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Posts posted by Aus_Steph

  1. Haha excellent. Thankyou!So each bit of info needs the same opening and closing tags as the next one in that table. Yeh?OK, so if XML data islands are only supported by IE, I should forget about using it in web design and stuff right? Sorry I am reallllllly clueless with some stuff!

  2. Im just learning XML, and cannot work out why this wont work when I try to embed the XML into HTML.Here are my codes:<xml id="steph"><family> <mother> <gender>Female</gender> <age>60</age> <name>Pam</name> </mother> <father> <gender>Male</gender> <age>61</age> <name>Geoff</name> </father> <child> <gender>Female</gender> <age>28</age> <name>Stephanie</name> </child></family></xml>And my HTML:<html><body><xml id="steph" src="steph.xml"></xml><table border="1" datasrc="#steph"><tr><td><span datafld="gender"></span></td><td><span datafld="age"></span></td><td><span datafld="name"></span></td></tr></table></body></html>Can Anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I have just saved both into a folder on my desktop. Thanks!

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