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Obsidian Shadow

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Posts posted by Obsidian Shadow

  1. Is it possible that it's due to the fact that a printer cannot print white?I experimented with different colours, and it will never print anything lighter than grey (and I have already tried using a very light grey... that doesn't work either -it just makes it darker).

  2. The problem is though, I never at any point tell it to use grey anywhere. The only grey that should be there is in the background, and when I just view it in the webpage it views perfectly fine... the only place it doesn't look right is when I either print or preview the print.I am using IE6, and all of the stuff is just being used locally. The background is just a 3x4 grid of badge backgrounds. I change the individual names, agent numbers (stupid thing I know, it's the theme that they want so it's the theme they get), and pictures, and then send it to print. While it's printing I change the values again, print, etc.I don't know how to edit the CSS to be printer friendly.

  3. Okay, so I need to create about 140 ID badges for a conference coming up, and after toiling in C++ for a few weeks (I'm not particularly knowledgable in GUI programming), and after looking through countless google hits on design programs which are already made, I had a flash of brilliance -use CSS (absolute positioning was EXACTLY what I needed).Now. I have the utmost basic source for this... the whole point behind it is to be as time-saving as possible.I started with a regular HTML <IMG..> to put the background in place. No problem.After that, in my inline Stylesheet, I created a bunch of tags which would absolute-position text and pictures where it was needed... I ran into the problem of the printer screwing up the positions, but that was a simple matter of altering my position values.Where I ran into a problem was when I tried printing the text. In my Style tag, I use Color:#FFFFFF to make the text white. It displays just fine on the screen, but the print preview gives it a distinctly unpleasent (and very hard to see, given the background) grey colour.How can I change the text colour, in terms of printing?Source:

    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE><STYLE TYPE="TEXT/CSS">h1.badge1_name{position:absolute;left=9px;top=115px;font: 40px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;Color: WHITE;}h1.badge1_agent{position:absolute;left=9px;top=165px;font: 40px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;Color: WHITE;}h1.badge1_picture{position:absolute;left=305px;top=193px;}h1.badge2_name{position:absolute;left=9px;top=410px;font: 40px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;color:WHITE;}h1.badge2_agent{position:absolute;left=9px;top=460px;font: 40px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;color: WHITE;}h1.badge2_picture{position:absolute;left=305px;top=481px;}h1.badge3_name{position:absolute;left=9px;top=705px;font: 40px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;color=WHITE;}h1.badge3_agent{position:absolute;left=9px;top=755px;font: 40px;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;color: WHITE;}h1.badge3_picture{position:absolute;left=305px;top=769px;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><IMG SRC="C:\BackgroundRB_3x4 Grid.JPG"><h1 class="badge1_name">Jane Doe 3</h1><h1 class="badge1_agent">AGENT 007</h1><h1 class="badge1_picture"><IMG SRC="C:/a/IMG_0099.jpg"></H1><h1 class="badge2_name">Jane Doe 4</H1><h1 class="badge2_agent">AGENT 008</h1><h1 class="badge2_picture"><IMG SRC="C:/a/IMG_0100.jpg"></H1><h1 class="badge3_name">Pat Parchewsky</H1><h1 class="badge3_agent">AGENT 006</h1><h1 class="badge3_picture"><IMG SRC="C:/a/IMG_0098.jpg"></h1></BODY></HTML>

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