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Posts posted by navid_miraj

  1. Tanx, Right now if i check the checkbox then the inputfield become enabled, byt if I uncheck the checkbox it becomes invisible, but i can write in the inputfield. It is may be good te to hidden it if the checkboz is not checked and show the inputfield when the checkbox is checked.tanx in advance. navid

  2. Hi to every one!I have a form, and ther is some input fields wicht i want to be enabled or visible when a user check a checkbox.for example:checkboxes:E-mail On Event (CHECKBOX) SMS On Event (CHECKBOX) Pop Up On Event (CHECKBOX) Beep On Event (CHECKBOX) Skype On Event (CHECKBOX) Telefoon On Event (CHECKBOX) inputfields:When i check the Email On Event then i want to see this fields, or the field must be enabled to be filled in, otherwise enabled or invisible:E-mail Adres #1 (INPUT FIELD)E-mail Adres #2 (INPUT FIELD)E-mail Adres #3 (INPUT FIELD) When i check the SMS On Event then i want to see this fields, or the field must be enabled to be filled in, otherwise enabled or invisible:Mobiele Nummer (INPUT FIELD) When i check the POP On Event then i want to see this fields, or the field must be enabled to be filled in, otherwise enabled or invisible: Pop Up (INPUT FIELD) When i check the Beep On Event then i want to see this fields, or the field must be enabled to be filled in, otherwise enabled or invisible: Beep (INPUT FIELD) When i check the Skype On Event then i want to see this fields, or the field must be enabled to be filled in, otherwise enabled or invisible: Skype (INPUT FIELD) When i check the Telefoon On Event then i want to see this fields, or the field must be enabled to be filled in, otherwise enabled or invisible: Telefoon (INPUT FIELD) tanxnavid

  3. Hi everyone!I have written an program, it works perfect. I have included two extra pages inside my index.php. When I reviewed the source code, then I saw three html tags, and was not the purpose. I got remove html tags from the pages which I included inside index.php. When I removd that tages I removed script functions too. I added all those functions in a javascript file an saved it and took it inside the head tag of index.php, but it dos't work on files that I included inside index.php. I not good in javascript. that is why I need your help.greetingsnavid

  4. Hi every one!I am making a script. I want to have a function in javascript to disable or disapear part of script. For example. I have to make a script to send a notification if the camera detect a motion. I want a function like this. If the motion detection is disabled then I dont want to see the rest of a script, but when I enabled it then I want to see the other fields.can some one help me, pleaseregards and sorry that my english not perfect is.navid

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