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Posts posted by Codeguru

  1. I'm a bit new to ASP.NET, even though I have most of the key concepts under my belt from working with previous languages. I've been downloading all the development stuff from the tutorials on the w3schools site, but I keep hearing about the SDK from microsoft. Can someone please inform me of which verison I should get for this SDK software? 1.0, 2.0, etc. I honestly have no idea even after reading everything I've come across as to which development software I should be working with...

  2. Okay, yeah. That was the case. The initial logon was perpetuated beyond me just closing the window and loading the page up again. I just have to program a submit button to show somewhere on the page when a user is logged in that allows them to log out...

  3. Okay, I have the code block:

    @{// Initialize pagevar username = "";var password = "";var ErrorMessage = "";// If this is a POST request, validate and process dataif (IsPost){username = Request.Form["username"];password = Request.Form["password"];if (username.IsEmpty() || password.IsEmpty()){ErrorMessage = "You must specify a username and password.";}else{// Login, Navigate back to the homepage and exitif (WebSecurity.Login(username, password, false)){Response.Redirect("~/");}else{ErrorMessage = "Login failed";}}}}@if (ErrorMessage!="") {<p>@ErrorMessage</p><p>Please correct the errors and try again.</p>}<form method="post" action=""><fieldset><legend>Log In to Your Account</legend><ol><li><label>Username:</label><input type="text" id="username" name="username" /></li><li><label>Password:</label><input type="password" id="password" name="password" /></li><li><p><input type="submit" value="login" /></p></li></ol></fieldset></form>

    I think it's doing that authenticate thing with the "WebSecurity.Login(username, password, false)" line. But the problem is by default, the websecurity.isauthenticated is set to true, at least on my example. Shouldn't it always be a false check if the page is freshly loaded? I did log in with a valid user name and password initially before they had me add the security. Does the initial login just keep the authenticate option set to true?...

  4. I'm trying to get myself aquainted with ASP.NET and I've been following through the WebMatrix Demo here. Now when it it tells me to add the code:

    if (!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated){Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login");}

    Adding that to a page in order to redirect it away from a restricted page. Well, on the demo, it seems every page passes the Websecurity.IsAuthenticated check no matter if I have entered a login/password or not on the login screen. Is there a key bit of syntax that wasn't included to finish adding security to specific pages?...

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