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Oso Polar

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Posts posted by Oso Polar

  1. I want to make a website in photoshop, slice it and use parts as navigation. If one clicks on it, I want the content to apear in an iframe on top of the thing I made in photoshop. But I don't want to see the iframe itself, just the scrollbars when needed. Is this possible? :) And how do I place the iframe in the lower right corner? :)edit: I just read frames are depreciated... so, I guess there is another way to do this. It's not that I needed it to be an iframe, but it seemed a logical step.

  2. well I do use css for the real presentation stuff :) I guess there's a lot more to do for me if I really wanted to seperate structure from presentation... but I'm not doing all the fonts and colors in html :)

  3. I'll try those :) And why html... well, actually, I don't really know. I wanted to built a website, and I was told I had to do that with html... so I learned some things from w3schools and made a site...what's the problem with html that xhtml doesn't have?

  4. I have a file (video) that I want to show on my site.this is what I have in the body of the page:<div id="mvc"><embed style="FILTER: xray; background: 000000" name="RAOCXplayer" src="Muse - Time is running out.avi" type="application/x-mplayer2" width="320" height="240" ShowControls="0" ShowStatusBar="0" AutoSize="true" loop="false" EnableContextMenu="0" DisplaySize="0" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"></embed></div>(I got most of it from a website with videos + codes for myspace, websites etc.)for some reason it doesn't work... but it worked before with a .asx file online.does anyone know what the problem is? thanks :)

  5. I'm trying to make a link that makes text appear in another frame, over the background that that frame already has. I guess it should be quite simple, but I can't find how to do it. This is what I tried:<html><head><base target="main"></head><body background="menubar.gif"><a href="photoshop.gif"><img border="0" src="pictures.gif"></a></body></html>This doesn't work since the background of the "main"frame gets replaced.

  6. OMG :) it worked :blink: well, not imediatly... first I made the file, then I saved it as a .html file. I reopened it imediatly and saw that all kinds of weird things were put into it ( a lot of "/par" and "{" ) so I deleted all that and saved it again. Then it worked. It seems like an odd way of getting it like it should be to me, but it works now ! :) thanks for helping me out ! :)

  7. @LG : that's what I get to see without downloading anything... :) @scott100: yes I can view the page...I had never heard of dtd, so what should I do with it? place a frameset dtd tag before the html tag? and what should I put in it? :)

  8. I still got the same sort of thing... :) so I guess it's not the server... but what about that dtd thing? To be honest, I havent got a clue what it is or how it could cause problems :)

  9. @ little goat: I still get those weird lines when I use my link, it doesn't try to download anything... :) I'm curious about what that file looks like :) but I can't find it...@ pulpfiction: I already changed the font into arial, but I'll try retyping it :)EDIT: nope, still nothing :blink:

  10. well, I removed the title completely and the problem stayed almost the same. I thing the list of weird things I got to see earlier became a bit shorter...but still no website :)

  11. I tried it again with all the sites in the frames like you did, but I still get:"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1043{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 \par \par \par \par \par \line \line \line \line \line \line \par \f1\fs20\par \par } "which doesn't make sense to me :)

  12. I'm trying to built a website with 3 frames: one on the top, one left (for a menu) and one to put the actual text and images in.this is what I have so far, but it doesn't seem to work. <html><head><title>Ÿsbeer </title></head><frameset rows="30%,70%"><frame src="topheader.htm"><frameset cols="17%,83%"><frame src="menubar.htm"><frame src="main.htm"></frameset></frameset></html>EDIT:this is what I get in internet explorer:{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1043{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 \par \par \par \par \par \line \line \line \line \line \line \par \f1\fs20\par \par } The separate frames are just a background image so far and seem to work fine in my browser. I'm quite new to html, so I guess it's a stupid mistake I made... but I can't find out what it is...anyone knows what the problem could be?thanks :)

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