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Shadow X

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Posts posted by Shadow X

  1. Try posting code if you're trying to help, it's more...helpful.Ok.Do this:<td background="put url of image here" style="background:no-repeat;">PUT TEXT HERE</td>That should do it. :)

    ok i see what your saying, and i tried it, and it kind of half worked, but the body just wen all white. Where exactly should i put that code inheres a chunk of the code, and ill show u how i was doing it.<IMG SRC="images/Index_33.gif" WIDTH=596 HEIGHT=15 ALT=""></TD> <TD> <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=15 ALT=""></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=11 ROWSPAN=7> <IMG SRC="images/Index_34.gif" WIDTH=739 HEIGHT=470 ALT=""></TD> <TD> <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=24 ALT=""></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=5> <IMG SRC="images/Index_35.gif" WIDTH=225 HEIGHT=52 ALT=""></TD>and i was putting in the code in place of the <IMG> tag(at images/Index_34.gif), and then i tried at the <TD> tag below it, but still nothing. but thanks so far i have a better idea of how to do it.
  2. ok, so im new here, and new to html, so i have a question i cant find the answer to. so i have a website im making, and i want to be able to type on an image as if it were a background. i have the image sliced exactly where i want it exactly how i want it, and i want to know how to set the image so i can type over it just regularely without typing directly in the code. Originaly i thought setting the image to a background would fix it, but then instead of the image staying where it is it just repeated itself, and i dont want that. the code is:<IMG SRC="image/Index_34.gif" WIDTH=739 HEIGHT=470 ALT=""></TD>i have done it before a long time ago and i cant remember how, but i typed something into the code of the image exactly like the one above, and i was able to type on the image as if it were a background, but the image itself stayed exactly the same and didnt move. if you can please help with this it would be greatly apreciated. Shadow

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