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Posts posted by Tobberoth

  1. Why dont you just use wordpress or some pre-made blog thing... I think you can customize fully these pre-made blogs. creating a blog would mean learning a bit of advance PHP and MySQL. But hey, if you wanna be original and create your very own blog, go for it. It's pretty much a challenge! but people will respect you for it.i guess you need atleast one server side script/language like PHP and at least one database like MySQL if you want a blog. You can actually save blog entries in text files but hey! just use the database instead if you know how to handle one...

    I was thinking about using movable type 3, an advanced program for making a blogg.. however, it was so advanced, I had no idea how to even install it.I want to make a blog like: http://www.designchronicle.com/memento/
  2. So, I've decided to make a blogg, and a good one.The problem is, i know html pretty well, but I've decided to make it in xhtml with LOTS of CSS (which I learned yesterday :)) and now I need to learn the hard parts:Making a database and a working form.What I want is to have a database with all my entries in the blogg so they can be handled effectivly. I want to post my entry and some code will put it into the html, give it a timestamp and all that stuff.Second of all, I want people who come to the blogg to be able to comment on my posts. They write in name, location and stuff, and my html is updated with their comment.What do I need to learn to be able to create this? PHP? Javascript?

  3. Not very possible... Unless you put your 4 divs inside another div (with 0 padding) that has the same color as your margin menus.EDIT: I didn't get to see your example as I was trying stuff, still, this does kinda apply.

    Hey man.. That's actually a very good idea... I'll try that, that might be just what I need O.o
  4. Here's the code: I want the whole margin to be brown (for the example) and I don't want the brown area to go over the border of the content area.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head><title>Test</title><style type="text/css">div.container{width:100%;margin:0px;border:1px solid gray;line-height:150%;}div.header,div.footer{padding:0.5em;color:white;background-color:gray;clear:left;}h1.header{padding:0;margin:0;}div.left{float:left;width:160px;margin:0;padding:1em;background-color:#732;}div.content{margin-left:190px;border-left:1px solid gray;padding:1em;}</style></head><body><div class="container"><div class="header"><h1 class="header">Random Title</h1></div><div class="left"><p>The area with problems! I want this whole area to be the color I decide.</p></div><div class="content"><h2>Credits to W3Schools for this code</h2><p>Bla bla bla, this is the content area BTW</p><p>This text is to make the area big enough to display the problem.</p><p>bla bla</p><p> blablablablabla</p><p>Blablabla</p><p>baslbalbal</p><p>Blablabla</p><p>Blablabla</p></div><div class="footer">Something</div></div></body></html>

  5. I dont really "clearly" understand what the problem is, but try adding a min-height property to the two divs beside the content area.

    That is only a temporary solution and won't work if the content area is smaller than the min.height...Isn't there anyway to use the content divs height as the value for the margins, or am I too used to java programing and variables? I'll hook you guys up with a code so you can see.
  6. I am, like many others, trying to move from html to xhtml and CSS insted of tables etc. I'm working on a design with some divs. A header, a content area with margins containing links to the left and right, and a footer with copyright information.The problem is, the divs for the margins are only as big as the data inside them, I want them to be just as high as the content area, otherwise there will be white spaces if I color the margins. I can't define hight for the margins as I don't know how big the content area will be, it will probably vary from page to page.I'm pretty bad at this, help me.

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