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Posts posted by boylesg

  1. I am following this example: http://blog.teamtreehouse.com/uploading-files-ajax


    Great! it is fairly simple.


    However I tried it and the javascript crashes at the indicated line of javascript.


    This is the problem I am having - none of the authors have a complete working examples.

    They leave out information that is critical for a newby.

    Obviously I have to include something in order to get "new FormData()" to work.


    But what? I have no idea at this point!

     			function OnClick()
    				var FormData = new FormData();
    				var InputBrowseFiles = document.getElementById("BrowseFiles")
    				var File;
    				var arrayFilenames = fileSelect.files;
    				// Loop through each of the selected files.
    				for (var nI = 0; nI < files.length; nI++) 
      					File = InputBrowseFiles [nI];
      					// Check the file type.
      					if (File .type.match("*.htm") || File .type.match("*.txt") || File .type.match("*.php"))
    						// Add the file to the request.
    						formData.append('contents[]', File, File.name);
      				// Set up the request.
    				httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    				// Open the connection.
    				httpReq .open('POST', 'upload.php', true);
    				// Set up a handler for when the request finishes.
    				httpReq .onload = OnReqFinish;
    				// Send the Data.
    				httpReq .send(formData);
  2. First, you need to match the case for the IDs in your element and then the selector in Javascript.


    For files being uploaded to PHP, in order to populate the $_FILES array the form's enctype needs to be set to "multipart/form-data".


    Are you selecting files and then pressing the submit button, or trying to upload files individually through ajax? It looks like you're trying to do both. If you're trying to do a normal form submit then you should put brackets on the input name so that it creates an array in PHP:



    It is the first time I have tried this so I have no clear idea of what is ajax and what is normal form submit.


    Basically I need a fully implemented simple example html file, using either method (form submit example preferred), so I can reverse engineer and understand how it is done. And not have to around with long winded explanations, which is all I have found so far.


    Don't have such an example or can point me in the direction of one can you?

  3. How do you do this folks?


    I have been trying to follow some examples but all I seem to get in $_POST is the name of the first selected file.


    $_FILES is empty.


    This is my code thus far:

    header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8');
    <!DOCTYPE html>


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <title>File(s) size</title>


    function UpdateList()
    var fBytes = 0;
    var InputUploadFiles = document.getElementById("UploadFiles").files;
    var nFiles = InputUploadFiles.length;
    var InputFileList = document.getElementById("ListFiles");
    var strFilename = "";
    var option = null;
    var fFileSize = 0;
    var InputLabelTotalBytes = document.getElementById("LabelTotalBytes");

    for (var nFileId = 0; nFileId < nFiles; nFileId++)
    option = document.createElement("option");
    fFileSize = InputUploadFiles[nFileId].size / 1024;
    option.text = InputUploadFiles[nFileId].name + " (" + fFileSize.toFixed(2) + " kBytes)";
    fBytes += InputUploadFiles[nFileId].size;
    fBytes /= 1024;
    InputLabelTotalBytes.innerHTML = fBytes.toFixed(2);

    function UploadFile(file)
    var url = 'server/index.php';
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var fd = new FormData();

    xhr.open("POST", url, true);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function()

    if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
    // Every thing ok, file uploaded
    console.log(xhr.responseText); // handle response.
    fd.append("upload_file", file);


    function UploadFiles()
    var files = this.files;

    for var nI = 0; nI < files.length; nI++)
    UploadFile(this.files[nI]); // call the function to upload the file

    var uploadfiles = document.querySelector('#uploadfiles');
    uploadfiles.addEventListener('change', UploadFiles, false);



    <body onload="updateSize();">

    <form name="FileUploadForm" target="upload.php" method="POST">

    <input id="UploadFiles" type="file" name="UploadFiles" onchange="UpdateList();" multiple size="10"> </p>
    <p><select name="ListFiles" id="ListFiles" size="10" style="width: 224px">
    <p><label id="LabelTotalBytes">0</label> kBytes in total to upload...</p>

    <p><input type="submit" value="Upload files"></p>
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

  4. How do you do this folks?


    I have been trying to follow some examples but all I seem to get in $_POST is the name of the first selected file.


    $_FILES is empty.


    This is my code thus far:

    		header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8');
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    	<meta charset="UTF-8">
    	<title>File(s) size</title>
    			function UpdateList() 
    				var fBytes = 0;
    		      	var InputUploadFiles = document.getElementById("UploadFiles").files;
    		      	var nFiles = InputUploadFiles.length;
    		      	var InputFileList = document.getElementById("ListFiles");
    		      	var strFilename = "";
    		      	var option = null;
    		      	var fFileSize = 0;
    		      	var InputLabelTotalBytes = document.getElementById("LabelTotalBytes");
    		  		for (var nFileId = 0; nFileId < nFiles; nFileId++)
    		  			option = document.createElement("option");
    		  			fFileSize = InputUploadFiles[nFileId].size / 1024;
    		  			option.text = InputUploadFiles[nFileId].name + " (" + fFileSize.toFixed(2) + " kBytes)";
    		    		fBytes += InputUploadFiles[nFileId].size;
    		  		fBytes /= 1024;
    		  		InputLabelTotalBytes.innerHTML = fBytes.toFixed(2);
    			function UploadFile(file)
    		    	var url = 'server/index.php';
    		    	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    		    	var fd = new FormData();
    		    	xhr.open("POST", url, true);
    		    	xhr.onreadystatechange = function() 
    		        	if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) 
    		            	// Every thing ok, file uploaded
    		            	console.log(xhr.responseText); // handle response.
    		    	fd.append("upload_file", file);
    			function UploadFiles()
    			    var files = this.files;
    			    for var nI = 0; nI < files.length; nI++)
    			        UploadFile(this.files[nI]); // call the function to upload the file
    			var uploadfiles = document.querySelector('#uploadfiles');
    			uploadfiles.addEventListener('change', UploadFiles, false);
    	<body onload="updateSize();">
    		<form name="FileUploadForm" target="upload.php" method="POST">
    			<input id="UploadFiles" type="file" name="UploadFiles" onchange="UpdateList();" multiple size="10"> </p>
    			<p><select name="ListFiles" id="ListFiles" size="10" style="width: 224px">
    			<p><label id="LabelTotalBytes">0</label> kBytes in total to upload...</p>
    			<p><input type="submit" value="Upload files"></p>
    			echo "<pre>";
    			echo "</pre>";
  5. I have an arduino connected to my home network via a wifi shield.


    I can successfully read the HTTP headers (on the arduino) sent from my browser and send a HTTP response back to the browser from the arduino.


    But I cannot figure out how to intercept the form data on the arduino when using the POST method.


    Does the browser send a POST http header, with the data size of the following data and then immediately send the data so that I can read it all with one read loop?


    Does the browser send a POST http header, with the data size and then the actual data in separate packet?


    Do the data packets have their own headers and the data is terminated by \r\n like the headers?


    Or are they data packets just arrive with no headers and no \n\r asynchronously and you have to just keep trying to read until you have read the amount of data specified in the POST http header?


    How does all this work at this low level?


    When you are dealing with a full web server with PHP etc, you don't have to worry about any of this.

  6. I can't seem to get the menu items to fit withn the menu bar:




    I have set the menu items to the same height and line-height as the menu bar but still thet just wont match up.


    And I have set margins and padding to 0px every where I can think of, but there is still an unwanted margin above the menu items. Where the buggery is coming from?


    Any suggestions?


    Here is the CSS and HTML - pretty straight forward I would have thought.

    Navigation.php =><ul class="Menu">	<li class="MenuItem" <?php if (strcmp($GLOBALS["Filename"], "index.php") == 0) echo "class="current_page_item""; ?>><a class="MenuItemLink" href="index.php">Home</a></li>	<li class="MenuItem" <?php if (strcmp($GLOBALS["Filename"], "About.php") == 0) echo "class="current_page_item""; ?>><a class="MenuItemLink" href="DesignGuide.php">About</a></li>	<li class="MenuItem" <?php if (strcmp($GLOBALS["Filename"], "WebsiteDesign.php") == 0) echo "class="current_page_item""; ?>><a class="MenuItemLink" href="DesignGuide.php">Website Design</a></li>	<li class="MenuItem" <?php if (strcmp($GLOBALS["Filename"], "Services.php") == 0) echo "class="current_page_item""; ?>><a class="MenuItemLink" href="Services.php">Services</a></li>	<li class="MenuItem" <?php if (strcmp($GLOBALS["Filename"], "EasyWebStore.php") == 0) echo "class="current_page_item""; ?>><a class="MenuItemLink" href="EasyWebStore.php">Easy Web Store</a></li>	<li class="MenuItem" <?php if (strcmp($GLOBALS["Filename"], "Portfolio.php") == 0) echo "class="current_page_item""; ?>><a class="MenuItemLink" href="Portfolio.php">Portfolio</a></li>	<li class="MenuItem" <?php if (strcmp($GLOBALS["Filename"], "Contact.php") == 0) echo "class="current_page_item""; ?>><a class="MenuItemLink" href="Contact.php">Contact</a></li>	</ul>	Style.css =><?php	    $GLOBALS["PageWidth"] = 1000;    $GLOBALS["CornerRadius"] = 10;    $GLOBALS["MenuHeight"] = 40;?>	<style>		body {		margin:0;		padding:0;		background-image:url(images/BodyBackGround4.jpg);		background-size:cover;		background-origin: content-box;		width:100%;		height:100%;	}		.Header {		width:100%;		height:100px		margin:0px;				border-style:none;		border-width:thin;		border-color:cyan;	}		.BusinessName {		font-family:Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed;		font-size:4em;		text-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #000000;		text-align:center;		width:100%;		color:white;				border-style:none;		border-width:thin;		border-color:red;	}		.Motto {		font-family:"Franklin Gothic Demi Cond";		font-size:2em;		text-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #000000;		text-align:center;		width:100%;		color:white;				border-style:none;		border-width:thin;		border-color:green;	}		.Menu {		list-style-type:solid;		display: inline-block;		position:relative;		background-color:MidnightBlue;		width:100%;		height:40px;		line-height:<?php echo $GLOBALS["MenuHeight"]; ?>px;		vertical-align:middle;		margin-top:0px;		margin-bottom:0px;		margin-left:0px;		margin-right:0px;				border-style:none;		border-width:thin;		border-color:green;	}		.MenuItem{		display: inline-block;		padding-right:0px;		padding-left:0px;		padding-top:0px;		padding-bottom:0px;		line-height:<?php echo $GLOBALS["MenuHeight"]; ?>px;		height:<?php echo $GLOBALS["MenuHeight"]; ?>px;		vertical-align:middle;/*			border-style:solid;		border-width:thin;		border-color:red;*/	}		.MenuItemLink{			display: inline-block;		line-height:<?php echo $GLOBALS["MenuHeight"]; ?>px;		height:<?php echo $GLOBALS["MenuHeight"]; ?>px;		vertical-align:middle;		padding-right:60px;		padding-left:10px;		padding-top:0px;		padding-bottom:0px;		font-family:"Franklin Gothic Demi Cond";		font-size:1em;		color:white;				background:green;		border-style:none;		border-width:thin;		border-color:red;	}		.Page {		background-color:white;		width:<?php echo $GLOBALS["PageWidth"]; ?>px;		margin-top:20px;		margin-left:auto;		margin-right:auto;		border-top-left-radius:<?php echo $GLOBALS["CornerRadius"]; ?>px;		border-top-right-radius:<?php echo $GLOBALS["CornerRadius"]; ?>px;		overflow:hidden;	}	</style>
  7. I have this navigation structure:

    <div class="NavigationStyle" id="navigation">	<ul class="ListStyle">		<li id="MenuItem" class="MenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="MenuItemLinkStyle" href="index.php">                   Home</a></li>		<li id="MenuItem" class="MenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="MenuItemLinkStyle" href="CompanyProfile.php"> Company Profile</a></li>		<li id="MenuItem" class="MenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="MenuItemLinkStyle" href="Definitions.php">           Definitions</a></li>		<li id="MenuItem" class="MenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="MenuItemLinkStyle" href="">           Services ▸</a>	  		<div id="SubMenu" class="SubmenuStyle">	  			<div id="SubmenuArrow" class="SubMenuArrowStyle"></div>  				<ul class="ListStyle">					<li id="SubMenuItem" class="SubMenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="SubMenuItemLinkStyle" href="LocalGovernment.php">Local Government</a></li>					<li id="SubMenuItem" class="SubMenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="SubMenuItemLinkStyle" href="StateGovernment.php">State Goverment</a></li>			 		<li id="SubMenuItem" class="SubMenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="SubMenuItemLinkStyle" href="UtilityCompanies.php">Utility Companies</a></li>					<li id="SubMenuItem" class="SubMenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="SubMenuItemLinkStyle" href="PrivateProperty.php">Private Property</a></li>  				</ul>	  		</div>	  </li>	  <li id="MenuItem" class="MenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="MenuItemLinkStyle" href="ContactDetails.php">   Contact Details</a></li>	  <li id="MenuItem" class="MenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="MenuItemLinkStyle" href="Database.php">             Database</a></li>	  <li id="MenuItem" class="MenuItemBackgroundStyle"><a class="MenuItemLinkStyle" href="Links.php">                     Links</a></li>	</ul> 					<img src="images/NavigationImage.jpg" />	<p> </p>	<p> </p>	<p><font face="Arial" size="4" color="white" align="center">Unique hits: <b><?php echo getUniqueHitCount(); ?></b></font></p></div>

    The problem arises in the first list item inside the 'submenu' div.


    All the menu items obey my CSS style and their text is aligned to the left as specified by this line of css code: "text-align:left;" below.


    But the first submenu item simply wont obey this CSS style and the text is aligned to the right. It is always and only the first list item that does this. Check the screen shot below the code snippet.

    SubMenuItemBackgroundStyle{    behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);    display: block;    text-align:left;    position:relative;    width: 204px;    height: 30px;        line-height: 30px;        vertical-align: middle;        position:relative;    margin-left: auto;    margin-right: auto;    border-style:solid;    border-top-color:#5404FB;    border-left-color:#5404FB;    border-bottom-color:#1A014B;    border-right-color:#1A014B;    background-color:#330396;    border-radius:20px;    }



    Now I have found what is causing this bizarre symptom but I have no idea of why it is causing or how to fix it.

    It is the padding attribute below. With this line not commented out I get the results in the above screen shot.

    With it commented out I get the results in the screen shot below.


    As you can see the text in the first list item is now left aligned like all the other list items, as specified in the by my "text-align: left" staement above, but of course there is a whole lot of left padding that I do not want.


    What the frig has 'padding' got to do with text aignment of list items? And why does it only effect the first item in the list?

    .ListStyle{    list-style-type:none;    margin: 0px; /*   padding:0px;*/}


  8. I have this page source:

    	<img class="CategoryImage" alt="BushTucker.jpg" src="images/BushTucker.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="LilyIrisLike.jpg" src="images/LilyIrisLike.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="SmallPlants.jpg" src="images/SmallPlants.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="Climbers.jpg" src="images/Climbers.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="Fern.jpg" src="images/Fern.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="GroundCover.jpg" src="images/GroundCover.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="AquaticHerbs.jpg" src="images/AquaticHerbs.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="AquaticReedRush.jpg" src="images/AquaticReedRush.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="Grasses.jpg" src="images/Grasses.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="GrassLike.jpg" src="images/GrassLike.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="SmallShrubs.jpg" src="images/SmallShrubs.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="MediumShrubs.jpg" src="images/MediumShrubs.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="LargeShrubs.jpg" src="images/LargeShrubs.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="SmallTrees.jpg" src="images/SmallTrees.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="MediumTrees.jpg" src="images/MediumTrees.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="LargeTrees.jpg" src="images/LargeTrees.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="LawnSeed.jpg" src="images/LawnSeed.jpg" /><img class="CategoryImage" alt="NestBoxes.jpg" src="images/NestBoxes.jpg" />

    And class "CategoryImage" is defined in style.css as:

     .CategoryImage{/*    behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);    border-radius:20px;		display:block;		margin:auto auto auto auto;		line-height:100px;		vertical-align:middle;*/		border-style:solid;		border-width:thick;		border-color:red;	}

    Can any body give me some clue as to why this wont work?

  9. I don't know if this is a CSS problem but I am having a problem where my dynamically created webpages are created at the server and downloaded to my web browser but all the web browsers will only display part of the content.


    If I view the web page source code, all the content is there but it is simply invisible in the web browsers.


    This problem seems to be intermittent.


    One minute the page content displays properly but then when I refresh the webpage most of the content disappear and I can't get it to display again.


    Does anyone have any clue as to what the ###### is going wrong here?

    <!DOCTYPE html><html>	<head>		<meta charset="UTF-8">		<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv="Content-Type" />		<title>Home</title>		<style>	/*####################################################################################################################*/	/*####################################################################################################################*/	/*# Page structure                                                                                                   #*/	/*####################################################################################################################*/	/*####################################################################################################################*/  h1{	    	font-family:Arial Narrow;	    	font-size:2.5em;	    	font-weight:bold;	    	color:000000;	    	margin:12px;	    	text-decoration:underline;	}		h2{	    	font-family:"Arial Narrow";	    	font-size:xx-large;	    	font-weight:bold;	    	color:000000;	    	margin:12px;	    	text-decoration:underline;	}		h3{	    	font-family:"Arial Narrow";	    	font-size:x-large;	    	font-weight:bold;	    	color:000000;	    	margin:12px;	    	text-decoration:underline;	}		h4{	    	font-family:"Arial Narrow";	    	font-size:large;	    	font-weight:bold;	    	color:000000;	    	margin:12px;	    	text-decoration:underline;	}		h5{	    	font-family:"Arial Narrow";	    	font-size:medium;	    	font-weight:bold;	    	color:000000;	    	margin:12px;	    	text-decoration:underline;	}	  h6{      font-family:"Arial Narrow";      font-size:small;      font-weight:bold;      color:000000;      margin:12px;      text-decoration:underline;    }  hr{      color:#000066;      border-style:outset;      border-width:medium;      width:98%;	}			p{	    	font-family:"Arial Narrow";	    	font-size:medium;	    	font-weight:normal;	    	color:000000;	    	margin:12px}			ul{	    	display:block;	    	margin:12px	}	li{	    	font-family:"Arial Narrow";	    	font-size:medium;	    	font-weight:normal;	    	color:000000;	    	margin:12px}	.OrderReceived{        display:none;        border-style:solid;        border-width:medium;        border-radius:10px;        border-bottom-color:#FFFFA3;        border-right-color:#FFFFA3;        border-top-color:#CCCC51;        border-left-color:#CCCC51;        background-color:#FFFF66;        overflow:hidden;         line-height:normal;        vertical-align:top;        width:74%;        margin-left:15px;        margin-right:15px;	}		.OrderReceivedParagraph{        color: #000000;        font-weight:bold;        font-style:normal;        font-variant:normal;        font-size:large;	    text-align:left;        white-space:normal;        word-spacing:normal;        letter-spacing:normal;}	.container{        behavior: url("CSSPie/PIE.htc");        display:block;        position:relative;        width:990px;        background-color:#000066;        font-family:"Arial";        font-size:small;        color:000000;        text-align:left;        border-radius:5px;        border-top-color:#0000AD;        border-left-color:#0000AD;        border-bottom-color:#00003D;        border-right-color:#00003D;        border-left-style: solid;	border-right-style: solid;	border-top-style: solid;	border-bottom-style: solid;}	.columns{        display:block;        width:100%;        nMin-height:1200px;        margin-top:0px;        clear:both;              border-style:none;        border-width:thin;        border-color:yellow;	}	.navigation{	    	display:block;	    	float:left;	    	width:180px;	    	clear:both;	    	text-align:center; 	    	margin-top:8px;	    	border-style:none;	    	border-width:thin;	    	border-color:red red red red;	}		.content{	    	behavior: url("CSSPie/PIE.htc");	    	display:block;	    	position:relative;	    	background-color:#FFFFFF;	    	float:left;	    	width:80.6%;	    	font-family:"Arial Narrow";	    	font-size:small;	    	color:#000000";	    	text-align:left;	    	border-radius:5px; 	    	border-bottom-color:#0000AD;	    	border-right-color:#0000AD;			border-top-color:#00003D;			border-left-color:#00003D;	    	min-height:1200px;			border-left-style: solid;			border-left-width: medium;			border-right-style: solid;			border-right-width: medium;			border-top-style: solid;			border-top-width: medium;			border-bottom-style: solid;			border-bottom-width: medium;	}	.footer{	    	border: thin none red;			display:block;	    	position:relative;	    	clear:both;	    	font-family:"Arial";	    	font-size:medium;	    	color:#F2F2F2;	    	text-align:left;	    	padding-left:182px;	    	line-height:50px;	    	vertical-align:middle;	    	height:50px;	    	margin-bottom:12px;	   }			.header{        display:block;        position:relative;        top:-10px;	    	width:100%;	    	height:200px;	    	border-style:none;	    	border-width:thin;	}			.heading{        behavior: url("CSSPie/PIE.htc");        display:block;        position:relative;  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url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);		display:block;		float:left;	    border-radius:5px;		border-style:solid; 	    border-bottom-color:#0000AD;	    border-right-color:#0000AD;	    border-top-color:#00003D;		border-left-color:#00003D;		width:177px;		height:194px;		margin-top:auto;		margin-bottom:auto;		overflow:hidden;		margin-left:10px;	}		.symbol{		behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);		display:block;		float:left;		margin-left:10px;		margin-right:10px;		height:200px;		line-height:200px;		vertical-align:middle;		overflow:hidden;						border-style:none;		border-width:thin;		border-color:black;	}	.PageTitle{		behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);		display: block;		color:#000066;		font-family:"Forte";		font-size:42px;		font-weight:bold;		text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #000000;	}		.Quote{		behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);        border-bottom-color:#FFFFA3;        border-right-color:#FFFFA3;        border-top-color:#CCCC51;        border-left-color:#CCCC51;        color: 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content	********************************************************************************************************************************************    ********************************************************************************************************************************************-->	<p class="Quote">		<b>			<i>				The exotic vegetation that replaces indigenous plant communities in 				urbanising regions, disassociates us from the rhythms and diversity 				of the native landscape and a sense of the place; and we are the 				poorer because of it.			</i>			<br><br>			Michael Hough, Professor of Landscape Architecture, York University, Canada.		</b>	</p>	<hr>	<p>		<font size="5">			Please check out my <a href="OnlineNursery.php">online nursery</a> to see the diverse range of native 							plants I use in my landscapes...		</font>	</p>	<p>I have greatly expanded the range of species available but please keep in mind that this is 	still only a selection of what is available!</p>					<p>If you are hankering for a species or a cultivar that I 					do not have listed then please email with your request and I 					will see if I can get it for you.</p>	<hr>    <p><a href="images/GreenGardenerCertificate.jpg">Green Gardener Certificate</a></p>	<hr>	<h3>My Country</h3>	<p><font size="2">		The love of field and coppice,<br>		Of green and shaded lanes.<br>		Of ordered woods and gardens<br>		Is running in your veins,<br>		Strong love of grey-blue distance<br>		Brown streams and soft dim skies<br>		I know but cannot share it,<br>		My love is otherwise.<br>		<br>		I love a sunburnt country,<br>		A land of sweeping plains,<br>		Of ragged mountain ranges,<br>		Of droughts and flooding rains.<br>		I love her far horizons,<br>		I love her jewel-sea,<br>		Her beauty and her terror,<br>		The wide brown land for me!<br>		<br>		A stark white ring-barked forest<br>		All tragic to the moon,<br>		The sapphire-misted mountains,<br>		The hot gold hush of noon.<br>		Green tangle of the brushes,<br>		Where lithe lianas coil,<br>		And orchids deck the tree-tops<br>		And ferns the warm dark soil.<br>		<br>		Core of my heart, my country!<br>		Her pitiless blue sky,<br>		When sick at heart, around us,<br>		We see the cattle die -<br>		But then the grey clouds gather,<br>		And we can bless again<br>		The drumming of an army,<br>		The steady, soaking rain.<br>		<br>		Core of my heart, my country!<br>		Land of the Rainbow Gold,<br>		For flood and fire and famine,<br>		She pays us back threefold -<br>		Over the thirsty paddocks,<br>		Watch, after many days,<br>		The filmy veil of greenness<br>		That thickens as we gaze.<br>		<br>		An opal-hearted country,<br>		A wilful, lavish land -<br>		All you who have not loved her,<br>		You will not understand -<br>		Though earth holds many splendours,<br>		Wherever I may die,<br>		I know to what brown country<br>		My homing thoughts will fly.<br>		<br>		Dorothea Mackellar, 1907	</font></p>				<hr>	<p style="margin-left:10px;">		<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>		<!-- LargeRectangle2 -->		<ins class="adsbygoogle"style="display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px"     		data-ad-client="ca-pub-7440900945243804" data-ad-slot="6006941405"> 		</ins>		<script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script>	</p>	<hr>	<h3>Landscaping Services</h3>	<ul>		<li>The type of landscape that I love creating the most are natural ones that resemble Australia's natural landscapes. Here are two of my favourites:</li>	</ul>	<p style="margin-left: 50px;">	<a href="images/HeaderPond.jpg">	<img alt="" height="417" src="images/HeaderPond.jpg" width="550"></a></p>	<p style="margin-left: 50px;">	<a href="images/HeaderOutback.jpg">	<img alt="" height="415" src="images/HeaderOutback.jpg" width="548"></a></p>	<h4>Weed Control</h4>	<ul>		<li>For short term weed control I use herbicides and thick layers of bush mulch.</li>		<li>Unfortunately herbicides are a necessary evil given that most of us do not have that much spare time these days to devote to hand weeding.</li>		<li>But my aim is always to minimise the their use as far as possible, and they are all biodegradeable.</li>		<li>A thick layer of bush mulch laid directly over the soil goes a long way to suppressing weeds and minimising herbicide usage for around 12 months until the ground cover plants get established and take over the weed suppression role.</li>		<li>As you can see from the pond above, weeds have little chance of being able to row through the dense covering of plants.</li>		<li>The desert garden actually consists of a thick layer of bush mulch which I have then covered with terracotta tile 7mm minus.</li>	</ul>	<h4>Bush Mulch</h4>	<ul>		<li>The bush mulch comes straight from the tree loppers that operate around the suburbs.</li>		<li>It is usually quite fresh and the fact that it is actively 'cooking' when I lay it means that it creates a very hostile environment for weed seedlings.</li>		<li>However it does need topping up every 1-2 years because it thins out as it cooks, and weeds eventually start establishing in the garden bed.</li>		<li>This mulch is a completely sustianble product because there is never a shortage of trees throughout the suburbs that need to be lopped or removed and the 'mulch miles' are minimal.</li>		<li>The mulch contains a mixture of both woody and green leafy material.</li>		<li>The green leafy material in particular breaks down quickly, enriches the soil with nutrients and organic matter and encourages earth worms.</li>		<li>All in all it is a terrific and cheap soil improver if you use it on your garden beds over a long period of time.</li>		<li>Fresh bush mulch:</li>	</ul>	<p style="margin-left: 50px;">	<a href="images/TreeMulchFresh.JPG">	<img alt="" height="298" src="images/TreeMulchFresh.JPG" width="400"></a></p>	<ul>		<li>Aged bush mulch:</li>	</ul>	<p style="margin-left: 50px;">	<img alt="" height="294" src="images/TreeMulchAged.jpg" width="400"></p>	<ul>		<li>The convenient thing about this sort of mulch is 		that:<ol>			<li>And leaf debris etc that blows into your garden from the street simply belnds in with it.</li>			<li>You can shred your garden waste and use the resulting mulch on your garden beds - it quickly bleaches in the sun and blends in.</li>			<li>It is inexpensive and you can afford to lay it thickly.</li>		</ol>		</li>		<li style="height: 38px">The problem with more formal gardens with decorative mulches is that leaf debris is very noticeable and spoils the look of the garden bed within weeks or months:</li>	</ul>	<p style="margin-left: 50px;">	<img alt="" height="316" src="images/LeafDebrisDecorativeMulch.jpg" width="236"></p>	<ul>		<li style="height: 38px">The red desert garden and the natural pond above are informal, so any leaf debris that blows onto them blends in with their overall look - you would expect to see some plant debris in the desert or around a pond.</li>	</ul>	<h4>No Plastic Weed Mat</h4>	<ul>		<li>I wont use plastic weed mat so please don't ask me.</li>		<li>It simply does not stop weeds as well as a 5-10cm thick layer of tree mulch laid driectly over the soil and maintained!</li>		<li>And it's a comletely avoidable form of plastic pollution.</li>		<li>Unlike the herbicides I use, plastic is not biodegradeable, will last for thousands of years and it will do greater and greater environmenal harm is it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces which can be consumed by insects etc.</li>	<p>		If you would like to learn a bit more about the 		environmental harm that plastics do then please click		<a href="http://education.nationalgeographic.com.au/education/encyclopedia/great-pacific-			garbage-patch/?ar_a=1">here</a>.	</p>		<li>Many weeds simply grow through the weave and then, when you hand weed, you end up tearing holes in the weed mat which allows even more weeds to grow.</li>		<li>It prevents earth worms from incorporating organic matter from the mulch into the underlying soil.</li>		<li>It reduces infiltration of rainfall into the underlying soil.</li>		<li>It reduces aeration of the soil.</li>	</ul>	<h4>Quotes</h4>	<ul>		<li>As well as a fully itemised quote I will prepare a landscape plan for you property detailing all aspects of the work I will carry out.</li>		<li>This will take the form of a Microsoft Word document and will include:<ol>			<li> All the plant species.</li>			<li>All soils, mulches and pebbles.</li>			<li>All edging, retaining walls and paving materials, including construction details.</li>			<li>Weed control methods and maintenance instructions.</li>		</ol>		</li>	</ul>	<hr>	<h3>Have you got possums in your roof?</h3>	<p>They always seem to end up nesting in your wall cavities don't they!</p>	<p>Meaning that they prefer tight little nooks rather than your open roof space.</p>	<p>So instead of continually trying to get them out of your roof why don't you provide them with alternative accomodation they they would no doubt prefer anyway.</p>	<p>Buy a coule of flat pack possum next boxes, assemble them and put them up in any convenient trees or even up under your eves.</p>	<p>The nest boxes have been designed by the Melbourne Wildlife Sanctuary according to the types of tree hollows that their research has shown that possoms tend to favour.</p>	<p>	<a href="images/plants/BrushtailPossumNestBoxFlat.jpg">	<img alt="" height="283" src="images/plants/BrushtailPossumNestBoxFlat.jpg" width="400" style="border-width: 0px;"></a></p>	<p>	<a href="images/plants/BrushtailPossumNestBox.jpg">	<img alt="" style="border-width:0px;margin-bottom:0px;" height="300" src="images/plants/BrushtailPossumNestBox.jpg" width="400"></a></p>	<hr>	<h3>Got drainage problems?</h3>	<ul>		<li>Don't solve it the hard and expensive way with excavation, geotextiles, aggy pipe and gravel.</li>		<li>Plants are the perfect 'water pumps' - they transpire.</li>		<li>Tranpsiation is the process where by water, containing nutrients, is:<ul>			<li>Taken up by the roots from the soil.</li>			<li>Drawn up through the microscopic tubes called xylem, that extend unbroken from the roots tips to the leaves, via capillary action.</li>			<li>And then released from the leaves as water 			vapour.</li>		</ul>		</li>		<li>If you have a wet area near the house then plant it out with a variety of aquatic herbs like:</li>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">Hydrocoyle verticillata</p>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">				<a href="images/plants/Hydrocotyle_verticillata.jpg">					<img alt="" height="594" src="images/plants/Hydrocotyle_verticillata.jpg" style="height: 300px; width: 400px; border-width: 0px" width="792" />				</a>			</p>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">Villarsia reniformis</p>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">				<a href="images/plants/Villarsia_reniformis.jpg">					<img alt="" height="233" src="images/plants/Villarsia_reniformis.jpg" width="400" />				</a>			</p>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">Viola hederacea</p>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">				<a href="images/plants/Viola_hederacea.jpg">					<img alt="" height="300" src="images/plants/Viola_hederacea.jpg" width="400" />				</a>			</p>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">Marsillea drummondii.</p>			<p style="margin-left:40px;">				<a href="images/plants/Marsilea_drummondii.jpg">					<img alt="" height="300" src="images/plants/Marsilea_drummondii.jpg" width="400" />				</a>			</p>		<li>If the wet area is a safe distance from any structure then plant it out with small gum trees - the soil under mature gum trees is always bone dry.</li>	</ul>	<hr>	<h3>Artificial Turf</h3>					<p>The problem with artificial turf is that it looks great 					to begin with, but it is all down hill from there:</p>					<p><a href="images/ArtificialTurf.jpg">					<img alt="" height="550" src="images/ArtificialTurf.jpg" style="height: 300px; width: 400px; border-width: 0px" width="733"></a></p>					<p>The only way to fix this is to tear it all up and start 					again. A very expensive fix!</p>	<h3>Native Lawns</h3>					<p>With a native lawn you can simply let the grass go to 					seed, mow and collect the clippings plus mature seed and 					then scatter the clippings plus seed where you need it.</p>					<p>Or just buy some new seed for a fraction of the cost of 					replacing artificial turf.</p>					<p>And you don't necessarily have to mow native lawns if you 					don't mind a 'meadow' rather than a lawn.</p>					<p>'Griffin' <i>Microlaena stipoides</i></p>					<p>  <a href="images/Griffin_Microlaena_stipoides.jpg">					<img alt="" height="409" src="images/Griffin_Microlaena_stipoides.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" width="310"></a><a href="images/Griffin_Microlaena_stipoides2.jpg"><img alt="" height="411" src="images/Griffin_Microlaena_stipoides2.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" width="290"></a></p>					<p>'Oxley' <i>Austrodanthonia geniculata</i></p>					<p><a href="images/Oxley_Austrodanthonia_geniculata.jpg">					<img alt="" height="415" src="images/Oxley_Austrodanthonia_geniculata.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" width="597"></a></p>	<hr>	<h3>Instant Lawns..........Sigh!</h3>					<p>I have lost count of how many times I have seen people 					puting in rolled turf lawns only to have them turn to dust 					and weeds within a few years. I just don't get why folks 					keep, in Albert Einstein's own words, repeating the same 					experiment and expecting to get different results from all 					the previous experiments. </p>					<p>It is beyond my comprehension how so many people just 					blindly accept the marketing  hype from the rolled turf 					companies. Regardless of the advertising hype, the varieites they use are just not suited to 					average Australian conditions. They have shallow root 					systems are rely on consistent rainfall, or consistent 					irrigation, and deep rich loamy soils.</p>					<p>In this region of Australia we have none of these things. 					Our rainfall is erratic, we often 					have very hot dry summers that thouroughly dry out the top 					soils and we have heavy black clay 					soils that become water logged over winter. So you can't just roll out your instant turf, water 					it for a few weeks and then expect to have a beautiful 					English lawn for the next 20 years.</p>					<p>If you want an reliable lawn then use a native grass 					species that has adapted to the local conditions over many 					thousands of years, e.g. Microlaena stipoides, Austrodanthonia 					geniculata and Bothriochloa macra. All of these species have 					very deep root systems (30cm or more) that penetrate deep 					into the subsoil and access  moisture that is beyond 					the reach of rolled turf grass varities.</p>					<p>The fact that you can cut and roll up a turf means that 					the grass 					it must have shallow roots. If you attempted this with any 					of the native grasses then more than likely you would kill 					them because you will have removed most of their root 					system.</p>					<p>If you seriously want an English style lawn in Australia, 					then check out my native lawns page. But it does not mean 					that your English lawn is effortless. And you need patience 					and perserverance to successfully establish one. Something 					that a lot of Australians need to re-learn!</p>	<hr>	<h3>Do you own acerage?</h3>	<ul>		<li>If you own acerage in the City of Whittlesea 		municipality, or any adjacent muncipalities, and have 		DEPI on your back about Serrated Tussock, Paterson Curse 		and/or other noxious weeds then I can help.</li>		<p><a href="images/SerratedTussock.jpg">		<img alt="" height="300" src="images/SerratedTussock.jpg" width="400"></a></p>		<li>For a reasonable hourly rate I can spot spray these 		for you.</li>		<li>I have a current ACUP and 10 years experience in noxious weed control using a range of herbicides.</li>		<p><a href="images/ACUP.jpg">Agricultural Chemical Users Permit No: 19523</a></p>		<li>Give me a call or email me.</li>	</ul>	<hr>	<h3>Bush Tucker</h3>	<ul>		<li>Why not incorporate some bush tucker plants into 		your garden?</li>		<li>May of them a great looking ornamental plants and 		they produce something you can eat or cook with as well.</li>		<li>Check these out:			<ul>				<li><i>Santalum accuminatum</i> / Quandong</li>					<a href="images/plants/Santalum_acuminatum.jpg">					<img alt="" height="367" src="images/plants/Santalum_acuminatum.jpg" width="490" style="border-width: 0px; height: 299px; width: 400px;"></a>				<li><i>Kunzea pomifera</i> / Muntries</li>					<a href="images/plants/Kunzea_pomifera.jpg">					<img alt="" eight="364" src="images/plants/Kunzea_pomifera.jpg" width="490" style="border-width: 0px; width: 400px;"></a>				<li><i>Austromyrtus dulcis</i> / Midyim Berries</li>					<a href="images/plants/Austromyrtus_dulcis.jpg">					<img alt="" height="299" src="images/plants/Austromyrtus_dulcis.jpg" width="488" style="border-width: 0px; height: 245px; width: 400px;"></a>				<li><i>Backhousia citriodora</i> / Lemon Myrtle</li>					<a href="images/plants/Backhousia_citriodora.jpg">					<img alt="" height="355" src="images/plants/Backhousia_citriodora.jpg" width="488" style="border-width: 0px; height: 290px; width: 400px;"></a>				<li><i>Macadamia integrifolia</i> / Macadamia Nuts</li>					<a href="images/plants/Macadamia_integrifolia.jpg">					<img alt="" height="373" src="images/plants/Macadamia_integrifolia.jpg" width="487" style="border-width: 0px; height: 306px; width: 400px;"></a>				<li><i>Apium prostratum</i> / Native Parsley</li>					<a href="images/plants/Apium_prostratum.jpg">					<img alt="" height="364" src="images/plants/Apium_prostratum.jpg" width="486" style="border-width: 0px; height: 299px; width: 400px;"></a>				<li><i>Davidsonia puriens</i> / Davidson's Plum</li>					<a href="images/plants/Davidsonia_pruriens.jpg">					<img alt="" src="images/plants/Davidsonia_pruriens.jpg" height="413" width="486" style="border-width: 0px; height: 339px; width: 400px;"></a>			</ul>		</li>	</ul>					<h3>Quandong Jam</h3>					<p><a href="images/Quandongs.jpg">					<img alt="" height="334" src="images/Quandongs.jpg" style="height: 297px; width: 400px; border-width: 0px" width="449"></a></p>					<p>Makes 8cups</p>					<p>1kg fresh quandongs<br>1kg caster sugar<br>100ml water</p>					<p>Chop up the fruit and combine with sugar and water in a 					large saucepan and put it over medium heat, stirring 					constantly as it comes to the boil. Lower the heat so it 					simmers. Cook until it reaches setting point (usu 45mins 					ish). Test by dropping a teaspoonful onto a cold saucer. Let 					it cool, and when you push it with your finger, it should 					wrinkle.<br>Be careful not to overcook and caramilze the 					sugar as this will alter the colour and flavour of the jam.<br>					Once its ready, pour into sterilized jars and seal. Should 					keep about a year unopened in the pantry, refrigerate once 					opened.</p>					<p><a href="images/QuandongJam.jpg">					<img alt="" height="550" src="images/QuandongJam.jpg" style="height: 299px; width: 400px; border-width: 0px" width="733"></a></p>	<hr>	<h3>My tough gaurd dog Rocky...</h3>	<p>Well he reckons he's tough anyway!</p>	<p><a href="images/MyToughGuardDog.jpg">	<img alt="" height="304" src="images/MyToughGuardDog.jpg" width="400" style="border-width: 0px;"></a></p>	<p><a href="images/Rocky.jpg">	<img alt="" height="294" src="images/Rocky.jpg" width="400"></a></p>	<h3>	 		<a href="images/RockyOnSlide.mp4">Rocky on slide</a>	</h3>	<!-- "Video For Everybody" v0.4.1 by Kroc Camen of Camen Design <camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody>	     =================================================================================================================== -->	<!-- first try HTML5 playback: if serving as XML, expand `controls` to `controls="controls"` and autoplay likewise       -->	<!-- warning: playback does not work on iPad/iPhone if you include the poster attribute! fixed in iOS4.0                 -->	<video width="640" height="360" controls preload="none">	    <!-- MP4 must be first for iPad! -->	    <source src="images/RockyOnSlide.mp4" type="video/mp4" /><!-- WebKit video    -->	    <!-- fallback to Flash: -->	    <object width="640" height="384" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="__FLASH__.SWF">	        <!-- Firefox uses the `data` attribute above, IE/Safari uses the param below -->	        <param name="movie" value="__FLASH__.SWF" />	        <param name="flashvars" value="image=__POSTER__.JPG&file=images/RockyOnSlide.mp4" />	        <!-- fallback image. note the title field below, put the title of the video there -->	        <img src="__VIDEO__.JPG" width="640" height="360" alt="__TITLE__"	             title="No video playback capabilities, please download the video below" />	    </object>	</video>	<!-- you *must* offer a download link as they may be able to play the file locally. customise this bit all you want -->	<p> <strong>Download Video:</strong>	    <a href="images/RockyOnSlide.mp4">"Rocky on slide"</a>	</p>	<hr>	<h3>Australia - where to from here?</h3>					<p>Developing country India has successfully developed sent 					a space probe to Mars and have developed a space industry to 					rival NASA in the USA. The Indian people have a sense of 					national prode and optimism for their future and respect for 					their politicians.</p>					<p>I find it an absolute disgrace that the best vision for 					Australia that both the ALP and Liberal/National parties can 					come up with is giant quarry operations and immigration 					driven property speculation and housing construction. The 					ALP agitates to increase social spending, without increasing 					national earnings, while Liberal/National parties agitate to 					cut social spending, without increasing national earnings.</p>					<p>If Australia is to move to the next economic level beyond 					quarry operations and unsustainable intensive agriculture, 					and have the money to pay for the social programs we all 					demand, then all three of parties, in their current forms, 					are an obstacle to be overcome.</p>					<p>Australia needs a credible alternative to the major 					parties other than the Greens.</p>	<p> </p>	<h3>Aging Population & Skills Shortages</h3>					<p>Australian big businesses wants millions more job seekers so that they 	can force down wages and conditions and increase profitiability.</p>					<p>Australian governments want millions more workers so they 					can increase their tax revenue to pay for burgeoning pension 					payments and Medicare costs.</p>					<p>The real estate sector wants millions more new home 					buyers to maintain the value of their property investments.</p>					<p>The construction sector, particularly those involved with 					housing estates and houses want millions more new home 					buyers to increase demand for their services.</p>					<p>All of them pay bribes to both major parties to ensure 					they both maintain an excessive immigration intake when in 					government and conspire to disempower local communities and 					councils to halt inappropriate high rise residential 					developmentss in their neighbourhoods.</p>					<p>All of them exagerate the aging population and skill 					shortages issues to ensure that the general public accepts 					their mantra that population growth is unavoidable and our 					economy will collapse without high immigration.</p>					<p>Except that our high immigration intake is having its own 					economic consequences the costs of which are being imposed 					on you rather than those who want population growth.</p>					<ol>						<li>All these new immigrants compete with locals for the 						limited supply of new and existing houses and rental 						properties thus forcing up prices and all but destroying 						the dreams of your children to own their own home. The 						real estate and contruction sectors love it though and 						indeed ration the supply of residential properties in 						order to maintain maximum profitability.</li>						<li>All these immigrants also want to drive cars and so 						choke our roads. Parts of the construction sector love 						it because they are then contracted to extend freeways 						and widen roads but you find yourself spending more and 						more time stuck in traffic one your way to and from 						work.</li>						<li>The government loves all the new tax payers that are 						boosting their revenue but then they will end up 						borrowing more money they they generate from increased 						taxes that the larger population will pay on the 						expansion of infrastructure and services that the 						increased population demands in order to maintain living 						stanbdards.</li>						<li>All the new immigrants want to run air conditioners 						in their McMansions. But increased peak demand for 						electrciity forces the electrcity retailers to upgrade 						their poles and wire to prevent them from melting down 						on hot summer days when everyone one is running their 						air conditioner. But then you find your electrciity 						bills growing larger and larger and have increasing 						difficulty in paying them.</li>						<li>During the recent 10 year drought, the exapnded 						population used more water daily than the current dams 						were ever envisaged to have to sustain. Many major 						cities came very close to running out of water forcing 						governments to build expensive desalination plants whose 						water we are contracted to purchase regardless of 						whether we need it. So you find your water bills 						increasing beyond your capacity to pay them easily.</li>						<li>When there is an economic down turn all the skilled 						immigrants end up in Centrelink looking for their 						handout.</li>						<li>Hospital emergency rooms are choked with skilled 						immigrants looking for their slice of Medicare funded 						treatement for minor ailments.</li>						<li>Our kids struggle to get their first job in the face 						of competition from skilled immigrants and the refusal 						of many employers to undertake on the job training.</li>						<li>And the government wants to increase the official 						retirment age but many employers wont hire older 						Australians when there are numerous younger skilled 						immigrants who are often willing to work for lower 						wages.</li>					</ol>					<p>So this massive skilled immigration program and 					population growth is solving this supposed economic crisis 					of skills shortages and an aging population how exactly? 					Seems to me that it is just exascerbating the problem.</p>					<p>Or perhaps it solving the financial problems of a few 					narrow sectors in our economy while allowing them to off 					load all the economic and social costs on to ordinary 					Australians like you and I.</p>					<p>Mean while you vote for the ALP one election and the 					Coalition at the next election and you wonder why your vote 					never seems to make your life easier.Why do you think that 					is?</p>					<p>Perhaps because real estate and assorted big businesses 					who want population growth are bribing both major parties to 					maintain high immigration and population growth which they 					all want in order to maximise their own profitiability. Both 					major parties primarily represent the interests of those 					bribimg them while going out of their way to appear as 					though they are representing your interests.</p>					<p>When there is one simple thing that either of them could 					do, to ease cost of living pressures and to ease traffic 					congestion and housing costs, with a stroke of their pen. 					I.E. Cut our annual immigration intake to more sensible 					levels and so ease the pressure across Australian society 					and our economy.</p>					<p>There is one thing that you can do about it. Stop giving 					them your primary vote at each election and send them a 					message! The country will not fall apart if we have minority 					governments. It is our democratic institutions like the ATO 					that make Australia a politically stable country. 					Governments come and go but the ATO etc are always there. A 					family member who works for the ATO, will be dilligently 					ensuring that big businesses pay their full share of taxes 					regardless of which party forms government or even 					regardless of how long it takes to form a working government 					after any given election.</p>					<p>The major parties just want you to think that the country 					will fall apart with minority governments because those 					businesses bank rolling them through bribes will no longer 					do so if it becomes clear that the major parties are no 					longer effective at implementing their favours.</p>					<p> </p>					<!--********************************************************************************************************************************************	********************************************************************************************************************************************	End main content	********************************************************************************************************************************************    ********************************************************************************************************************************************-->			    </div>			    			    			    			</div>			    			    <div class="footer">		This Easy Web Store was created by Gregary Boyles. 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  10. I am trying to send an email with html format body and and xlsx attachment.


    The xlsx attachment works just find when I receive the email - I can open it with microsoft excel just fine.


    But I can't get the html code in the email body to show up - the emails comes through with no content apart from the attachment.


    What am I doing wrong?


    Here is the call to PHP mail(...)


    mail($_SESSION["BusinessEmail"], "Order from ".$_SESSION["BusinessName"], $strEmailBody, getHeader($strEmailBody));


    Here is the html that should appear in the body of the email:

    $strEmailBody contains this html code.

    <html>    <body>        <table border="0" width="800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	    <tr>		                <td width="25%" rowspan="5" valign="middle" style="border-style:solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                    <p align="right"><b>BILLING DETAILS:</b>                </td>		                <td colspan="3" style="border-style:solid solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">                    Gregary Boyles                </td>	             </tr>	             <tr>		                 <td colspan="3" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">                     56 Derby Drive                 </td>	             </tr>	             <tr>		                 <td width="9%" align="right">		                     <b>Phone:</b>                 </td>		                 <td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">                     94013696                 </td>	             </tr>	             <tr>		                 <td width="9%" align="right">		                     <b>Mobile:</b>                 </td>		                 <td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">                      0414318470                 </td>	             </tr>	             <tr>		                 <td width="9%" align="right" style="border-style:none none solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                     <b>Email:</b>                 </td>		                 <td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">                     greg@gregsindigenouslandscapes.com.au                 </td>	             </tr>         </table>          <br>         <table border="0" width="800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	             <tr>		                 <td width="25%" rowspan="5" align="right" valign="middle" style="border-style:solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                     <b>DELIVERY DETAILS:</b>                 </td>		                 <td colspan="3" style="border-style:solid solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">                     Gregary Boyles                 </td>	             </tr>	             <tr>		                 <td colspan="3" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">                     56 Derby Drive                 </td>	             </tr>	             <tr>		                 <td width="9%" align="right">		                     <b>Phone:</b>                 </td>		                 <td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">                     94013696                 </td>	             </tr>	             <tr>		                 <td width="9%" height="24" align="right">		                     <b>Mobile:</b>                 </td>		                 <td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" height="24" align="left">                     0414318470                 </td>	             </tr>	              <tr>		                 <td width="9%" align="right" style="border-style:none none solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                     <b>Email:</b>                 </td>		                 <td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">                     greg@gregsindigenouslandscapes.com.au                 </td>	              </tr>          </table>           <br>          <table border="0" width="800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000">	           <tr>		              <td width="49%" align="left" style="border-style:solid none solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                  <b>ITEM DESCRIPTION</b>              </td>		              <td width="17%" align="right" style="border-style:solid none solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                  <b>UNIT PRICE</b>              </td>		              <td width="17%" align="right" style="border-style:solid none solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                  <b>QUANTITY</b>              </td>		              <td width="17%" align="right" style="border-style:solid solid solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                  <b>SUB_TOTAL</b>              </td>	          </tr>	          <tr>		              <td width="44%" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">              </td>		              <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                  $14.50              </td>		              <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                  2              </td>		              <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                  $29.00              </td>	              </tr>	              <tr>		                  <td width="44%" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      $11.50                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                       3                   </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      $34.50                  </td>	              </tr>	              <tr>		                  <td width="44%" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      $3.50                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      1                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      $3.50                  </td>	              </tr>	              <tr>		                  <td width="76%" align="right" colspan="3" style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                      <b>SUB-TOTAL</b>                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      $67.00                  </td>	              </tr>	              <tr>		                  <td width="76%" align="right" colspan="3"  style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		                      <b>POSTAGE & HANDLING</b>                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right"  style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      $23.64                  </td>	              </tr>	              <tr>		                  <td width="76%" colspan="3" align="right"  style="border-style:solid solid solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      <b>TOTAL</b>                  </td>		                  <td width="16%" align="right"  style="border-style:solid solid solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">                      $90.64                  </td>	              </tr>          </table>      </body></html>

    Here is the email header that I have constructed, including the body html:

    The call to getHeader($strEmailBody) generates this

    From: Gregary Boyles <greg@gregsindigenouslandscapes.com.au>Reply-To: greg@gregsindigenouslandscapes.com.auMIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="1a32c8baa7619101ce8bb1aa09d09ac4"This is a multi-part message in MIME format.--1a32c8baa7619101ce8bb1aa09d09ac4Content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8<html><body><table border="0" width="800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	<tr>		<td width="25%" rowspan="5" valign="middle" style="border-style:solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<p align="right"><b>BILLING DETAILS:</b></td>		<td colspan="3" style="border-style:solid solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">Gregary Boyles</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td colspan="3" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">56 Derby Drive</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="9%" align="right">		<b>Phone:</b></td>		<td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">94013696</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="9%" align="right">		<b>Mobile:</b></td>		<td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">0414318470</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="9%" align="right" style="border-style:none none solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>Email:</b></td>		<td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">greg@gregsindigenouslandscapes.com.au</td>	</tr></table><br><table border="0" width="800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">	<tr>		<td width="25%" rowspan="5" align="right" valign="middle" style="border-style:solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>DELIVERY DETAILS:</b></td>		<td colspan="3" style="border-style:solid solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">Gregary Boyles</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td colspan="3" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;padding-left:5px;" align="left">56 Derby Drive</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="9%" align="right">		<b>Phone:</b></td>		<td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">94013696</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="9%" height="24" align="right">		<b>Mobile:</b></td>		<td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid none none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" height="24" align="left">0414318470</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="9%" align="right" style="border-style:none none solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>Email:</b></td>		<td colspan="2" style="border-style:none solid solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;" align="left">greg@gregsindigenouslandscapes.com.au</td>	</tr></table><br><table border="0" width="800px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="#000000">	<tr>		<td width="49%" align="left" style="border-style:solid none solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;"><b>ITEM DESCRIPTION</b></td>		<td width="17%" align="right" style="border-style:solid none solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>UNIT PRICE</b></td>		<td width="17%" align="right" style="border-style:solid none solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>QUANTITY</b></td>		<td width="17%" align="right" style="border-style:solid solid solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>SUB_TOTAL</b></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="44%" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;"></td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$14.50</td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">2</td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$29.00</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="44%" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;"></td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$11.50</td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">3</td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$34.50</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="44%" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;"></td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$3.50</td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none none none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">1</td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:none solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$3.50</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="76%" align="right" colspan="3" style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>SUB-TOTAL</b></td>		<td width="16%" align="right" style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$67.00</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="76%" align="right" colspan="3"  style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">		<b>POSTAGE & HANDLING</b></td>		<td width="16%" align="right"  style="border-style:solid solid none solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$23.64</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td width="76%" colspan="3" align="right"  style="border-style:solid solid solid solid;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;"><b>TOTAL</b></td>		<td width="16%" align="right"  style="border-style:solid solid solid none;border-width:thin;border-color:#000000;">$90.64</td>	</tr></table></body></html>--1a32c8baa7619101ce8bb1aa09d09ac4Content-Type: application/ms-excel; name="Invoice.xlsx"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64Content-Disposition: attachment; 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--1a32c8baa7619101ce8bb1aa09d09ac4--			
  11. I don't ubderstand why this example works in my browser: http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_video_js_prop


    But this in my own web page does not - I just get a big blank space:

    	<div style="text-align:center">   		<button onclick="playPause()">Play/Pause</button>   		<br>   		<video id="RockyOnSlide" width="560">    		<source src="RockyOnSlide.mp4" type="video/mp4">		    Your browser does not support HTML5 video.  		</video>	</div> 	<script> 		var myVideo = document.getElementById("RockyOnSlide"); 		function playPause() 		{     		if (myVideo.paused)         		myVideo.play();     		else         		myVideo.pause(); 		} 	</script> 

    The mp4 in question exists and I can do a hyperlink to it.

  12. How do you make this pain in the arse image vertical align?


    I can get horizontal alignment in the middle but I can get vertical alignment in the middle.

    div id="CategoryContainer">    <a id="Category" href="Category.php">        <img id="CategoryContainerImage" width="100" width="100px" src="image.jpg" />    </a>    <div id="CategoryName">Category</div></div>These styles are in a the file style.css	#CategoryContainerImage{		border-style:none;	    border-radius:20px;		display:block;		position:relative;		margin-left:auto;		margin-right:auto;		vertical-align:middle;	}			#CategoryContainer{		behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);		display:table-cell;		float:left;		width:140px;		height:140px;		margin:40px 0px 40px 40px;		vertical-align:middle;		line-height:135px;		border-style:none;		border-color:#000099;		border-width:thin;	    border-radius:30px;	}		#CategoryName{		behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);		border: thin solid #000099;		display:block;		position:relative;		background-color:white;		color:#000099;		font-family:"<?php echo $_SESSION["ContentsFont"]; ?>";		font-size:medium;		height:60px;		width:130px;		line-height:30px;		vertical-align:middle;		text-align:center;		top:10px;	}		#Category{		behavior: url(CSSPie/PIE.htc);		display:block;		background-color:#000099;		width:130px;		height:130px;		line-height:130px;		border-style:solid;		border-width:medium;	    border-radius:30px;	    border-style:solid;	    border-top-color:#3131FF;	    border-left-color:#3131FF;	    border-bottom-color:#00004D;	    border-right-color:#00004D;		vertical-align:middle;	}	
  13. www.bushlandrecovery.com.au


    This website looks good in Chrome, IE 8+, Firefox and Safari on my windows laptop and PC.


    However I just noticed today that there is a problem with the top banner part of the website in Safari on an apple PC.


    The company name overlaps the cross symbol.


    Any suggestions on how I can deal with this from my windows laptop? Is there any way to simulate an apple PC?


    I could always sit at the apple PC with my windows laptop. But short of that.....

  14. I can't figure out what is causing the gap between my menu items (see attachment)

    Apart from the fact that it is resulting from the little right arrow (▸) and its containing div (#NavSubMenuArrow {).


    <nav id="navigation"> <ul id="NavMenu"> <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="#">Services</a><div id="NavSubMenuArrow">▸</div> <div id="NavSubMenuBalloon"> <div id="NavBalloonArrow"></div> <ul id="NavSubMenu"> Local Government</a></li> State Goverment</a></li> Utility Companies</a></li> Private Property</a></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> <div align="center"><img style=";border-style:solid;border-bottom-color:#006F00;border-right-color:#006F00;border-top-color:#002200;border-left-color:#002200;" src="images/NavigationImage.jpg" /></div></nav>


    #NavMenuItem{ border-style:none; border-width:thin; display: block; width:162px; } #NavMenuItem a { display: block; width: 134px; height: 30px; text-align:right; line-height: 30px; vertical-align: middle; position:relative; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-style:solid; border-top-color:#5404FB; border-left-color:#5404FB; border-bottom-color:#1A014B; border-right-color:#1A014B; background-color:#330396; color:white; padding-right:15px; border-top-left-radius:20px; border-bottom-left-radius:20px; border-top-right-radius:20px; border-bottom-right-radius:20px; margin:5px; } #NavMenuItem a:hover { display: block; width:134px; height: 30px; text-align:right; line-height: 30px; vertical-align: middle; position:relative; border-style:solid; border-top-color:#5404FB; border-left-color:#5404FB; border-bottom-color:#1A014B; border-right-color:#1A014B; background-color:#330396; color:white; font-weight:bold; padding-right:15px; border-top-left-radius:20px; border-bottom-left-radius:20px; border-top-right-radius:20px; border-bottom-right-radius:20px; margin:5px; } #NavMenuItem a:active { display:block; width:134px; height:30px; text-align:right; line-height:30px; vertical-align:middle; position:relative; border-style:solid; border-top-color:#1A014B; border-left-color:#1A014B; border-bottom-color:#5404FB; border-right-color:#5404FB; background-color:#330396; color:white; padding-right:15px; border-top-left-radius:20px; border-bottom-left-radius:20px; border-top-right-radius:20px; border-bottom-right-radius:20px; margin:5px; } #NavMenu { /*nav ul*/ list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #NavSubMenu { /*nav ul li div*/ list-style-type:none; display:block; position:relative; left:-40px; } #NavSubMenuArrow { /*nav ul li div*/ display:inline-block; position:relative; top:-31px; left:145px; width:5px; height:14px; border-style:none; border-width:thin; color:white; } #NavSubMenuBalloon { /*nav ul li div*/ display:none; } #NavMenuItem:hover > #NavSubMenuBalloon { /*nav ul li:hover > div*/ list-style-type:none; position:relative; display:block; float:right; top:262px; left:199px; background:#004200; border-radius:5px; padding:10px; position:absolute; width:164px; height:190px; border-style:solid; border-top-color:#006F00; border-left-color:#006F00; border-bottom-color:#002200; border-right-color:#002200; } #NavBalloonArrow{ border-color: transparent #004200 transparent transparent; /*border-color: transparent black transparent transparent;*/ border-style: solid; border-width: 20px; display: block; height: 0; left: -50px; position: relative; top: 0px; width: 0; float:left; /*clear:both;*/ }


  15. I think I am beginning to understand what is going on here - for what ever reason you can't mix notations even though they are referring to the same elements.


    I have to do the whole things based on IDs or the whole thing based on 'nav ul li:hover > div' type notation.


    This works and the popup submenu now appears.

    /* #NavSubMenuBalloon { display:none; }*/ nav ul li div{ display:none; } nav ul li:hover > div{ /*#NavMenuItem:hover > #NavSubMenuBalloon {*/ list-style-type:none; position:absolute; display:block; top:205px; left:130px; }

    It may not be CSS convention but I prefer the ID type notation at this stage. It seems a little more intuitive to me if I was to come back to this code at a later date.


    I might put in the equivalent conventional notation though but commented out.

  16. id ref unique within page, remember , tut tut.


    let me colour code this to give you idea why it won't work


    ul li:hover > ul {}




    <ul id="NavSubMenu"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul>




    There are no inner ul to apply styling to when li are hovered over



    ul li:hover > ul {}




    <ul id="NavSubMenu"> <li>level 1menu


    <li> level 2 menu</li>



    <li>level 1menu</li>

    <li>level 1menu


    <li> level 2 menu</li>


    </li><li>level 1 menu</li>





    now can apply style to second level ul

    My mistake - I should have posted the full menu structure I have used.

    I have since changed it such that there is now a speech bubble div around the submenu like this


    <nav id="navigation"> <ul id="NavMenu"> <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="#NavSubMenu">Services</a><div id="SubMenuArrow">▸</div> <div id="NavSubMenuBalloon" class="Balloon"> <div id="NavSubMenuArrow" class="Arrow"></div> <ul id="NavSubMenu">

    <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Councils.htm">Councils</a></li>

    <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="GovOrg.htm">Goverment</a></li>

    <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="WebSites/BushlandRecoveryWeb/UtilityCompanies.htm">Utilities</a></li>

    <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="BushlandRecoveryWeb/Private.htm">Private</a></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </nav>

    The found the speech bubble div else where and I am adapting it to my menu system. The results of hovering over 'Services' is a grey speech bubble with my submenu inside.


    The CSS is now this and still works:


    #NavSubMenu { list-style-type:none; /*position:absolute;*/ display:block; } #NavSubMenuBalloon { display:none; } /*ul li:hover > ul{*/ /*ul li a:hover > div{*/ #NavMenuItem:hover > #NavSubMenuBalloon { list-style-type:none; position:absolute; display:block; top:205px; left:130px; } #SubMenuArrow { position:absolute; top:208px; left:154px; line-height: 30px; width:10px; } .Balloon { background: #ccc; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; padding: 20px; position: relative; font-size: 12px; width: 300px; text-align: justify; color: #3a3a3a; } .Balloon .Arrow { border-color: transparent #CCCCCC transparent transparent; border-style: solid; border-width: 10px; display: block; height: 0; left: -20px; position: absolute; top: 20px; width: 0; }


    But I still don't comprehend why the commented out notation wont work but the uncommented notation, based on my IDs, does work.


    The 'hover' thing applies to an <a></a> doesn't it? So why am I able to apply it directly to my #NavMenuItem which is an <li></li>


    /*ul li a:hover > div{*/ #NavMenuItem:hover > #NavSubMenuBalloon {


    And my #NavSubMenuBalloon is a <div></div>, so why wont 'ul li a:hover > div(...' or 'ul li:hover > div(...' work?


    If I change this then it works and the highlighting of 'Services' when you hover over it is messed up.


    nav ul li a:hover{ /*#NavMenuItem:hover > #NavSubMenuBalloon {*/ list-style-type:none; position:absolute; display:block; top:205px; left:130px; }

    But 'nav ul li a:hover > div' instead of 'nav ul li a:hover' does nothing. In my menu structure there is clearly a <div> nested withing the Services <li> so why does it not appear.

  17. Next problem - trying to get the submenu popout to appear on mouse hover rather than mouse click.....


    I don't understand why neither of these bits of CSS work: 'ul li:hover > ul{' nor 'ul li a:hover > ul{'

    The latter one is the notation used in that other CSS menu example.


    But this bit of CSS code using my IDs does work: '#NavMenuItem:hover > #NavSubMenu'


    /*ul li:hover > ul{*/ /*ul li a:hover > ul{*/ #NavMenuItem:hover > #NavSubMenu { list-style-type: none; position: absolute; display:block; top:100; }

    <ul id="NavSubMenu"> <li id="NavMenuItem"> <li id="NavMenuItem"> <li id="NavMenuItem"> <li id="NavMenuItem"> </ul>

  18. This works, but not remotely elegantly, on mouse click.


    #NavSubMenu { list-style-type: none; position: absolute; display:none; } #NavSubMenu:target { list-style-type: none; position: absolute; display:block; }

    <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="#NavSubMenu">Services</a><div id="SubMenuArrow">▸</div> <ul id="NavSubMenu"> <li id="NavMenuItem">

    </li> <li id="NavMenuItem">

    </li> <li id="NavMenuItem">

    </li> <li id="NavMenuItem">

    </li> </ul>


  19. CSS does not do mouse click, JavaScript does mouse click. you would style display:block inline, or apply a class to element so it would show it, then use another event to remove these so it hide itself again.


    in the example code you copied from, position absolute is used

    position: absolute; top: 100%, which is not what i would use, but would hide ul out of browser viewport area as well.

    "CSS does not do mouse click, JavaScript does mouse click. you would style display:block inline, or apply a class to element so it would show it, then use another event to remove these so it hide itself again."


    I see. Well a javascript solution is certainly possibility because I know that far better than I know CSS at present. But then again it is probably not a very productive use of time and I should just go with what CSS is capable of.


    "in the example code you copied from, position absolute is used

    position: absolute; top: 100%, which is not what i would use, but would hide ul out of browser viewport area as well."

    OK that explains a lot. I suppose my greater knowledge of javascript had me looking for a show/hide sort of arrangement that you have available in javascript. And that is not how it is done in CSS as it turns out.


    "which is not what i would use"

    How would you do the showing and hiding then? Why that rather than the method they used in the example?

  20. God! you code is all over the place head spinning, the main problems


    1) id must be unique, classes can be used multiple times, and anyway you don't require id or class reference.


    2) set li as position: relative;

    #navigation li {position: relative;}


    3) set ul ul

    #navigation ul ul {position: absolute; left: -9999em; top: 25px;}

    left: -9999em places it outside browser screen view


    4) on hover you want to bring ul into view

    #navigation li: hover ul {left: 0}


    these are some of the basics for menu.

    "id must be unique"


    I thought I would experiment - it just seemed a little less confusing than the ul ul li type notation. But if the hover functionality over the main menu items is working nicely at present, with my non-unique IDs, then I don't understand why they would not also work with the popout menu functionality.


    "#navigation ul ul {position: absolute; left: -9999em; top: 25px;}

    left: -9999em places it outside browser screen view"


    Where have I done that? If I change the 'display: none' bit to 'display: block' then the popout menu appears below the parent menu item. It is not where I ultimately I want it to appear to the right of the parent menu item but, at this point, I am merely trying to get it to appear only on over or mouse click. I am trying to gain an understanding of which part of the code in all the examples I have been looking at is actually causing the popout/popup to go from invisible to visible.


    "on hover you want to bring ul into view

    #navigation li: hover ul {left: 0}"


    Suppose you wanted to appear on mouse click rather than hover. What is the property you would use? 'active'?


    My plan is, once I get it all working properly, to put all the menu related stuff in an include file and then just include it in all my web pages.

  21. You should combine your style blocks into the head. Style blocks don't belong in the body.

    I will fix the code cosmetics up later. I just want to get the thing working.


    I have this at present which is working as expected except for the popout submenu. I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the popout menu items appear.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">	<head>		<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv="Content-Type" />		<title>Untitled 1</title>		<style>			h1 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:xx-large;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h2 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:x-large;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h3 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:large;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h4 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:medium;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h5 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h6 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:x-small;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						.shadow {				text-shadow:3px 3px 3px black;			}}		</style>	</head>	<body>		<style>					#container {			    width:1060px;			    margin:0 auto;			    background-color:#004200;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			    border-top-left-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius:5px;			    border-top-right-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius:5px;			    border-style:solid;			    border-top-color:#006F00;			    border-left-color:#006F00;			    border-bottom-color:#002200;			    border-right-color:#002200;			}						#header {			    clear:both;			}									#navigation {			    float:left;			    width:15%;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			    clear:right;			}						#content {			    float:left;			    width:84%;			    background-color:white;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:black;			    text-align:left;			    border-top-left-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius:5px;			    border-top-right-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius:5px;			    border-color:#006600;			    border-style:solid;			    border-bottom-color:#006F00;			    border-right-color:#006F00;			    border-top-color:#002200;			    border-left-color:#002200;			}						#feature {			    float:right;			    width:25%;			    height:300px;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			    background-color:black;			    border-style:solid;			    border-top-color:#808080;			    border-left-color:#808080;			    border-bottom-color:#333333;			    border-right-color:#333333;			    position: relative;			    right: 5px;			    top: 5px;			    border-top-left-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius:5px;			    border-top-right-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius:5px;			}						#footer {			    clear:both;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			}											#heading {			    float:left;			    margin:0 10px;			}			#columns {				clear:both;			}						#circle {			    width:79px;			    height:79px;			    border-radius:45px;			    border:5px solid #330396;			    background:#039C35;			    position:relative;			    z-index:1;			    float:left;			    margin-top:18px;			    margin-left:10px;			}			#rectangle1 {				width:71px;				height:25px;				background-color:#330396;				top:28px;				left:4px;				position:relative;			}			#rectangle2 {				width:25px;				height:71px;				background-color:#330396;				top:-21px;				left:28px;				position:relative;			}																					#NavMenuItem a{			    display: block;			    width: 84%;			    height: 30px;			    text-align:right;				line-height: 30px;  				vertical-align: middle;			    margin-left: auto;			    margin-right: auto;			    border-style:solid;			    border-top-color:#5404FB;			    border-left-color:#5404FB;			    border-bottom-color:#1A014B;			    border-right-color:#1A014B;			    background-color:#330396;			    color:white;				padding-right:15px;  			}							#NavMenuItem a:hover {			    display: block;			    width: 84%;			    height: 30px;			    text-align:right;				line-height: 30px;  				vertical-align: middle;			    border-style:solid;			    border-top-color:#5404FB;			    border-left-color:#5404FB;			    border-bottom-color:#1A014B;			    border-right-color:#1A014B;			    background-color:#330396;			    color:white;			    font-weight:bold;				padding-right:15px;  			}					#NavMenuItem a:active {			    display: block;			    width: 84%;			    height: 30px;			    text-align:right;				line-height: 30px;  				vertical-align: middle;			    border-style:solid;			    border-top-color:#1A014B;			    border-left-color:#1A014B;			    border-bottom-color:#5404FB;			    border-right-color:#5404FB;			    background-color:#330396;			    color:white;				padding-right:15px;  			}					#NavMenu {			    list-style-type: none;			    margin: 0;			    padding: 0;			}			#NavSubMenu {			    list-style-type: none;				position: absolute;				display:none;			}			#SubMenuArrow {				position:absolute;				top:208px;				left:154px;				line-height: 30px;				width:10px;			}					</style>				<div id="container">					<div id="header">				<div id="circle">					<div id="rectangle1"></div>					<div id="rectangle2"></div>				</div>				<div id="heading">			    	<h1 class="shadow">Bushland Recovery</h1>					<h4 class="shadow">Indigenous flora protection</h4>				</div>		    </div>		    	<div id="columns">	    				    <nav id="navigation">					<ul id="NavMenu">					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="index.htm">Home</a></li>					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Definitions.htm">Definitions</a></li>					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="">Services</a><div id="SubMenuArrow">▸</div>					  		<ul id="NavSubMenu">								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Councils.htm">Councils</a></li>								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="GovOrg.htm">Goverment</a></li>								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="UtilityCompanies.htm">Utilities</a></li>								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Private.htm">Private</a></li>					  		</ul>					  </li>					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Database.php">Staff portal</a></li>					</ul> 								</nav>			    			    <div id="content">				    <div id="feature">				        <p>Current jobs</p>				    </div>			        <p>Main content</p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>			    </div>			    			    			    			</div>			    		    <div id="footer">		        <p>Footer</p>		    </div>		</div>			</body></html>

    The example menu structure below work beautifully and I have been trying to cut and paste parts of the CSS in this, but it just does not work with my effort above. The popout submenu items just wont appear when I hover or click.

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title>CSS Dropdown Menu</title><link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" /><style>body, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, img, form, fieldset, input, textarea, blockquote {	margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0;}body {	background: #909eab url(bg.png);	font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 24px;}nav {	margin: 100px auto; 	text-align: center;}nav ul ul {	display: none;}	nav ul li:hover > ul {		display: block;	}nav ul {	background: #efefef; 	background: linear-gradient(top, #efefef 0%, #bbbbbb 100%);  	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #efefef 0%, #bbbbbb 100%); 	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #efefef 0%,#bbbbbb 100%); 	box-shadow: 0px 0px 9px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);	padding: 0 20px;	border-radius: 10px;  	list-style: none;	position: relative;	display: inline-table;}	nav ul:after {		content: ""; clear: both; display: block;	}	nav ul li {		float: left;	}		nav ul li:hover {			background: #4b545f;			background: linear-gradient(top, #4f5964 0%, #5f6975 40%);			background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #4f5964 0%, #5f6975 40%);			background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #4f5964 0%,#5f6975 40%);		}			nav ul li:hover a {				color: #fff;			}			nav ul li a {			display: block; padding: 25px 40px;			color: #757575; text-decoration: none;		}				nav ul ul {		background: #5f6975; border-radius: 0px; padding: 0;		position: absolute; top: 100%;	}		nav ul ul li {			float: none; 			border-top: 1px solid #6b727c;			border-bottom: 1px solid #575f6a; position: relative;		}			nav ul ul li a {				padding: 15px 40px;				color: #fff;			}					nav ul ul li a:hover {					background: #4b545f;				}		nav ul ul ul {		position: absolute; left: 100%; top:0;	}</style></head><body><nav>	<ul>		<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>		<li><a href="#">Tutorials</a>			<ul>				<li><a href="#">Photoshop</a></li>				<li><a href="#">Illustrator</a></li>				<li><a href="#">Web Design</a>					<ul>						<li><a href="#">HTML</a></li>						<li><a href="#">CSS</a></li>					</ul>				</li>			</ul>		</li>		<li><a href="#">Articles</a>			<ul>				<li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li>				<li><a href="#">User Experience</a></li>			</ul>		</li>		<li><a href="#">Inspiration</a></li>	</ul></nav></body></html>


  22. I have gotten this far and everything is working as expected.


    Except that I cannot figure out how to get the child menu under "Services" to show when you click it with the mouse.


    Can some one show me how to do this?


    At this point I just want the menu items to show up as is - I will worry about their formatting and appearance in the next stage.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">	<head>		<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv="Content-Type" />		<title>Untitled 1</title>		<style>			h1 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:xx-large;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h2 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:x-large;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h3 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:large;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h4 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:medium;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h5 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						h6 {			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:x-small;			    font-weight:bold;			    color:white;			}						.shadow {				text-shadow:3px 3px 3px black;			}}		</style>	</head>	<body>		<style>					#container {			    width:1060px;			    margin:0 auto;			    background-color:#004200;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			    border-top-left-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius:5px;			    border-top-right-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius:5px;			    border-style:solid;			    border-top-color:#006F00;			    border-left-color:#006F00;			    border-bottom-color:#002200;			    border-right-color:#002200;			}						#header {			    clear:both;			}									#navigation {			    float:left;			    width:15%;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			    clear:right;			}						#content {			    float:left;			    width:84%;			    background-color:white;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:black;			    text-align:left;			    border-top-left-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius:5px;			    border-top-right-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius:5px;			    border-color:#006600;			    border-style:solid;			    border-bottom-color:#006F00;			    border-right-color:#006F00;			    border-top-color:#002200;			    border-left-color:#002200;			}						#feature {			    float:right;			    width:25%;			    height:300px;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			    background-color:black;			    border-style:solid;			    border-top-color:#808080;			    border-left-color:#808080;			    border-bottom-color:#333333;			    border-right-color:#333333;			    position: relative;			    right: 5px;			    top: 5px;			    border-top-left-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius:5px;			    border-top-right-radius:5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius:5px;			}						#footer {			    clear:both;			    font-family:"Arial";			    font-size:small;			    color:white;			    text-align:left;			}											#heading {			    float:left;			    margin:0 10px;			}			#columns {				clear:both;			}						#circle {			    width:79px;			    height:79px;			    border-radius:45px;			    border:5px solid #330396;			    background:#039C35;			    position:relative;			    z-index:1;			    float:left;			    margin-top:18px;			    margin-left:10px;			}			#rectangle1 {				width:71px;				height:25px;				background-color:#330396;				top:28px;				left:4px;				position:relative;			}			#rectangle2 {				width:25px;				height:71px;				background-color:#330396;				top:-21px;				left:28px;				position:relative;			}																					#NavMenuItem a{			    display: block;			    width: 84%;			    height: 30px;			    text-align:right;				line-height: 30px; 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 			}					#NavMenu {			    list-style-type: none;			    margin: 0;			    padding: 0;			}			#NavSubMenu {			    list-style-type: none;				position: absolute;				visibility: hidden;			}/*						#NavMenuItem.active ul {			    list-style-type: none;				position: absolute;				visibility:visible;			}*/		#SubMenuArrow {				position:absolute;				top:208px;				left:154px;				line-height: 30px;				width:10px;			}					</style>				<div id="container">					<div id="header">				<div id="circle">					<div id="rectangle1"></div>					<div id="rectangle2"></div>				</div>				<div id="heading">			    	<h1 class="shadow">Bushland Recovery</h1>					<h4 class="shadow">Indigenous flora protection</h4>				</div>		    </div>		    	<div id="columns">	    				    <nav id="navigation">					<ul id="NavMenu">					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="index.htm">Home</a></li>					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Definitions.htm">Definitions</a></li>					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="">Services</a><div id="SubMenuArrow">▸</div>					  		<ul id="NavSubMenu">								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Councils.htm">Councils</a></li>								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="GovOrg.htm">Goverment</a>;</li>								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="UtilityCompanies.htm">Utilities</a></li>								  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Private.htm">Private</a></li>					  		</ul>					  </li>					  <li id="NavMenuItem"><a href="Database.php">Staff portal</a></li>					</ul> 								</nav>			    			    <div id="content">				    <div id="feature">				        <p>Current jobs</p>				    </div>			        <p>Main content</p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>			    </div>			    			    			    			</div>			    		    <div id="footer">		        <p>Footer</p>		    </div>		</div>			</body></html>


  23. Never mind, I figured it out for myself.


    The width of my content div was too much thus causing it to be displayed on the next line.


    All I had to do was reduce it width to "width: 84.7%;" and now it displays correctly with a thin border on the right hand side and rounded corners.



  24. I tested it in IE11, Chrome35 and FF28. What browser causes the problem?

    Using Firefox at present.


    I tried puting the extra div around my 3 column div's and that worked.


    This is what I have so far and the results are in the attachment.


    The next problem is that adding a border-style to my content div, so that I get the nice rounded corners on the right side of the content column, also mucks up the float left thing that was causing the content div to sit to the right of the navigation div.


    How do I fix this?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">	<head>		<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv="Content-Type" />		<title>Untitled 1</title>		<style>			h1 {			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: xx-large;			    font-weight: bold;			    color: white;			}						h2 {			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: x-large;			    font-weight: bold;			    color: white;			}						h3 {			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: large;			    font-weight: bold;			    color: white;			}						h4 {			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: medium;			    font-weight: bold;			    color: white;			}						h5 {			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: small;			    font-weight: bold;			    color: white;			}						h6 {			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: x-small;			    font-weight: bold;			    color: white;			}					</style>	</head>	<body>		<style>					#container {			    width: 100%;			    margin: 0 auto;			    background-color:#006600;			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: small;			    color: white;			    text-align: left;			    border-top-left-radius: 5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;			    border-top-right-radius: 5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;			}						#header {			    clear: both;			}									#navigation {			    float: left;			    width: 15%;			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: small;			    color: white;			    text-align: left;			    clear: right;			}						#content {			    float: left;			    width: 85%;			    background-color:white;			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: small;			    color: black;			    text-align: left;			    border-top-left-radius: 5px;			    border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;			    border-top-right-radius: 5px;			    border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;			    border-style: solid;			    border-color: #006600;			}						#feature {			    float: left;			    width: 10%;			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: small;			    color: white;			    text-align: left;			}						#footer {			    clear: both;			    font-family: "Arial";			    font-size: small;			    color: white;			    text-align: left;			}											#heading {			    float:left;			    margin:0 10px;			}			#columns {				clear: both;			}						#circle {			    width: 79px;			    height: 79px;			    border-radius: 45px;			    border: 5px solid #330396;			    background: #039C35;			    position: relative;			    z-index: 1;			    float: left;			    margin-top: 18px;			    margin-left: 10px;			}			#rectangle1 {				width:71px;				height:25px;				background-color:#330396;				top:28px;				left:4px;				position:relative;			}			#rectangle2 {				width:25px;				height:71px;				background-color:#330396;				top:-21px;				left:28px;				position:relative;			}					</style>				<div id="container">					<div id="header">				<div id="circle">					<div id="rectangle1"></div>					<div id="rectangle2"></div>				</div>				<div id="heading">			    	<h1>Bushland Recovery</h1>					<h4>Protecting our remnant native flora</h4>				</div>		    </div>		    	<div id="columns">			    <div id="navigation">			        <p>Navigation</p>				</div>			    			    <div id="content">			        <p>Main content</p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>					<p> </p>			    </div><!--			    			    <div id="feature">			        <p>Feature</p>			    </div>-->			</div>			    		    <div id="footer">		        <p>Footer</p>		    </div>		</div>			</body></html>


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