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Posts posted by fullphaser

  1. but in order to do your own you are probably going to need atleast some knowledge before hand of HTML and CSS to some degree, in the case where you don't have a great deal of knowledge a generally available one would be a much better choice, also you should know that in order to host the site, your host must support a server side scripting language PHP/ASP and a database Postgre/MySQL so be sure of that before you buy the hosting for this site, :)

  2. but see there is no way to really protect the page, there are ways around every protection meathod on the web, If you are talking about just the copyright symbol so that you can say its yours, then you can simply add the copryight© of such and such as that is valid as a copyright, and you don't have to pay, for images you can do watermarks, for sites (for the stupider folks out there) you can do comments, but again, there is no real way to completly protect a page

  3. Alright recently I went through the trouble of aquiring a new page for myself, already having a few on the market, all custom built. But this one needed a CMS/Forum/Blog, and it was to be my personal page and what not. Anyway I opted for pre constructd CMS/Forum/Blog tech all using php/mysql now I know using this stuff isn't all bad, I mean I am still developing my own CMS, but I decided to use pre designed skins so I wouldn't have to worry about that later, by using these pre created skins am I less of a webdesigner?

  4. could you give us an example of the code :) I am thinking using the display: property of CSS may be of some help here, or using a wrapper, but in order to really grasp what you are looking for a visual representation, or code will help

  5. I was wondering when ever I use the <h3> to make the letters biger ,it moves the whole "word" down. Like I hit the enter button on it ""How are                                                                                  you""

    Is there an example that you could give? I believe I may be of some help, if you can give me an example of this (if you are uncomfertable posting it, you may send it to me via PM) That way We can see if It needs just a bit of CSS to spark it up a bit :)
  6. fullphaser,could you please take a look at this :
    <html><body><style type="text/css">.nospacing {margin: 0;padding: 0;}</style><!-- Start Ticker script --><hr class="nospacing"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Web Site:  http://www.qiksearch.com/javascripts.htm --><!-- Beginvar msgs = new Array(     "24 Apr : My BLOG Progress Log",     "24 Apr : A new dropdown list has been added in the sidebar showing some of my frequent visit forums."); // No comma after last ticker msgvar msg_url = new Array(     "http://yyhhcc.blogspot.com/2006/02/blog-progress-log.html",     "http://yyhhcc.blogspot.com/"); // No comma after last ticker urlvar barwidth=400 //Enter main bar width in px or %var setdelay=3000 //Enter delay between msgs, in mili-secondsvar mouseover_color='#D8D8D8' //Specify highlight colorvar mouseout_color='#FFFFFF' //Specify default color/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////var count=0;var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.allvar ie4=document.all&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1if (ie4||ns6){document.write('<form name="news_bar"><input type="button" value="<" onclick="moveit(0)" class="scrollerstyle" style="width:22; height:22; border-right-width:0px;" name="prev" title="Previous News"><input type="button" name="news_bar_but" onclick="goURL();" style="color:#000000;background:#FFFFFF; width:'+barwidth+'; height:22; border-width:3; border-color:#8b2; cursor:hand; font: small tahoma;color:red;font-size:75%" onmouseover="this.style.background=mouseover_color" onmouseout="this.style.background=mouseout_color"><input type="button" value=">" onclick="moveit(1)" class="scrollerstyle" style="width:22; height:22; border-left-width:0px;" name="next" title="Next News"></form>');}else{document.write('<form name="news_bar"><input type="button" value="Previous" onclick="moveit(0)">')if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1)document.write('<input type="button" name="news_bar_but" onclick="goURL();" style="width:'+barwidth+'" border="0">')elsedocument.write('<input type="button" name="news_bar_but" onclick="goURL();" width="'+barwidth+'" border="0">')document.write('<input type="button" value="Next" onclick="moveit(1)"></form>')}//  End --></script><hr><!-- End Ticker script --></body></html>

    There is still a wide spacing between the <hr> and the ticker..could you pls point out the error here?  thanks

    Is this what you are looking for :)
    <html><body><style type="text/css">.nospacing {margin: 0;padding: 0;}.scrollerstyle {margin: 0; padding: 0;}</style><!-- Start Ticker script --><hr class="nospacing"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Web Site:  http://www.qiksearch.com/javascripts.htm --><!-- Beginvar msgs = new Array(    "24 Apr : My BLOG Progress Log",    "24 Apr : A new dropdown list has been added in the sidebar showing some of my frequent visit forums."); // No comma after last ticker msgvar msg_url = new Array(    "http://yyhhcc.blogspot.com/2006/02/blog-progress-log.html",    "http://yyhhcc.blogspot.com/"); // No comma after last ticker urlvar barwidth=400 //Enter main bar width in px or %var setdelay=3000 //Enter delay between msgs, in mili-secondsvar mouseover_color='#D8D8D8' //Specify highlight colorvar mouseout_color='#FFFFFF' //Specify default color/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////var count=0;var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.allvar ie4=document.all&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1if (ie4||ns6){document.write('<form name="news_bar" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><input type="button" value="<" onclick="moveit(0)" class="scrollerstyle" style="width:22; height:22; border-right-width:0px;" name="prev" title="Previous News"><input type="button" name="news_bar_but" onclick="goURL();" style="color:#000000;background:#FFFFFF; width:'+barwidth+'; height:22; border-width:3; border-color:#8b2; cursor:hand; font: small tahoma;color:red;font-size:75%" onmouseover="this.style.background=mouseover_color" onmouseout="this.style.background=mouseout_color"><input type="button" value=">" onclick="moveit(1)" class="scrollerstyle" style="width:22; height:22; border-left-width:0px;" name="next" title="Next News"></form>');}else{document.write('<form name="news_bar" style="padding: 0; margin: 0;"><input type="button" value="Previous" onclick="moveit(0)">')if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")!=-1)document.write('<input type="button" name="news_bar_but" onclick="goURL();" style="width:'+barwidth+'" border="0">')elsedocument.write('<input type="button" name="news_bar_but" onclick="goURL();" width="'+barwidth+'" border="0">')document.write('<input type="button" value="Next" onclick="moveit(1)"></form>')}//  End --></script><hr class="nospacing"><!-- End Ticker script --></body></html>

    I added the nospacing class to the bottom <hr> tag this gets rid of the upward margin, I also added it to both <form> tags (which are inside the Javascript code) I also added the no spacing elements to the scrollertype (which is part of the input in IE) I haven't tested it in IE, so if Internet Explorer gives you trouble let me know, and I will see what I can do, but I think I got the results that you were looking for or atleast I hope I did :)

  7. I'm having different results with my css code in different browsers. I have a class in my css file that hides borders etc and have written it like this:Now I use this class within the <table> and <td> tags to effectively hide them like this:In firefox i get the results i want i.e. a table with no borders! However this does not work in IE, it just ignores the class and defaults to my normal table styling with borders. Does anyone know why this is and how I can fix it?- Tom

    I was under the impression that IE can't infact read the element: hidden; and procedes to ignore anything that is included with the hidden, atleast that is the exprience that I have gotten in the past, as someone suggested I would use border: 0; instead. If you are using this for a :hover, note also that IE can only read a:hover, I have heard that you have to result to Javascritpt/'css hacks' to clear the :hover issues, so... just thought I would add that, because the only time I see the element: hidden; braught up is when there is a hover effect nearby
  8. Well the wierd thing is that it isn't validating any of that bit of CSS it seems anything that is even on the edge isn't considered valid and the -moz-opacity is similar to -khtml-opacity; it is designed for older versions of Firefox and Safari (or so I am told, that firefox<1.0 doesn't read opacity but wil read -moz-opacity or something to that effect, that is just what I am told)

  9. a:visited {-moz-opacity:.6; opacity:.6; filter: alpha(opacity=60);}#subii{filter:alpha(opacity=70); -moz-opacity:.7; opacity:.7;}

    Is there any way to validate transparency with CSS2 and such?

  10. Yeah heh, just before I came on I caught that. I was looking at the code before the PHP was parsed... so my line numbers were completly differnt from where I should have been looking. :) eh, I guess sometimes silly mistakes just catch you off gaurd. I can't belive I missed that. Oh well you win some you loose some tis all good and valid now

  11. You haven't closed the previous <li> tags. Most browsers will figure out what you've done and display it normally, but it's still bad html. If you tab your code when you write it this sort of error is a lot easier to sort out.

    No, I don't think that is it. here is the code
    <ul id="menuii">	<li id="head" class="special">Menu</li>	<li class="mobile"><a href="community.php" title="a list of all the communication locations on this website">Community</a>  <ul> 	 <li><a href="forums/index.php" title="message board">Forums</a></li> 	 <li><a href="irc://irc.gamesurge.com/" title="chat room link, (must have IRC Client)">Chat Room</a></li>  </ul>	</li>	<li class="mobile"><a href="tutorials.php" title="A list of avaliable tutorials at avant information Services">Tutorials</a>  <ul> 	 <li><a href="tutorials/photoshop.php">Photoshop</a></li> 	 <li><a href="tutorials/gimp.php">Gimp</a></li> 	 <li><a href="tutorials/XHTML.php">XHTML</a></li> 	 <li><a href="tutorials/CSS.php">CSS</a></li> 	 <li><a href="tutorials/PHP.php">PHP</a></li> 	 <li><a href="tutorials/javascript.php">Javascript</a></li>  </ul>	<li class="mobile"><a href="scripts.php" title="free easy to use scripts">Scripts</a>  <ul> 	 <li><a href="scripts/javascript.php">Javascript</a></li> 	 <li><a href="scripts/asp.php">ASP</a></li> 	 <li><a href="scripts/php.php">PHP</a></li> 	 <li><a href="scripts/ajax.php">AJAX</a></li>  </ul>	</li>	<li><a href="downloads.php" title="free downloads to help your computer">Downloads</a></li>	<li class="mobile"><a href="reviews.php" title="Reviews of products and freeware we have come across">Reviews & FAQ's</a>  <ul> 	 <li><a href="reviews/hardware.php">Hardware</a></li> 	 <li><a href="reviews/software.php">Software</a></li> 	 <li><a href="reviews/games.php">Games</a></li> 	 <li><a href="reviews/general.php">General</a></li>  </ul>	</li></ul>

    and unless I have always been wrong you don't close the <li> tag on an nested list util after you have finished off the nested list, and I am pretty sure that is valid xhtml, or atleast I thought it was.

  12. Thanks for your reply fullphaser,If i want to use your second method, please can you tell me how do I refer to that class/id when i want to have a <hr>?**ohh..i think i figured that out .  Thanks a lot.<hr class="something"><style type="text/css">.something {margin:0; padding: 0;}</style><hr>  <---  What should I put, or how do I refer to that class?Sorry, i'm just a newbie learning html myself...

    You should be able to refer to it in the same way, infact if you just want that bit of the site to all have no spacing in such in between than simply putting
    <hr class="something" /> <td class="something"><p class="something" style="font-weight:bold"><font size="-2">News: <span style="color:red"><font size="-2">news</span></p></td></font><hr class="something" /></body></html>

    that tells the browser that everytime that it reads that class="something" that it will have no spacing what so ever (padding is inside spacing margin is spacing on the outside) also you will see that I added a / to the end of the <hr> tag. This is simply for complaince with xhtml so your completed code should look something like this

    <html><body><style type="text/css">.something {margin: 0;padding: 0;}</style><hr class="something" /> <td class="something"><p class="something" style="font-weight:bold"><font size="-2">News: <span style="color:red"><font size="-2">news</span></p></td></font><hr class="something" /></body></html>

  13. I've this code hereit has one blank line before showing the 'News' text line, and one more line after the text.  How can I eliminate this line spacings?Tks

    You could use some css
    <style type="text/css">hr {margin: 0; padding: 0;}p {margin: 0; padding: 0;}td {margin: 0; padding: 0;}</style>

    that will drop all padding and margin on all elements. if you don't want it to affect the rest of the page, you could assign a class or id like so

    <hr class="something"><style type="text/css">.something {margin:0; padding: 0;}</style>

    and following the same pattern

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