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Posts posted by kaitco

  1. Different users will having various settings depending on the browsers they use. It is always best to use relative measurements, in regards to font size, page widths, etc., that way your content will appear the way you want it to, but in relation to your visitors settings.

  2. Here is where your problem lies: <td width="40%" valign=top> <font size="2"> <ul class="outside"> <li>Individual and Corporate Real Estate Portfolios</li> <ul class="outside"> <li>Asset Management</li> <li>Property Value Enhancement</li> <li>Property Management</li> <li>Financial and/or Property Expense Analysis</li> </ul> </ul> </font> </td>In order to nest lists like you are trying to do, you have to nest the new list completely inside a <li> tag, likeso:

    <td width="40%" valign=top>		<font size="2">			<ul class="outside">				<li>Individual and Corporate Real Estate Portfolios<!-- the </li> was removed -->					<ul class="outside">						<li>Asset Management</li>						<li>Property Value Enhancement</li>						<li>Property Management</li>						<li>Financial and/or Property Expense Analysis</li>					</ul>				</li><!-- and added here. Now the preceding list is now nested within one list item -->			</ul>				</font>		</td>

    Note the position of the <li> tag. Your list, Assest Management etc. is nested within the list item Individual and Corporate etc.

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