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Posts posted by earth4x

  1. Ok here's my problem!!!I have a textarea which I enter some numbers in and then my program transforms those numbers into a javascript arrays, checks some stuff and then gives me back the numbers... then I want to re-insert back into the textarea.. which works fine except I want a \n after every number... so logically I put a table.join command so that after each number there's a \n.. but it just doesn't work!!! chaineNotesValides = tValeursTriees.join("\n"); champNotes.innerHTML = chaineNotesValides;here you can see the 2 things that join the \n and then put the info in the textarea... problem is my numbers come out like so :50 60 70 80 90and if I change \n to let's say % it does this :50%60%70%80%90it works.. but why doesn't it make a \n like i'm asking it to?.. can someone help :/

  2. I have a text area set up in my page with a javascript array in the code... What i wanna do is for example enter some numbers in my text area like so :506070 etc...And I want this information to go in an array has so :50 as [0]60 as [1]70 as [3]etc...but.. I just can't find a way to do it.. I tried making a table.push but it isn't workingcan someone help me?

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