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Posts posted by walkingbeard

  1. <html>	<head>  <title>Bee Successful Test</title>  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/shell.css' />  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/bodyLooks.css' />  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/rightBoxLooks.css' />  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/themeStandard.css' />    <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='./scripts/slideshow.js'></script>	</head>	<body>  <div id='blockWhole'>  	<div class='blockMenuBackground'></div>  	<div class='blockMenuText'>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=about_us">About Us</a>	    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=our_clients">Our Clients</a>        <div class="barMenu"></div>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=services">Services</a>        <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=consulting">Consulting</a>     <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=meeting_support">Meeting Support</a>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=away_days">Away Days</a>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=training">Training</a>    <div class="barMenu"></div>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=scenario_centre">Scenario Centre</a>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=education">Education</a>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=scottish_focus">Scottish Focus</a>        <div class="barMenu"></div>    <a class="textMenu" href="index.php?section=visual_thinking">Visual Thinking</a>    <a class="textMenu"  href="index.php?section=idon_tools">Idon Tools</a>    <div class="barMenu"></div>    <a class="textMenu"  href="index.php?section=resources">Resources</a>	    <a class="textMenu"  href="index.php?section=links">Links</a>  	</div>  	  	<div class='blockEyeCatcher'>    <img src='./media/images/util/topDroplets.png' alt='Closeup of water droplets' />      	</div>  	  	<div class='blockBlob'></div>  	<div class='blockSignAndSearch'>    <div class="blockSignUp">    	<a href='./sign_up/index.php'>Sign up</a> to our newsletter    </div>    <div class="blockSearch">    	<form method='GET' action='http://www.picosearch.com/cgi-bin/ts.pl'>      <input type="HIDDEN" name="index" value="416445" />          <input class="form_box" type="text" name="query" size="20" />      <input type="SUBMIT" value="Find" name="SEARCH" />    	</form>    </div>  	</div>      	<pre class='blockUtilMenu'><a class='linkUtil' href='./index.php'>home</a>  <a class='linkUtil' href='./index.php?section=news'>news</a>  <a class='linkUtil' href='.index.php?section=contact_us'>contact us</a></pre>  	  	<div class='blockDateBar'>    <div class='textDate'>    	May 30th 2006    </div>  	</div>  	  	<div class='blockBody'>    <div id='divBodyContained'>    	<div class='titlePage'>Welcome to Bee Successful</div>    	    	<div class='titleParagraph'>Facilitators of Better Thinking and Creative Collaboration</div>        	    	<div class='textParagraph'>From strategic consulting to supporting meetings, we work closely with clients to help them achieve the results they are looking for in a fraction of the time thought possible. 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  2. HiIt's probably best if I just post the source and images of the effects, although you might be able to try them yourself if you've got IE, Ff and Opera.With IE, it's all fubar, and with Opera, just the bit with the arrow pointed at it. The most odd thing was that I fixed one problem, with the footer bar, by not floating the copyright message to right and postioning it manually instead. Once I had done that, the Bee Successful, which is stuck at the bottom in IE, suddenly lurched from the right-side of the screen to where it is now. Internet Explorer was written by monkeys.If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it a lot.The images:Firefox -OKIE 6 - Very badOpera 8.54 - Quite bad

    <html>	<head>  <title>Bee Successful Test</title>  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/shell.css' />  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/bodyLooks.css' />  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/rightBoxLooks.css' />  <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='./style/themeStandard.css' />    <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='./scripts/slideshow.js'></script>	</head>	<body>  <div id='blockWhole'>  	<div class='blockMenuBackground'></div>  	<div class='blockMenuText'>    <?php include("./internal/menuStandard.php"); ?>  	</div>  	  	<div class='blockEyeCatcher'>    <?php include("./internal/imageEyeCatcher.php"); ?>  	</div>  	  	<div class='blockBlob'></div>  	<div class='blockSignAndSearch'>    <?php include("./internal/signAndSearch.php"); ?>  	</div>      	<pre class='blockUtilMenu'><?php include("./internal/menuUtil.php"); ?></pre>  	  	<div class='blockDateBar'>    <div class='textDate'>    	<?php      print(date("F jS Y"));    	?>    </div>  	</div>  	  	<div class='blockBody'>    <?php include("./sections/home/body.php"); ?>  	</div>  	  	<div class='blockRightBox'>    <?php include("./sections/home/rightbox.php"); ?>  	</div>  	  	<div class='blockFootBar'>    <?php include("./internal/barFooter.php"); ?>  	</div>  	<div class='blockLogoBeeSuccessful' onClick='top.location = "./index.php"'>    <div class='blockLogoBee'>Bee</div>    <div class='blockLogoSuccessful'>Successful</div>    <div class='blockLogoIdeas'>Bringing Ideas and People Together</div>  	</div>  </div>	</body></html>

    .blockFootBar {  	margin: 0px;  	border: 0px;  	background-image: url("../media/images/util/barFooter.png");  	background-position: bottom left;  	background-repeat: no-repeat;  	height: 25px;  	width: 812px;  	font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;  	font-size: 0.55em;	font-weight: bold;	position: absolute;	z-index: 0;	top: 550px;}.menuFooter {	border: 0px;	position: relative;	top: 3px;	left: 135px;}.noticeCopyright {	border: 0px;	padding-right: 5px;	position: relative;	top: 3px;	left: 250px;	}a.linkFooter:link {  	color: black;}a.linkFooter:visited {	color: black;}a.linkFooter:hover {  	color: rgb(100,100,100);}/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*|    Main Menu                                                      *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/.blockMenuBackground {	width: 125px;	height: 555px;	background-image: url("../media/images/util/menuStandard.gif");	filter: alpha(opacity=55);	-moz-opacity: 0.55;	opacity: 0.55;	z-index: 1;	position: absolute;}.barMenu {  	position: relative;  	left: 18px;	width: 91px;	background-color: #333333;	height: 1px;	margin-top: 0.6em;	margin-bottom: 0.6em;}.blockMenuText {	width: 125px;	height: 555px;  	text-align: center;	padding-top: 125px;	z-index: 2;	position: absolute;	top: 30px;}a.textMenu {	display: block;	font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;	font-size: 0.7em;	line-height: 1.9em;}a.textMenu:link {	color: #333333;}a.textMenu:visited {  	color: #333333;}a.textMenu:hover {  	color: white;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Whole thing                                                                    *//*=================================================================================*/#blockWhole {	width: 820px;	padding: 0px;	margin-left: 100px;	margin-top: 16px;	z-index: -2;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Eye catcher                                                                    *//*=================================================================================*/.blockEyeCatcher {  	padding: 0px;	position: absolute;	top: 16px;	left: 240px;	z-index: 1;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Body                                                                           *//*=================================================================================*/.blockBody {	position: absolute;	left: 245px;	top: 150px;	width: 487px;	height: 390px;	overflow: auto;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Right box                                                                      *//*=================================================================================*/.blockRightBox {	position: absolute;	left: 742px;	top: 140px;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Blob, email, search                                                            *//*=================================================================================*/.blockBlob {  	background-image: url("../media/images/util/blobStandard.gif");	width: 178px;	height: 70px;	filter: alpha(opacity=55);	-moz-opacity: 0.55;	opacity: 0.55;	position: absolute;	top: 16px;	left: 742px;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Date/wisdom bar                                                                *//*=================================================================================*/.blockDateBar {	text-align: right;	background-image: url("../media/images/util/barWisdom.gif");	width: 812px;	height: 37px;	position: absolute;	top: 105px;}.textDate {	font-family: "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;	font-size: 0.7em;	position: relative;	left: -48px;	top: 7px;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Utility Menu                                                                   *//*=================================================================================*/.blockUtilMenu {	text-align: center;	position:absolute;	left: 742px;	top: 74px;	width: 178px;	font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif;	font-size: 0.8em;	font-weight: bolder;	}.linkUtil:link {	color: black;}.linkUtil:visited {	color: black;}.linkUtil:hover {	color: #666666;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Sign up and search                                                             *//*=================================================================================*/.blockSignAndSearch {	position: absolute;	width: 178px;	left: 742px;}.blockSignUp {	font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;	font-size: 0.7em;	position:relative;	left: 5px;	top: 5px;}.blockSearch {	font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;  	font-size: 0.7em;	position: relative;	left: 5px;	top: 27px;}.form_box {	width: 115px;}/*=================================================================================*//*  Logo                                                                           *//*=================================================================================*/.blockLogoBeeSuccessful {	width: 380px;	height: 100px;	font-family: "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif;	font-weight: normal;	position:absolute;	z-index: 2;}.blockLogoBee {	font-size: 2.3em;	color: rgb(51, 102, 0);	position: relative;	left: 62px;	top: 16px;}.blockLogoSuccessful {	font-size: 2.3em;	color: white;	position: relative;	left: 140px;	top: -30px;}.blockLogoIdeas {	font-size: 0.9em;	font-weight: bold;	color: rgb(153, 0, 0);	position:relative;	top: -32px;	left: 140px;}

  3. I've been reading about CSS for a long, long time now and I've been hearing about XSL for almost as long, but I still can't quite work XSL out, regarding its purpose. It seems to me that half of the function of XSL is embodied in XSL-FO, which doesn't seem to be a part of the browser like XSLT is.People are always saying that CSS is dying and XSL is the way forward, but I can't find any tutorials on how to change fonts, or position stuff with XSLT, without resorting to including a CSS in the output, or using old HTML attributes like fname and width. Can someone please explain how XSLT replaces CSS?I also read another newbie thread here and the person who replied reckoned that you shouldn't embed a link to XSLT or XSL-FO styles in your XML data file. How are you supposed to format the data then?

  4. Hello!I've got the following <paragraph> element:

    <paragraph>  Blah, blah, text.  To go away, click   <link>    <url>http://theurl.com</url>    <new_window>false</new_window>    <text>here</text>  </link>.</paragraph>

    I want to be able to transform that into this:

    <p>Blah, blah, text.  Click <a href='http://theurl.com>here</a>.

    What I've got so far is this:

    <xsl:template match='paragraph'>	<div class='paragraphBody'>  <xsl:apply-templates select='link' />  <xsl:value-of select='.' />	</div></xsl:template><xsl:template match='link'>	<a>  <xsl:attribute name='href'> 	 <xsl:value-of select='url' />  </xsl:attribute>    <xsl:if test='new_window=true'> 	 <xsl:attribute name='onClick'>window.open(this.href); return false</xsl:attribute>  </xsl:if>  <xsl:value-of select='text' />	</a></xsl:template>

    The trouble is, this outputs first the correct link and then the whole paragraph, including the text held inside the <link> element:

    hereBlah, blah, text.  Click http://theurl.com false here.
    How can I work this out?
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