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Posts posted by Dahaka

  1. Thank you for taking time to reply to my problem, everyone. Most certainly a lot of food for thought there. boen_robot, regarding what you said about finding my expertise, that is something I have deeply pondered for awhile. Like I said, I am mundane when it comes to graphics design, and a novice at coding, since I only know some HTML & CSS. The thing is, if it turns out I am not cut-out for both, then I really do have some head scratching to do. I'm 19 years old and it's about time I knew what path I wish to follow.So, justsomeguy do you know what an official title of a PHP Programming course would be? It'll be more helpful if you're from the UK, but if not that's cool, I'll just have to browse on my local colleges' websites.I think learning PHP would especially be a fine asset because when I eventually create my own website, I want to install a VBulletin forum into it, which is written in PHP. So, that way I will not have to rely on others so much to assist with the technical side of it.How difficult would you say PHP is to get into? Do you suppose a person like me, who has yet to even master HTML & CSS, would be able to absorb it? Or do you think I should brush up on my HTML beforehand just for the sake of it?

  2. Hello,I am 19 years old and during my college years I managed to pass a GNVQ Intermediate ICT course, as well achieve IT Users and IT Principles Diplomas from City and Guilds e-quals. Nothing exceptional I know, but that's just a brief insight into my academic background.I have been using Adobe Photoshop for several years now to produce graphics (signatures & avatars) mostly for online communities. I am very modest about my ability and do not regard myself particularly highly. I have also found myself suffering from a chronic graphics block. I simply open Photoshop and become devoid of ideas and technique. I am only really acquainted with some HTML and CSS. I can make your standard Table code layout, only using Div to position my table more specifically. I considered learning how to slice layouts, but I found that a little daunting.With the bar continually being raised in Web Design, I am sure most employers will be prefer designers fluent in HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Flash etc. it seems like by the eternity it takes me to learn them, they'll be a whole new batch of coding language to absorb.Although I still have a keen interest in Web Design, I have to ask: 'Do you think it is worth pursuing?' You only have to briefly browse the internet to see an abundance of people creating graphics and attractive websites. Web Design doesn't seem as particular anymore, and consequently is going to be a far more competitive career to pursue.Ultimately, I know it is my decision to make, but I would like some feedback, as I am sure there are many of you here who are blessed with Web Design knowledge and may be pursuing this kind of career yourself. What would you suggest I undertake in order to improve?Thank you for your time- Dahaka

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