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Posts posted by rogerio

  1. I have tried SEVERAL footers with IE8 and they all have one problem in that they hang unless the browser is dragged horizontally (just vertical won't work) and then it will follow; is there a way to solve this? sample:

    <style type="text/css">* {margin:0;padding:0;}html, body {height:100%;}#container {overflow:hidden; /* wrap floats just in case */min-height:100%;}* html #container {/*  IE6 has no min-height, but will will treat height as such  if overflow is set to visible. Thankfully the height declaration  trips haslayout, which wraps floats.*/height:100%;overflow:visible;}#content {/* extra bottom padding makes room for footer */padding:0.5em 0.5em 4.1em;}#footer {position:relative; /* make sure it depth sorts over #content */margin-top:-3.6em;font:normal 100%/120% arial,helvetica,sans-serif;}</style></head><body><div id="container"><div id="content">  Just some test content    IE6 has no min-height, but will will treat height as such  if overflow is set to visible. Thankfully the height declaration  trips haslayout, which wraps floats.</div><!-- #container --></div><div id="footer">Test Line 1<br />Test Line 2<br />Test Line 3<!-- #footer --></div>

  2. This only works if added to the .html, how can I get this to work in an external .css?

    <style type="text/css">/* Remove margins from the 'html' and 'body' tags, and ensure the page takes up full screen height */html, body{    height:100%;    margin:0;    padding:0;    color:white;}/* Set the position and dimensions of the background image. */#page-background{    position:fixed;    top:0;    left:0;    width:100%;    height:100%;}/* Specify the position and layering for the content that needs to appear in front of the background image. Must have a higher z-index value than the background image. Also add some padding to compensate for removing the margin from the 'html' and 'body' tags. */#content{    position:relative;    z-index:1;    padding:10px;}#footer{    font-size:small;    text-align:center;}</style><!-- The above code doesn't work in Internet Explorer 6. To address this, we use a conditional comment to specify an alternative style sheet for IE 6 --><!--[if IE 6]><style type="text/css">html{    overflow-y:hidden;}body{    overflow-y:auto;}#page-background{    position:absolute;    z-index:-1;}#content{    position:static;    padding:10px;}</style><![endif]-->

  3. I do - when they work. I had a problem this morning and neither FF or IE responded; after an hour, I finally found the problem. Debugging is the short coming of all .css, html and javascript. another issue is that I happen to pick a Linux server to use and, of course, it is case sensitive and that took some time to fix that. This whole thing has been a huge learning experience after laying off for many years and all the changes that have developed. Many of the things that I knew in the past are history and it gets me in trouble.

  4. quirk - after uploading to the net: if I leave the .css code embedded, everything is fine; if I put it in a separate file, it doesn't work. I know the .css is being found because the background image is getting resized. WHY?????

  5. this is what I ended up with and it works perfect with one minor change to your tip dsonesuk.

    <style type="text/css">#bgDiv, #bgImg{	    position:absolute;	    top:0px;	    left:0px;	    width:100%;	    height:100%;	    z-index:-1;	    overflow:hidden;}#content{	    position:relative;	    margin-top:4%;	    margin-left:23%;	    height:82%;	    width:51%;	    background-color: #fff;	    opacity:.5;	    filter: alpha(opacity=0);}#link{	    position: absolute;	    top:0px;	    left:0px;	    right: 0px;	    bottom:0px;}</style></head><body><div id='bgDiv'><img src='images/DefaultBG.jpg' id='bgImg'/>   <span id='tooltip0' class='tooltip'></span>  <div id="content" onMouseOver='showText(event, 0);' onMouseOut='HideTip(0);'>   <a href="pages/main.html" id='link'></a>  </div></div></body></html>

  6. I think this is what you said; if so FF is working the same as before and IE has no link.

    <style type="text/css">#bgImg{	position:absolute;	top:0px;	left:0px;	width:100%;	height:100%;	z-index:-1;	overflow:hidden;}#content{		position:relative;	margin-top:4%;	margin-left:23%;	height:82%;	width:51%;	background-color: #fff;	opacity:.5;	filter: alpha(opacity=0);}#link{	position: absolute;	top:0px;	left:0px;	right: 0px;	bottom:0px;}</style></head> <body>	<div id='bgImg'><img src='images/DefaultBG.jpg' style='width:100%; height:100%'/> 		<div id="content">			<a href="pages/main.html" id='link'></a>		</div> 	</div></body>

  7. EDIT: This is true for FF only: I have a background image that sizes to the browser window. In the center of the image is a clickable div that has a horizontal and vertical margins. The problem is that the entire height of the div is clickable horizontally and I want only the center. See attached image.

    #bgImg{position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:-1;overflow:hidden;}#content{margin-top:4%;margin-left:23%;margin-right:26%;height:82%;background-color: #fff;opacity:.5;filter: alpha(opacity=0);overflow:hidden;} <body>	<div id='bgImg'>	<img id='bgImg' src='images/DefaultBG.jpg'/>  	<a href="pages/main.html">	<div id="content">	</div>	</a></div></body></html>


  8. Apparently this is one that javascript can't handle and stay compatible for the user. I appreciate the help from all. I just found an interesting article on checking for detecting browser features:http://msdn.microsof...v=vs.85%29.aspx I have been doing some google-ing and there doesn't seem to be a list of browsers by DOM level, what is a recommendation for determining level 3 browsers? It looks like that going back past IE6 and using DOM 3 is not going to work.

  9. Sorry, thought you understood. I have several links on a page and each link is connected to a popup using 1 .css and having different text. The way I currently call them is to pass the ID of the popups along with the event and a handle used to move the popups if they get stacked on top of each other. Not related to this it is possible to click on the popup and bring it to the front with the z-index.

  10. That looks like it just might work, thanks... Ran into a problem. It appears that there is another script (/js/lib/mootools-core-1.4.5-nocompat.js) being loaded to make this work. Is the code in the frames complete because I cannot get them to work without the above mentioned?

  11. I have come up with this and the only problem is that the mouseover event is activated when moving back over the link and reactivates the mouseout which will close the popup. I tried using an array but the values are lost.

    function mTest(event){if((event.type)=='mouseover'){  alert('over');  mVal=2;}if((event.type)=='mouseout' && (mVal!=3)){  alert('out');}if((event.type)=='click'){  alert('click');  return mVal=3;}}

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