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Posts posted by wjw

  1. To create a new attribute and/or element in XHTML and still keep it valid, you'll need to create a new DTD.As for display...
    • if it's an atribute, it shouldn't need a special kind of display.
    • If it's something that should be rendered (an element to be more precise)... 
      • If the XHTML is served with the MIME type application/xhtml+xml, then the true XHTML rules apply, thus only real XHTML elements are rendered. Elements that were never part of any W3C's XHTML specification will be shown as plain text. 
      • If the XHTML is server with the MIME type text/html (as most probably is) then only XHTML, HTML and legacy HTML elements are rendered. Elements that were never part of any W3C or browser vendor's specification will be shown as plain text.

    The attributes I want to add are not for display purposes. An example would be an attribute named "helpmsg" which would be set to a value that is looked up in a javascript array to show context-sensitive help. I can create a map in javascript that will have the same effect, but it would be cleaner if there were an attribute on the element.Thanks for the info on the MIME type, I hadn't come across that yet.
  2. I'm looking for a way to add custom attributes to some of my elements (inputs and textareas). Is this possible with strict XHTML or do I have to create a new DTD? I'm not opposed to doing that, but am concerned with browser support.Any suggestions on how to do this and a discussion of the pros/cons of the various methods is greatly appreciated.Thanks

  3. I don't think so, but I'm not an expert.I would create each class as you need and assign them accordingly.

    A better example of how this would be helpful is:.smallText { font-size: 65%;}.dataFieldLabel { .smallText; font-weight: normal; . . .}.dataFieldData { .smallText; font-weight: bold; . . .}That way if I wanted to change the small text size, I'd just modify the .smallText class.It's no big deal as CSS provides other ways of stacking classes but it seems like this way would make sense.Jason
  4. Is there a way to include one style within another for example:.noborder { border: none;}.datafield { /* include noborder style here */ font-weight: bold; . . .}I know I can add several classes in the XHTML (i.e. class="datafield noborder") but have a lot of places where this would greatly help. (okay, I'm just too lazy to type all those class names:)Thanks!

  5. Is there a CSS attribute/value to invert the background and text color? I tried using the outline-color: invert but it didn't seem to do what I was looking for. I can explicitly set the color and background-color, but I'd rather just have it invert whatever the parent's colors are. I'd rather not invert the border color, but can work around that by not having borders on the inverted div.Any help is appreciated.Thanks!

  6. Thats true  :) You could always merge it somehow with this script that detects the length of the textarea and recognises backspace: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex16/limitinput.htm  :)

    Well I was hoping for a simple combination of CSS attributes that would do the trick but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I see the potential with scott100's suggestion and will give that a shot early next week. If I get it to work I'll post it.Thanks for the help!
  7. Does anyone know how to make a textarea grow vertically as the user enters text? IE6 does this if you set Display: visible. I know it's an IE bug, but it's the behavior I want and can't get other browsers to do it. Hopefully there is some CSS attribute that will do this.Any help is greatly appreciated!Jason

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