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Posts posted by ocampod

  1. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>HomeSource Center</title></head><body bgcolor="#b0c4de"><basefont face="verdana" size="3"><table align="center" width="700" height="100%"cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="white" border="0"><tr bordercolor="white"><td height="10" valign="top">  </td><td height="10" align="right"><font size="1"><a href="homesource.htm">home</a> | products | associates | <a href="homesource - donations.htm">donations</a> | <a href="homesource - contact us.htm">contact us</a>   </td></tr><tr><td height="100" colspan="2">homesource banner goes here</td></tr><tr><td height="340" width="600" colspan="2" valign="top"><font size="2"><h5>Donations</h5>All types of building materials, tools and equipment are needed to effectivelyimplement housing rehabilitation in our central city neighborhoods. HomeSourceis seeking donations of building materials in reasonably good condition.<p>HomeSource appreciates any thoughtful donation, but we must evaluate donation on a case basis. Our space is limited at our warehouse, our goal is to try to fillour space with building materials that can be used in central city homes.<p><table align="center" width="575" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="0"><tr><td><font size="1">Appliances</td><td><font size="1">Cabinent and Counter tops</td><td><font size="1">Carpet</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Caulking</td><td><font size="1">Door knobs and hinges</td><td><font size="1">Doors (interior and exterior)</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Drywall and accessories</td><td><font size="1">Electrical wire and accessories</td><td><font size="1">Flooring</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Furnances and accessories</td><td><font size="1">Glass block</td><td><font size="1">Hardware</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Hot Water Heaters</td><td><font size="1">Household Tools</td><td><font size="1">Insulation</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Kitchen and Bathroom fixtures</td><td><font size="1">Light fixtures</td><td><font size="1">Lumber</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Moldings</td><td><font size="1">Nails and Fasteners</td><td><font size="1">Paint (interior and exterior)</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Paint Brushes and Rollers</td><td><font size="1">Plumbing parts and accessories</td><td><font size="1">Roofing materials</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Sheeting material</td><td><font size="1">Siding and Gutters</td><td><font size="1">Wallpaper Borders</td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Window Insulation Plastic</td><td><font size="1">Window Security Gates</td><td><font size="1">Windows</td></table><p><h5>Benefits of contributing</h5><ul><li>Donated materials are tax deductible</li><li>Pick-up service for donations is available</li><li>The use of these materials reduces the load on landfills</li><li>Satisfaction is realized by assisting low to moderate income residentsin maintaining their properties.</li><li>You will join more than <u>100</u> companies who have partnered with HomeSourceto make our community more beautiful, productive and stable for all.</li></ul></td></tr><tr height="10"><td align="right" colspan="2"><font size="1">3701 West Lisbon Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53208 | PHONE 414-344-4142 | FAX 414-344-5717</td></tr></table></font></body></html>If you notice, I always have to change the font size, I don't know what's wrong. Please let me know thanks.

  2. Are you sending it like this<form action="mailto:someaddress@somedomain.com" ... ?This is very inconsistant. Many programs like outlook will interfer with this and cause it not to work.You should look into a server side lanaguage to process then email the results of the form.As far as encryption, I am not sure, look into SSL.

    Yea that's the way I learned it. I am not familiar with SSL, is it difficult? Which site offers information about it? Thanks
  3. I am having trouble with implementing forms into my web page. One of my main problems is aligment. I can't seem to get them aligned the way I want it. Also, when users hit the submit button to email their information, it causes Outlook to open up rather than just sending it. Lastly, is there a way to encrypt the message? ThanksDave O

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