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Posts posted by mexut

  1. Glad we could help out.Or at least, me...Jonas' post is redundant. Lets lynch him! :):)

    LOL :(no wonder why your a moderator here :DExperience Talks...I have another question but its not that important atm as i am not working on it currently... its about flash, im trying to design a flash GUI where someone can enter some details, like name address and etc.... I've designed the interface but i have no clue on how to program it...Does flash have the ability to store information and put that information together (like in a list) onto one .txt file and send it to an email address after a submit button has been pressed?You dont have to completely tell me how to do it, but i would like to know if its possible?once again i really appreciate your help!
  2. I see your error. You have referred to your file with a different name. If you look at your file:http://www.melbourne-destiny.com/1280/You can see you have a file named Index.htm.On your main page:http://www.melbourne-destiny.com/index.htmYour index file has a small i, not a large one, and in the links on this page, you link to:
    a href="1024/index.htm">


    <a href="1280/index.htm">

    The files are named Index, with a big I. Either you can change the code throughout your pages, or better yet just save the Index.htm files again as index.htm.EDIT: So, what Choco said (the short version). :)

    OK,atm I do not have access to the actual files i created on my PC, and i do not have access to the ftp server to change them either, but once i get home i will get around it...But the site works just fine at home... on the PC...so the link has to be pointed as Index.html to Index.html???like the i and the I makes the whole difference?
  3. Hi guys, I've designed a website, registered a domain and uploaded my pages to a server. The first page loads which is named index.html, but the links dont work for some reason... eg: 1. /1024/index.html 2. /1280/index.html 3. /800/index.html works just fine when i first click on it, but when I click on it next time from another page it doesnt load again... :/ the website is "www.melbourne-destiny.com" please try out and see for yourself... This is my first time doing this so I do not have any past experience. I think that the server doesnt support index.htm links, or am I wrong? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

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