($row['horse']);	  echo  "</td>";	  echo  "<td align='center'>";	  echo  FormatName($row['jockey']);	  echo  "</td>";		  echo  "</tr>";	  }	  echo  "</table>";?>

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