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Posts posted by bradborg

  1. Hi,The problem is that the data is stored in the database left justifed for English and right justified for Hebrew.Yes, English data is not padded on the right on arrivla at the CGI program...but that does not matter as when it is moved to the database field it is still left justified.But when I move Hebrew data from the cgi program, not padded on the left, into the database, it ends up left justified...which is wrong.I would prefer the browser, having identified the field as Hebrew somehow (attribue/element), to say...hang on this is Hebrew data, I'd better pass it right justiifed (left padded) to the CGI program.Otherwise, I will have to identify and handle Hebrew data going to the backend differently as to English data.BTW - the Hebrew data must be right justified in the database as other applications use it .Cheers,Simon.

  2. Hi,When I use the post method to send form data in an IE browser, to a CGI program, via an Apache Server, my Hebrew data is trimmed (left aligned).The form contains some fields containing left-aligned English data and some fields containing right-aligned Hebrew data.When the page is initially dispayed, all is hunky dory.

    <td height="20" colspan="50"><!--  Start dependency tag for input field --><!-- RTL TEXT --><input type="text" value="שששגגג" name="_F0764" size="25" maxlength="25" style="text-align:right"><!--  End dependency tag --></td>

    However, when the data is posted to the a CGI program via an apache server, I see that the Hebrew data, which should be right-aligned (e.g. padded with spaces on the left) is trimmed, just as the English data.See debug of data as it arrives at CGI program as below:


    What do I need to change in the HTML, to ensure the Hebrew data is right aligned?Thanks (Shalom)Simon.

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