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Posts posted by swemark

  1. I have the latest IE and running IIS on my computer. But now I found the error <form method="post" action=hiUser.php" should be <form method="post" action="/hiUser.php"alittle mistake really does make a big differance.thanks for the help.

  2. I have the lastest version of Explore and get trying it on my computer.I trying to do a client socket connection and will have a msgbox that says it is connected or not.If you want I can post the code to the files on monday.

  3. Does anybody have ideas or solutions for this type of problem.here is the code<?phperror_reporting(E_ALL);$server_port=12345;$nbytes=30720; //30 KB$username = "fpu";$password = "fpubm123";//$request ="1:" . $_REQUEST[$username] . ":" . $_REQUEST[$password];$request ="1:" . $username . ":" . $password;// Create a TCP/IP socket.$fp = stream_socket_client("tcp://" . $server_port, $errno, $errstr, 5);if (!$fp) { $temp="ERROR: connection to socket server failed...."; $output="<HTML>\n<BODY>\n" . $temp ." errno: ". $errno ." errstr:". $errstr."\n</BODY>\n</HTML>";} else { fwrite($fp, $request . "\n"); $response = fread($fp, $nbytes); if(strcmp(substr($response,0,4),"ERROR")==0) $output="<HTML><BODY>" . $response . "</BODY></HTML>"; else $output=$response; }echo $output;?> :)

  4. having problems with putting html in php files and then tried a html file to open a php file with gives the msgbox to open it or save. I click open then nothing happens why and how to change this :)

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