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Posts posted by growth

  1. Hi !I have a page that shows a message using onload.The problem is when I go to others pages and after I go back with the browser to that one wich shows the message. The message appears again.How can I clean the message before go back with the browser to that page ?The code HTML :<% sMsg = (String)request.getAttribute(Defines.PARAM_MENSAGEM);%><%! public String exibe_msg() { String retorno = ""; if ( sMsg != null ) retorno = "alert('" + sMsg + "');"; return (retorno); }%></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TOPMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" onload="<%= exibe_msg() %>">Thank you.

  2. You are targeting by using form and form elements names, besides, I guess you cannot replace one of those names by the passed variable.Use this:Note the "length" property was misspelled, and elements[field] is not quoted - afterall, here you do may use the variable :)

    Thank you, DanI did like your sugestion, but it didn´t work. The focus is going to next field.The javascript code :function ValidaCEP(field) { if (field.length != 8) { alert ("O CEP deve conter 8 dígitos!"); document.forms['ClientesForm'].elements[field].focus(); return false; } return true;}The part of HTML code :<TR> <TD align="right" valign="middle"><DIV CLASS="normal">CEP:</DIV></TD> <TD align="left" valign="middle"><input type="text" class="" name="<%= Defines.PARAM_CEP_CLIENTE%>" value="" maxlength="8" size="9" onChange="ValidaCEP(<%= Defines.PARAM_CEP_CLIENTE %>.value)"> <font size="1"> (Digite o CEP sem o traço)</font> </TD></TR>
  3. I am using the code below, but the command focus() doesn´t work. Why?PS: the form name and the field name are corrects.function ValidaCEP(field) {if (field.lenght != 8){alert ("O CEP deve conter 8 dígitos!");document.AlteraClienteForm.field.focus(); return false;}return true;}Thank you.

  4. I am using the code below, but the command focus() doesn´t work. Why?function ValidaCEP(field) { if (field.lenght != 8) { alert ("O CEP deve conter 8 dígitos!"); document.AlteraClienteForm.field.focus(); return false; } return true;}Thank you.

  5. Thank you for the answer, and sorry for didn´t show you my complete code.I have to use the code below, to know wich checkbox is selected.With your solution, I will resolve the problem with the command c.length.But I still have a problem with the command "c.checked", when I have just one checkboxvar c = document.AlterarExcluirForm.checkbox;for ( var i=0; i < c.length; i++ ){if ( c.checked == true ){tem_selecao = true;break;}}

  6. Thank you for the answer.But I have to use the code below too, to know wich checkbox is selected : for ( var i=0; i < c.length; i++ ){ if ( c.checked == true ) { tem_selecao = true; break; }}But, when I have just one checkbox, this code doesn´t work.

  7. To know how many checkbox there are in my array of checkbox, I use :var c = document.AlterarExcluirForm.checkbox;var tam = c.length;But, my array is dynamic, and when I have just one checkbox in the array, the command c.length doesn´t works.How can I resolve that ?Thanks.

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