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Posts posted by Atom-G

  1. Just for comparison, 800+ records are added to one of my tables on one of my sites everyday, and as of right now it contains 207000+ records.
    This is useful to know, thank you! :)
  2. Hi all,I'm doing a website and it will contain a survey that will be available for the first 2 weeks of each month. Each time, 30 persons will be picked in random to do the survey. Each time, I need to create 30 new row (30 INSERT) in my table and they will contain the answers (eg: user_id, answer1, answer2, answer3, etc.) . But after, let say, 2 years, I will have a LOT of row! like 2 * 12 * 30 ~= 650. What should I do with that? Is it "ok" to have that much data in a mysql table? or should I do a backup in a xml file or something else and try to keep as low data in the table as I can?.Thank you

  3. First of all, thx a lot for all those nice reply.I have a server that can do:- FTP server- MySql- PHPSo this is a good start :).All the idea you gave here, is what I already did (I should have mentionned before..). It is good idea. BUT, is this will prevent someone to put exactly this in is adress bar?http://mysite.com/download/thefiles.zip ?No (or if YES, then explain please.. cause I don't understand :) )So, I am already able to show link or not if the user is logged, or not.Let's say that fileplanet (where we can download a lot of games), we could only find the good adress and type it in to get the demo we want or the full game we want. We would never need any log in, and hackers would have find this way loooooooong ago.I'm pretty sure their is something that can be done with the CHMOD. Like in this screenshot, I can modify on my FTP server those settings ->chmod.pngSo perhaps I could only let access to ME, the admin of sites, and give permission to access the files by a php function or somehting... welll, this is where I'm stuck...

    I think you could put the files in a database and access them with PHP, but I personally don't know how to do that...
    I think we cannot put files like .zip or .jpg in a database.Thx for all the help again!
  4. This is how you add the JS file if you don't want to put it all the source IN your html file. It's like an include:

    <html><head><script src="/thejsfile.js" type="text/javascript"></script></head><body></body></html>

  5. Hi all,I've searched a lot about that, received a lot of opinions, but still, I'm unable to

    • Do what someone told me, cause I don't see how to do it
    • OR, won't do what they suggested me, cause it is not "real" protection

    This is the problem: How to protect files (and perhaps directories, but at least accessing a file) from a "NOT LOGGED USER". So if the user is not logged, he won't be able to reach that file by typing the adress in his browser, for example: http://mywebsite.com/files/thefile.zip. However, if the user have logged in, he will be able to download it.What people suggested:

    • Create directory with name that it is "impossible" for someone to reach it. example: <a href="http://mywebsite.com/eafeakljfhefeaklfh/thefile.zip" target="_blank">http://mywebsite.com/eafeakljfhefeaklfh/thefile.zip</a>. I really don't like this idea... it is still possible to reach it... and I don't want to create those kind of folders... :)
    • Put a file in a private directory on the server and make it available to only the admin. (modify the CHMOD) I like this idea, but I DON'T know how to do it. Like, I put a file that I can only access (I = admin). So if a user try to access it by a web link, I verify the session (if he is logged). If yes -> then (now this is the problem) have a PHP function that will download the file for the user (I don't know any php function that do this). I think that perhaps if it is me that call the php function on server side, it will consider myself the admin in the CHMOD.

    Or is there ANY other solution? and good SECURE solution (to prevent people to reach by adress bar any file)? By using PHP and sessions.I know how to protect a folder and ask a username and password (like logging in windows) but this is not what I want... and it is not the power of "session" php offers.THANK YOU! A LOT!

  6. Hi all of you,I already did a website in PHP where it will verify 41 websites, if they are online or not. I use simply fopen. But this take a while to load, like up to 10s to 100s.So I would like to make a page in javascript to make it more "instant", always loading page. I tryed using XMLHttpRequest.open but I keep having this error: "Permission denied to call method XMLHttpRequest.open". After reading on the net, I now know that we cannot use this method to access a external website of our domain, for security reason.Now my question is: What other functions/method I could use to verify if a website is offline or not? With XMLHttpRequest.open I was verifying the "if (xx.readyState == 4) & if (xx.status == 200)".What you guys would do?Thank you. :)

  7. Hey, I checked the website w3schools and I find the design nice so I decided to check out the code and I saw that there is "like" 4 main table for menu, top logo, main text and menu at right. Ok I understand the code, but how this kind of programming could be good? I think I missed something and thats why:if you modify one option in your left menu, then you need to change EACH internet page with taht new button/internet link. If you use frame, then you only need to change ONE internet page to adjust the menu.Is there something I missed or this is a good way to do?thx for help!

  8. Wow for the HTMLGate, nice one. Offer lots of nice services but you still can code without them.For me, I used:Name: Scite wich can be downloaded ->here.Or the HomePage is -> here.Price: FreePlatform: Windows, LinuxDescritption: Very simple. Highlith lots of language (like NotePad2). If you don't want lots of thing in front of you, only a text editor that offer nice highlith, this is a good choice.But thinking of going to HTMLGate :)

  9. Well I found a WebPage that shows lot of different ways to play a sound, but still, it doesn't work with FireFox. We miss a plugin (it says Apple Quicktime) but when the "auto download" start, it says no plugin found, and I already have quicktime 7 on my pc. So I don't understant, or FireFox don't support this for now.Here is the webpage showing lots of diferent ways to play a sound, from simple to more complex. WebSite Sound

  10. Also, what does this tag do: <a name="sod">... </a>

    You can put this tag to make a reference in your web page. For example, if you put somewhere in your page (named index.html for this example here) <a name="test">Access</a> and somewhere else you put <a href=./index.html#test>Click Here</a>, than Click Here will become a link and by clicking on it the page will center on the word "Access".Here is a sample code that you can try:
    <html><head><title>test</title></head><body><a href="./index.html#test">click here</a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a name="test">test</a>You have been redirected here.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></body></html>

  11. Well, first of all, thx for the nice website you gave; programguru. Also, it seems to work fine now :) . Don't really know why :) , but well, thx again.If I may ask another question, what exactly type="image/x-icon" do? I searched on google, but without any good result. I used this type thing because I found it on www.w3schools website.

  12. Hi all,I try to show a favicon for my website, it does show in adress bar, but it doesn't show in Tab bar of FireFox, what i'm doing wrong :) . Here is the simple code and a weblink also, ctrl+click it to see that yon won't have the favicon (a small camera) in the firefox tab bar.Thx!The Webpage

    <html><head><title>Test page</title><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /></head><body></p>Test page<p></body></html>

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