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Posts posted by Wheelz

  1. Hi,I found this piece of code and put it into my page but Firefox reports that there is a missing plugin and can't find one. Is this code enough on it's own or is there something missing?

    <EMBED SRC="http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/myvideo.flv" CONTROLS="true" LOOP="-1" AUTOSTART="false" HEIGHT="240" WIDTH="320" BORDER="0">

    Help appreciated.CheersPete

  2. Thanks for the help guys, but I did some searching and managed to find a fix.

    <script language="JavaScript">function popup(image){  cuteLittleWindow = window.open('', "littleWindow", "location=0,scrollbars=auto");  cuteLittleWindow.document.write('<div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 1; left:0px; top:0px"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img title="Click To Close Window" id="IMG" onclick="window.close();" onload="window.resizeTo(this.width+10,this.height+30);" src="'+image+'"></td></tr></table></div>');}</SCRIPT>

    <td align="center"><a href="java script:popup('paintball/pics/Speedball001.jpg')"><img src="paintball/pics/Speedball001_t.jpg" border="0" width="100" height="100"></a></td>

    Works well.http://www.paintballwanganui.co.nz/pbgallery.htmThanks anyway.

  3. Thanks for the prompt reply.Please excuse my ignorance.The code given on the site you posted shows the popup as a web page. I'd prefer not to have to make a separate page for each pic. My existing code pops up the "image" as oposed to a prepared web page. I guess I was hoping to add something simple to mine to make the difference.Thanks.

  4. Hi,I have a table with a selection of thumbnails all the same size and want each to open a popup window. This is not a problem until I find that one of the images is portrait and all the others are landscape. It still displays but you have to scroll the image.I have the script in the head with size control which would be ok if all the pics were the same dimension.Is there a way to make the popup window autosize, ie. to fit the contents?This is what I have so far:

    </style><script language="JavaScript"><!--function popup(image){  cuteLittleWindow = window.open(image, "littleWindow", "location=no,width=640,height=480,scrollbars=auto");}//--></SCRIPT>


    <td align="center"><a href="java script:popup('paintball/pics/Speedball001.jpg')"><img src="paintball/pics/Speedball001_t.jpg" border="0"		width="100" height="100"></a></td>

    Any help appreciated.Cheers

  5. Hi,I'm new to this forum and to javascript.I managed to successfully run the mouseover code provided by W3Schools, thank you.My problem comes when I try to apply it to multiple images. I believe the problem lies in the script in the <head> section. How do I punctuate the 2 instances?http://homepages.maxnet.co.nz/wheelz/LTTM/mouseover.htmThe real page has 5 images to run. I tried another long winded method but that didn't work either and was even harder to fault-find.Any help appreciated.

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