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Posts posted by TrepaNation~

  1. Thanks so much for the advice justsomeguy! Through your input I managed to get it to work!! Mind you I have absolutely no idea WHY it worked, because js is greek to me... What I did was change "$jx = jQuery.noConflict();" to "$jx = jQuery;". I checked the site and there are no adverse effects of making this change. If you know of some reason this is not good please let me know. But at this time I am a happy camper with things functioning as intended.

  2. Correct, the scroll script is much shorter. There were only 3 instances of "$jx" so I quickly changed them to "$". But it still had the same problem. The JGlide worked but no persistent scroll. I went on to change it to "$nc" (for no conflict) in case "$" was referenced elsewhere. Still broken. Any other ideas?

  3. Hello there. I am implementing a JavaSript menu into my company's website, but seemed to have run into a snag. An existing script on the page is interfering with the new JavaScript menu. It is the JGlideMenu found here: http://www.sonicradish.com/labs/jGlideMenu/current/index.htmlI am using the inline example found on their page. I have the menu placed in a PHP side bar that acts as a persistent navigation that is conditionally fixed. The sidebar uses JQuery to switch from a static postion to a fixed position when reaching a certain scroll point. The JGlideMenu works great until I do any scrolling of the page. At that point the menu no longer functions. Instead the "rel" link (#tile_002), which is the next "slide" of the menu is placed at the end of the url. You can check out our website here to see what I'm talking about: mlkishigo.com/home-2012.html If I disable the conditionally fixed jquery it corrects the problem with JGlideMenu. But obviously I need them both to work. Any advice you have would be VERY MUCH appreciated. And please let me know if you need any other info to trouble shoot this. Thanks!

  4. Hi, I am working on a website for a client and using WordPress as my CMS to streamline the process and allow them to make updates themself. I am no stranger to wordpress or to CSS for that matter. But for some reason the theme I am using is doing something funky with the positioning of the page elements. I've been over and over the CSS so many times without finding the culprit that I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! The site is: www.easy2live.com/home This is the theme sample which functions correctly: http://themes.goodlayers.com/?theme=slideone The issue is this. The page headline, body copy and green page divider don't want to stick with the white content container which is to be its back drop. If you adjust the browser window the left navigation and white content container do as intended, but the elements I mentioned float around independently and fall out of alignment. Please take a look and let me know if you need any more information to trouble shoot this. Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

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