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Posts posted by bairdb

  1. I am working with FedEx's FSM Api. Basically I have set up an http request with ASP, it sends the content I need fine and it will return data if I use responseText. My problem is that if I try to use responseXML, it won't let me access the returned xml with xmlDom because FedEx's server is retruning their data with a content type of image/gif. Is there any way with asp to get around this, say change the content type of the returned data myself?

  2. I am trying to create a dynamic graph with flash 8. I know how to apply values to my bars in my bar chart so they will resize depending on the value of my variables but I need my variables to be from an external source preferablly an asp page. Can anyone explain how to do this?

  3. All you need to do to bend lines is after you create the line, click on the black arrow tool. Put the cursor in the middle of the line until you see a little curve underneath the arrow, then all you have to do is just bend the line as much as you want.

  4. You will probably have to update the paths to your instanced movie clips inside your mc_nav movie clip.Here is an example, just add mc_nav before the movie clip that you are trying to access.


  5. How Big is you the stage of your flash file? If you want to position your .swf in an html page all you have to do is use a DIV tag and position it where you want.

  6. i'm trying to make a menui made an image with photoshop, and imported it into flash.and i've been told that this actionscript helps with the url
    on (release) {	getUrl("index.htm");}

    but it doesn't workflash mx gives me an error when i try it.

    **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances     on (release) {Total ActionScript Errors: 1   Reported Errors: 1

    i'm a bit of a dumbass with flash..so if you give me a big kid like version with colour pictures that would be great :)

    Make the image that you are using for your button a Button Symbol. All you have to do is click on your image and press F8 and then name it and choose the Button option and hit ok, then your code should work fine.
  7. <%set object = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")sql="SELECT DISTINCT Sales_St_Nm FROM SalesStateRetention WHERE subline<>'Grand Total' Order By Sales_St_Nm"object.open sql, connSales_St_Nm=request.QueryString("Sales_St_Nm")%><div style="position:absolute; top:0%; left:0%; font-weight:bold"><form method="get"><table cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="2%" bgcolor="#999999" border="1"><tr style="color:#FFFFFF;; background-color:#2A436C"><td><select name="Sales_St_Nm" onchange="submit();"><option>Select a Type</option><% do until object.EOF   response.Write("<option")   If object.fields("Sales_St_Nm") = Sales_St_Nm then   response.write(" selected")   end if   response.Write(">")   response.Write(object.fields("Sales_St_Nm"))   object.Movenextloopset object=Nothing%></select></td></tr></table></form><%if Sales_St_Nm<>"" thenset object = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")sql="SELECT * FROM SalesStateRetention WHERE Sales_ST_NM='"& Sales_St_Nm &"' AND subline='total'"object.open sql, conn%><script type="text/javascript">function open_reg(){window.open("http://compass/clfr/Metrics_copy(1)/new%20pages/RetentionV8/<%response.write(object.fields("Sales_St_Nm"))%>.asp?subline=total"),"_blank","toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, left=100px, top=150 status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, width=1000 height=300")}</script>

    I am trying to create a javascript pop up that has a link that the page that opens is based on a selection from a dynamic dropdown, but when I try to use the link nothing happens. This is the code I have so far, if anyone could help me out it would be appreciated.

  8. I have a booking form on my sitehttp://medussa.atspace.com/medussa.html --> book onlinebut what i think well be a great feature for users to do is be able to select the date from like a calendar at the side so they are garunteed to select the right date, but i have no idea of how to complete my idea and was wondering is there anyone that could assit mecheers in advance ben

    If you go to the website Dynamic Drivethere is a section that gives you the code to create calendars for forms.
  9. HII'm pretty new to Flash but I've taken the time to go through th tutorials. Specially the one that follows Flash 8.Now that I'm trying to make a site of my own I've stumbled on problems that I need help with. I apologize in advance if the topic is out there some where, I searched but couldn't find anything.The problem:I'm trying to do a slideshow that shows the different images in a scrolling manner.Much like the example that follows the program (Cafe Townsend) but without the button. 'The images just scroll horizontally making a brief paus on each. When I preview thin on Flash, it look good. But as soon as I try to look at it on DreamWeaver of IE then I get only a rectangle with the background color.After some experimentation, I've noticed that the animation does happen if I take away the images.Anyone knows why an animation that works on Flash doesn't work on the page?

    Are you publishing an html file from flash or are you just publishing a .swf file and then inserting that in a page in Dreamweaver?
  10. If you still need help with this. All you have to do to get a vector image from AI to Flash is export your AI file as a .swf file, then when you import that to flash it will be the same as in AI.

  11. I also tried running this without the on error portion of the code and I get this error.

    Error Type:Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)Syntax error in UPDATE statement.update.asp, line 37

  12. I am trying to create a form that will update a database. I took the code off of the Update tutorial here and just changed everything to work with my database but I can't get the update to write to the database, I either get the error that is in there or the page just refreshes and nothing happens. Any help would be appreciated.Form

    <html><body><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.MapPath("DB/QORSeperated.mdb"))set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rs.open "SELECT * FROM QOR2",conn%><h2>List Database</h2><table border="1" width="100%"><tr><%for each x in rs.Fields  response.write("<th>" & (x.name) & "</th>")next%></tr><% do until rs.EOF %><tr><form method="post" action="update.asp"><%for each x in rs.Fields  if (x.name)="ID" then%>    <td>    <input type="submit" name="id" value="<%=x.value%>">    </td>  <%else%>    <td><%Response.Write(x.value)%></td>  <%end ifnext%></form><%rs.MoveNext%></tr><%loopconn.close%></table></body></html>

    Update Page

    <html><body><h2>Update Record</h2><%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.MapPath("DB/QORSeperated.mdb"))id=Request.Form("ID")if Request.form("Type")<>"" then  set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")  rs.open "SELECT * FROM QOR2 WHERE ID='" & id & "' ORDER BY ID",conn  %>  <form method="post">  <table>  <%for each x in rs.Fields%>  <tr>  <td><%=x.name%></td>  <td><input name="<%=x.name%>" value="<%=x.value%>"></td>  <%next%>  </tr>  </table>  <br /><br />  <input type="submit" value="Update record">  </form><%else  sql="UPDATE QOR2 SET "  sql=sql & "Type='" & Request.Form("Type") & "',"  sql=sql & "TotalCLFRDIV='" & Request.Form("TotalCLFRDIV") & "',"  sql=sql & "FR='" & Request.Form("FR") & "',"  sql=sql & "COMMLINES='" & Request.Form("COMMLINES") & "',"  sql=sql & "TimeSlice='" & Request.Form("TimeSlice") & "',"  sql=sql & "Quarter='" & Request.Form("Quarter") & "',"  sql=sql & " WHERE ID='" & id & "'"    on error resume next  conn.Execute sql  if err<>0 then    response.write("No update permissions!")  else     response.write("Record " & id & " was updated!")end ifend ifconn.close%></body></html>

  13. <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function setOptions(o) { var select2 = document.form1.select2; select2.options.length = 0; if (o == "1") { select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Apple'); select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Pear'); } if (o == "2") { select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Carrot'); select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Potatoe'); } if (o == "3") { select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Chicken'); select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Fish'); }if (o == "4") { select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Cheddar'); select2.options[select2.options.length] = new Option('Swiss'); }  } </script> </head> <body> <form name="form1"> <select name="select1" size="1" onchange="setOptions(document.form1.select1.options[document.form1.select1.selectedIndex].value);"> <option value="1">Fruit</option> <option value="2">Vegetable</option> <option value="3">Meat</option> </select> <br /> <br /> <select name="select2" size="1"> <option>Apple</option> <option>Pear</option> </select> </form> </body> </html></body> </html>

    I have this code with some javascript that will change the value of the second drop down box depending on what is selected in the first drop down. Can anyone help me with some asp code to make these options populate dynamically from a database?

  14. I have a little bit of a different question about this now. For each time that a drop down box gets submitted I am creating a table with the results from the selection along with the dependant dropdown box. I have at the moment three dropdown boxes that are dependant on each other and all of them also create a table with the results from the selection. The problem I am having is, each time a table is created the headers from the previous table remains so I end up having three sets of headers on one table by the time I get to the third dropdown box and I only want the most current table and it's header. It looks like anything before do until object.EOF gets left on the screen after the page refreshes but everything after does not.

    <%set object=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql="SELECT DISTINCT REGN_NM FROM 2005_SSP ORDER BY REGN_NM"object.Open sql,connREGN_NM=request.Form("regn_nm")%><a href="Test.asp">Refresh</a><form method="post"><select name="regn_nm" onchange="submit();"><option>Select a Region</option><% do until object.EOF   response.Write("<option")   If object.fields("regn_nm") = regn_nm then   response.write(" selected")   end if   response.Write(">")   response.Write(object.fields("regn_nm"))   object.Movenextloopset object=Nothing%></select></select><%If regn_nm<>"" thensql="SELECT DISTINCT SALES_ST_NM FROM 2005_SSP WHERE REGN_NM='"& regn_nm &"' ORDER BY SALES_ST_NM"set object=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")object.Open sql,connsales_st_nm=Trim(request("sales_st_nm"))%><select name="sales_st_nm" onchange="submit()"><option>Select a Sales State</option><% do until object.EOF   response.Write("<option")   If object.fields("sales_st_nm") = sales_st_nm then   response.write(" selected")   end if   response.Write(">")   response.Write(object.fields("sales_st_nm"))   object.Movenextloopset object=Nothing%></select><%END IF%><%If sales_st_nm<>"" thensql="SELECT DISTINCT DST_CD FROM 2005_SSP WHERE SALES_ST_NM='"& sales_st_nm &"' ORDER BY DST_CD"set object=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")object.Open sql,connDST_CD=request.Form("dst_cd")%><select name="dst_cd" onchange="submit();"><option>Choose a District</option><% do until object.EOF   response.Write("<option")   If object.fields("dst_cd") = dst_cd then   response.write(" selected")   end if   response.Write(">")   response.Write(object.fields("dst_cd"))   object.Movenextloopset object=Nothing%></select><%If dst_cd<>"" thensql="TRANSFORM Sum([2005_SSP].PREMIUM_TOTAL) AS SumOfPREMIUM_TOTAL SELECT [2005_SSP].REGN_NM, [2005_SSP].SALES_ST_NM, [2005_SSP].DST_CD FROM 2005_SSP WHERE Dst_Cd='"& dst_cd &"' GROUP BY   [2005_SSP].REGN_NM, [2005_SSP].SALES_ST_NM, [2005_SSP].DST_CD PIVOT [2005_SSP].YR_MO;"set object=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")object.Open sql,conn%><table border="1" width="100%"> <tr>	<%for each x in object.Fields  response.write("<th>" & x.name & "</th>")	next%>	</tr><%do until object.EOF%> 	 <tr>	<%for each x in object.Fields%>  <td id="TD"><%Response.Write(x.value)%></td>	<%next	object.MoveNext%>	</tr>	<%loop	object.close	%></table><%  end if %><%End IF%><%If sales_st_nm<>"" thensql="TRANSFORM Sum([2005_SSP].PREMIUM_TOTAL) AS SumOfPREMIUM_TOTAL SELECT [2005_SSP].REGN_NM, [2005_SSP].SALES_ST_NM, [2005_SSP].DST_CD FROM 2005_SSP WHERE Sales_st_nm='"& Sales_st_nm &"' GROUP BY   [2005_SSP].REGN_NM, [2005_SSP].SALES_ST_NM, [2005_SSP].DST_CD PIVOT [2005_SSP].YR_MO;"set object=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")object.Open sql,conn%><table border="1" width="100%"> <tr>	<%for each x in object.Fields  response.write("<th>" & x.name & "</th>")	next%>	</tr><%do until object.EOF%> 	 <tr>	<%for each x in object.Fields%>  <td id="TD"><%Response.Write(x.value)%></td>	<%next	object.MoveNext%>	</tr>	<%loop	object.close	%></table><%  end if %><%If regn_nm<>"" thensql="TRANSFORM Sum([2005_SSP].PREMIUM_TOTAL) AS SumOfPREMIUM_TOTAL SELECT [2005_SSP].REGN_NM, [2005_SSP].SALES_ST_NM, [2005_SSP].DST_CD FROM 2005_SSP WHERE Regn_nm='"& Regn_nm &"' GROUP BY   [2005_SSP].REGN_NM, [2005_SSP].SALES_ST_NM, [2005_SSP].DST_CD PIVOT [2005_SSP].YR_MO;"set object=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")object.Open sql,conn%><table border="1" width="100%"> <tr>	<%for each x in object.Fields  response.write("<th>" & x.name & "</th>")	next%>	</tr><%do until object.EOF%> 	 <tr>	<%for each x in object.Fields%>  <td id="TD"><%Response.Write(x.value)%></td>	<%next	object.MoveNext%>	</tr>	<%loop	object.close	%></table><%  end if %></form></body></html>

  15. I am having a problem though with the dependancy between the two drop down boxes. When I select the first option every option from the Sales State box loads not just the ones that correspond to the first selection.

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