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Posts posted by BabaFree

  1. Hello,I'm having some trouble with a border and, rather than continuing to pull my hair out, I wanted to ask for help.The problem is that in Firefox there is a gap between the top border and the start of the header image. In IE7 there is not. I've tried messing with everything to figure out why and have had no luck at all. Anyone know why it's doing this and how to fix it?Thanks in advance,BrandonHere is the page:http://www.babafree.com/drafts/nlacyouth/index.htmlHere is the CSS:

    html,body {margin:0;margin-top:5px;padding:0;}body {font: 76% arial,sans-serif;text-align:center}p {margin:0 10px 10px}a {display:block;color: #981793;padding:10px}div#header  {height:80px;background-image:url(../images/layout/header.jpg);}div#header h1 {padding-top:30px;margin-left:30px;}div#container {text-align:left;width:700px;margin:0px auto;border:medium solid #A0CA4A;}div#content {float:left;width:500px;background-image:url(../images/layout/content_body.jpg);background-repeat:repeat-y;}div#content p {line-height:1.4;padding:10px;}div#navigation {float:right;width:200px;text-align:center;}div#navigation img{margin:10px;}div#extra {float:left;width:500px;background-image:url(../images/layout/content_footer.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;}div#footer {background: #FFF;clear:both;width:100%}div#footer p {margin:0;padding:5px 10px}

  2. does anyone know how to create a button by not creating a button symbol, but rather a movie clip symbol ? I have seen it done and have noticed how much more can be done with a button made in this way.
    Check out the following link for a great tutorial on doing this.http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash8/vid...ngMCbuttons.htmAs to the other questions, the little icons are called "Favicons" and some Google searches turn up a bunch of information that you'll find useful.As to XML, no clue to help you there.Hope this was helpful.Brandon
  3. I'll agree that this is a great resource. What I'm looking for, however (as far as this thread is concerned), is a resource to find local groups that I can physically be part of. Something that has meetings and conferences and the like. I looked into places like the HTML Writers Guild and such, but I would rather have something in my area. Any ideas?Thanks,Brandon

  4. Hey Everyone:I'm looking for somewhere that I can find local web design groups that I can join. So far, my Google skills have failed me. Is there a website that lists these kinds of groups?BTW, I'm searching in the Nashville, TN area.Thanks,Brandon

  5. Hey Everyone:Here's the problem. My "Extra" div is overlapping my content by 50px. I can try to increase the negative margin (which makes the problem worse), or decrease it (which breaks the entire layout for some reason). I've included the CSS code below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Brandon

    <style type="text/css">html,body{margin:0;padding:0}body{font: 76% arial,sans-serif}p{margin:0 10px 10px}a{display:block;color: #981793;padding:10px}div#header h1{height:100px;line-height:80px;margin:0;  padding-left:10px;background: #9AECEA;color: #79B30B}div#content p{line-height:1.4}div#navigation{background:#B9CAFF}div#extra{background:#FF8539}div#footer{background: #333;color: #FFF}div#footer p{margin:0;padding:5px 10px}div#wrapper{float:left;width:100%}div#content{margin: 0 150px}div#navigation{float:left;width:150px;margin-left:-100%}div#extra{float:left;width:200px;margin-left:-200px}div#footer{clear:left;width:100%}</style>

  6. Hey Everyone.Ok, I've Googled, searched on this forum and others, and even tried to make stuff up (which generally doesn't work, but you never know), and I'm batting 0.000 so far. Chalk it up to Javascript ignorance. What I want to do is have the contents of a specific <div> change when I hover the mouse over an image that is in a separate div:I've gotten the closest with the following:

    <img src="images/testbut1.png" onmouseover="document.getElementById('changing').innerHTML = 'hello'">

    which works perfectly and I see "hello" show up in the target div! I get happy and start thinking that the last two hours have finally paid off. Then I put the following:

    <img src="images/testbut2.png" onmouseover="document.getElementById('changing').innerHTML = '<img src="images/ad_sundaysermon.jpg">'">

    Heart plummets and elation gone. Nothing happens and these characters are displayed after my testbut2.png:'">Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or simply present a better way of doing what I'm trying? Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Brandon

  7. Hey everyone. I'm having a problem getting my html and css to work together and could really use some help. Here's the link:My Webpagehttp://'s the problem. I need the image on the right to expand the "divbody" as I expand the image. In other words I need the image to expand the double border and push the copyright down. I've worked on this for days and nothing I do seems to work. Please let me know if I've not explained this good enough.Thanks in advance for any help you could give me.Here's my CSS:

    body {	font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	font-size:12px;	color: #662100;}.a:link {	color:#C57104}a:link {	color: #662100;}a:visited {	color: #662100;}a:hover {	color:#FFFF00;}.smalllinks {	font-size:9px;}h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, td, tr {	color: #662100}#divbody {	width:770px;	height:auto;	background-color:#E4DCC9;	position:relative;	margin:0 auto;	z-index:5;		}#topbar {	width:770px;	height:15px;	text-align:right;	font-size:x-small;	font:bold;	color:#662100;	padding-top:3px;	padding-bottom:3px;}#masthead {	position:relative	width:770px;	height:150px;	background-image:url(../images/masthead.png);	text-align:center;}#navbar {	width:770px;	height:25px;	background-color:#E4DCC9;	text-align:center;	font-size:medium;	color:#662100;	border-bottom-style:solid;	border-bottom-width:2px;	border-bottom-color:#662100;	text-align:left	}#mainpage {	width:770px;	height:auto;	margin:0 auto;	}.floatright {	float:right}#copyright {	position:absolute;	text-align:center;	font-size:smaller;	left: 183px;	top: 694px;}#rightbar {	width:154px;	height:auto;	background-color:#E4DCC9;	float:right;	position:inherit;	top:0px;}.bottomborderorange {	border: thick double #DB8719;}.bodymargin {	margin:10px;}

  8. Do you have control over the server the board is installed on or is it a free phpBB service???You can use php to access the database if you have control of the server. None of the free services give you access to the database (that I know of).

    It is a board that is installed through my hosting site. I'm assuming that I have access to the database, but I'm clueless when it comes to PHP. If I do have access and could come up with some type of code, would be a code that I could embed into a div on the page?
  9. I made a flash movie and then exported it to .avi. My fades in and out (using the alpha transparency) are fine in flash, but the seem to lag and slow down when I export it to .avi. Is there something I'm not doing or is this normal? Thanks in advance.BabaFreeEdit: Ok guys, I figured it out. If anyone's having the same problem, you have to export as 32bit w/ Alpha.

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