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Posts posted by sujeet.shree

  1. <td><object width="550" height="25"><param name="movie" value="Movie.swf"><embed src="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\csit\Images\Movie.swf" width="550" height="25"></embed></object></td>this will help you. please check these codes

  2. I am trying to create a dynamic graph with flash 8.  I know how to apply values to my bars in my bar chart so they will resize depending on the value of my variables but I need my variables to be from an external source preferablly an asp page.  Can anyone explain how to do this?

    had you try to do the same using XML files. XML can provide values by collecting through other scripts to the flash.
  3. My self Sujeet and I just start flash Action scriptingI just want to create an application in flash. In that I require browse button which can browse the folders and files stored in computer. Just like we press open button to open the file, the browser window appear to select the file. how can we create the same thing through flash.sujeet

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