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Posts posted by happywaffle

  1. Thanks Dan! You got me on the right track - I just noticed the lefthand border is being drawn for the item #1, giving me that extra pixel that bumps item #4 onto the next line. It shouldn't, cause I've designated #main-menu li:first-child a to have a border of 0. Looks like Windows IE doesn't like first-child. (Weird that Mac IE, which is older, does!)Just uploaded the change, I'll go see if it's working shortly.Assuming this is the case, anyone know how I can accomplish the effect of deleting the lefthand border for item #1?Also, I just noticed that the hr at the bottom is left-justified and not centered! Any idea about that?

  2. Hey folks,So I'm hoping to go live soon with my wedding Web site:http://www.kevinandmarybeth.comAll together now: Awwww.(Don't worry, the ad banner at the top is gonna go away; that's not what I'm worried about.)Thing is, while the main-menu div presented here looks fine in Safari / Firefox / Mac IE, it doesn't in Windows IE; the fourth item in the div, "Registry," is "bumped" to the next line, so to speak, as though the whole thing is a few pixels too big for its space.All my numbers seem to add up if you look at the CSS:http://www.kevinandmarybeth.com/styles.cssMy friend, who knows more about working with Windows IE than me, added this IE-specific CSS file for me, too:http://www.kevinandmarybeth.com/styles-ie-5-and-6.cssMy uneducated guess is that I've referenced something in my original CSS that Windows IE doesn't support (affecting the width of the divs, presumably). If so, I guess I can add a special entry to the IE CSS file.Any ideas what the story is? Any PC users out there?

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