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Posts posted by mhugo

  1. Hi,Another question. Why do I get the appname "Netscape" instead of "Firefox" when running the following code with Firefox to get the browser information.Thank you very much.Regards,Mary<html><head> <title>Exercise 16.1</title></head> <body><script language="JavaScript"> var i document.writeln("The properties of the navigator objects: ") i = 0 for (i in navigator){ document.write("property: " + i + "<br />") document.write(" value: " + navigator+ "<br />") } </script></body></html>

  2. Thank you very much. scott100.

    I think it means what browser version the feature was first implemented.  So anchors[] were first implemented in Internet Explorer 3, FireFox 1 and Netscape 2.  Someone using Internet Explorer 2 could not take advantage of this.

  3. Hi,I don't understand the meaning of the numbers under various broswers for document object collection in the page :http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/dom_obj_document.aspCollection    IE  F  N  W3Canchors[]  3  1  2  Yesapplets[]  4  1  3  YesCan someone help me.Thanks.Regards,Mary

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