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Posts posted by danm68


    I'm not too sure because I haven't tried this...but I did read it somewhere :)Something about (in the css) declare multiple layers and set their z-index to like '-5' or just low enough so that it all goes to the back so you can't see it..then where the links are, the one that you wan't to bring the 'layer' to the front, I read something like it's possible to use javascript to change the css of a page..thus changing the css of your 'layer' to make z-index to 3 or whatever you need it to be. Hopefully you get the idea because I'm kinda learning javascript so I can't help you there :)

  1. couldn't you just make a single div...but make like a white box with fading shadows one whole image...so you just have div background, and use padding or margins, whatever tickles your fancy, to put the text or 'content' where you want it?just my idea ;P

  2. OK. So if your going for a fixed side nav and scroll content like frames...you'd want something like this...in your style sheet...

    #leftmenu{width:px;                 height:auto;// smaller then full screen height...otherwise you'll                                  // never see the full link bar..                 position:fixed;                 float:left;}#content{width:px;               height:auto;               float:right;}in html..<div id="leftmenu"><a href="#">Link</a>etc.</div><div id="content">Welcome to this site...</div>

    havent tried it :) and if it is wrong (..please dont shout....) then tell me and i'll actually test it.. but that should....work if that is the desired effect you're after.If not then I didn't understand first few posts...

  3. Do you have to have url('afbeeldingen......gif')?I normally put images in without the single quotations....please tell me if what i am doing is wrong lol.Have you put it through a validator yet?

  4. OK...I don't think I know exactly what you want to do..make a copy of your frames site...but with css?. If this is your site...then check out your 'contact' link...your using a hover image...except your 'src' is going to the wrong place..or you've moved the image...take a look and you'll see what i mean.

  5. Yay Australia! (lol just incase your wondering...I'm there..lol)Nice site. link for code or images? Just curious..im trying to get into making sites and using images within code...but I'm no good. at either :).

  6. This should work...but only in Mozilla Firefox....in your first frame. have background image fixed (i assume your doing with css...)and in second frame...have background image fixed as well...http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/complexspiral/demo.htmlif you read that...theres a bit about the images which says images which are fixed are fixed to the viewpoint..so both images should start top left corner..i dunno..but read that link.. you should get it...but this will only work if you have the same background image and a FF browser.

  7. skym...but thats JS, isn't this CSS :) naa j/k. any answer to a problem is good, and heres mine :only FF will support :hover to anything non - links i think. so basically lets jsut make some code and ill 'talk' you through it.


    once again that only works in FF AND Opera that i know of. and for some reason i think this might work as well, but for why you would have a div inside a link is beyond me..

    a div{width:auto;height:50px;}a:hover div{width:auto;height:50px;}

    and im not sure that the bottom one will work. but w/e.inspiration: http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/edge/menus/demo.htmlhopefully that helps

  8. best stab I can have without 'code in action' is...something to do with your widths and floats. if you made fixed widths or even %widths with the float 'boxes' then you would know how far to push stuff across or w/e.like I cant really understand whats happening with your code, but I know one thing i tried, if i want to have two boxes next to each other, like a '#links' and '#content' and content comes first, and links after for semantical laddy da...(i think thats the word...) then you have links {float:left; width:17%} content{float:right;width:82%;} and then they go either side so you can still have links appearing first on the left., and if one is too large then a float will jump down to the next available line,also if you do use that method, do not use percentages that add up. like 50% and 50% or 25% 30% and 45%,leave a percentage out, coz if you dont then you;ll have floats going everywhere,.i also found a page about doing multi ordered colums, which i think thats what you want,...so if i find the link ill post it up here :


    Probably not much help here..but it looks pretty much the same in FF and IE... for me.except they're slightly different...i think FF is displaying it how you want it, because theres the three coloured columns, and then the white footer, and you can see the colours reappear underneath the footer, and i thnnk thats the effect your after, but on IE the colours dont continue on.I'm not that great at lookin at style sheets and seeing problems..lol so i took a glance..but thats all.

  9. well hoachen... i think i get what you mean, but yeh like BiteMe some code might help...and maybe a picture if that isn't asking too much :)well what I "THINK" you are saying is that the image you are using works on a 15" screen because it is that pixel width..(0.o) where as 18" (im used to metric..i think its called metric..) the image is too small...right?i think you can stretch the image a bit..with CSS, you are using one full background which isnt going to repeat right? As i said i 'think' you can stretch image..with something like..

    .class of img tag..or w/e.{width:100%;}

    i think...that might do it..or say if your background image is like one color except for the main image bit..lets say 'white'. then align the image to one side..and color the blank part white..so it looks like the image fits the background.

    body{background:#fff /*white*/ url(imagelocation.jpg) no-repeat top right;}

    but that would only work if your image was one color at either a certain edge or for whole background.well if that code is wrong or something or if its not what you wanted. then sorry...still not best at CSS...and please post image or code.--Reiyan

  10. uh ok, im not exactly css wizz but i have something..you couldnt call it an idea..but anyway...Why dont you just put the 'second.css' code in the first one..and just link to the first one instead of @import url in the first css.Ok secondly, i thnk you can do it that way..with the @import in the style sheet, but dont you do something like:in your html page you can have in your head section...<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style1.css" /> // I think thats right..<style type="text/css">@import url(style2.css)</style></head><body> blah blah...so on so forth.Do either of those work? or do you neeed to have it that way for a reason?

  11. OK thanx for that..i change most of the colours, except for the rgb(240,240,240).I think the borders dont display because of IE6's css support..it kinda munches it up..and i didn't quite get what you meant by the double divs and such..if you could explain that further then thanks. And i dont think the double borders are disappearing in the background which is black..because those borders are white..so they should stand out against a black background..so yeh i thinks its IE6. Im thinking of trying absolute positioning but if that doesn't work then ill try this way once again..so thanx for the help once more :)

  12. Could you post example code or link to an example? Not sure i understand the problem :blink:
    Yeh sorry, didn't know you were watching this actively :) its the same link as up above..but ill put it up again:http://www.freewebs.com/halt/melb-cent.htmIf that doesn't work...then just go freewebs.com/halt and you should get a link.Ok , the problem is (i cant post code as its the way IE6 interprets CSS coding, ill validate my pages [xhtml and css.] as well just to make sure its the browser and not me.) that internet explorer doesnt display the page the same was as in firefox or opera. (which i have tested both, which is why i listed those particular couple). Im almost dead sure that its IE6 fault..so im looking to see if hacks can be applied to make it better. well otherwise...hopefully your skill and expertise swipe this problem where the sun dont shine :)--EDIT: Ok this is weird and ######..the page in question is displaying differently on the internet from a website then on my browser from a localhost. Why???K scratch the above..i think i changed the css file as well. so yeh :) i updated so i think there good now.
  13. Well actually...i did fiddle around with it..i used relative positioning with the main content part and negative positioning (not sure if its a good idea...but) because when i had zero pixels for top positioning of content it sat below the links..but the right distance away from the side of the left side..if you get what i mean..so i thought it would bump up next to it nice and cozy..but instead it doesnt..so instead of adding..i take away! and it worked..but now IE6 has just screwed up the link hovering and borders..ill upload it on the original link at top of page if you wanna see it.sorry for rambling on but i just have to get this out! lol i've been trying all week to get it happening..but nothng..so now i have progress..Does anyone know why IE6 is eating it up? Or any hacks to fix it :?Thanx for the answer dev. If you could answer this as well that'd be great ;p.

  14. Hi, someone i know said something about floating layouts are really good to know..and I think i get floats...but still im confuzzled..if somebody could tell me something about floats or point me to a good tutorial or website for it then thanks alot :).My problem is that the left nav menu is where i want it..and i was planning on having the content on the right and run down until empty or what not...except when it passes the space next to the left nav...it continues under the nav menu..so thats really annoying and im not quite sure how to get that working. So I'll fiddle around with it, and if i find something that works ill say so, so that ppl dont waste their time. :)

  15. well since this is long gone..but I like dan..(i am also a dan..so i think i may understand the explaining :)) need to explain coz i think i get it..As PauloASilva said..you need to have quote marks..which you didnt have because it was just...document.write("<img src="+image+" />");so it would be <img src=pic.jpg> with no quotation marks..so you need to make use of the different quotation marks out there...and write like so.document.write("<img src=' "+image+" ' />" (space between quotation marks so you can see easier)so that it writes out as :<img src='pic.jpg' /> or swap the double quotations for single ones etc..Thankyou for reading (if you did..:))

  16. im pretty sure thats it..but i dont have a fixed pixel width for the quote section so ill just keep it width:auto;..but its just a tutorial..and was just wondering if anyone knew how to fix it, (which people do :) but im too lazy to make it work..lol) so thanks for all the help and ideas..and fast replying..i like it. Hopefully i can return the favour to somebody soon.

  17. Please don't rot your mind with an editor!!!! :)You learn so much more by using notepad and hand coding. You develop much stronger coding skills. Even with .Net I use Notepad at home...I only us VS.net at work because I have to.Just my opinion though.
    Agreed! Notepad IMHO is quite good...its simple easy to understand if you set out your code correctly but sometimes gets confusing if not set out...or otherwise i just get confused by lots and lots of tags in small places...so notepad2 does highlightng? hmm...is there an editor very similiar to notepad which is just easier to read (somtimes..) or coloring the words or whatnot..also..who uses dreamweaver? i feel like having a rant..nothing professional..just to say i dont like it:P it gets annoying how it always trys to fill in the attributes your writing..even though they may not be associated with that tag..so if you could turn that off that would be nice, and...that about all really...nothng serious but i just dont like it..lol..ok i just rememberd why i dont like it..because i prefer to do coding by hand..as aspnetguy says..you probbly do develop better coding skills..coz im better then my mate..(hes like a hack at it..lol) and he has dreamweaver... and yes you learn more! good things in DM...the highlighting (it does highlight right? i only used once at friends place..) and the split screen is ok..but still im comfy with notepad... k Finished!
  18. you will find that IE and FF interpret 100% differently when dealing with width and height. There is nothing you can do about except find ways around it.
    K thanx...but thats the thing..i dont know a way around it..so does anyone? or just leave width auto or w/e..still thanks for replying.
  19. Hi all..im new round here..and have questions! :)first of all..my problem is with a css tutorial i found on a website..greycobra.com and the tutorial can be found by going to 'tutorials database' in the left hand nav section, and then clicking on html and css. and go to my first css website or something...part 1..ok right..found it so heres the link http://www.greycobra.com/tutorials/creatin...ite/page-1.html. and my problem is with a section in the tutorial..in either part 1 2 3 or 4. it tells you to insert a 'quote' style which is as follows...quote{ width:100%; background-color:#EEE; color:#000; font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; padding:2px; border-bottom:1px solid #000; text-align:right;}i do get all this (believe it or not!) but when i view in mozilla firefox browser, i think it interprets it as..100% width and then the padding pushes the width out that extra bit...i did view this in IE and it works fine..but since it doesnt work in FF i know what to know why??? (i am one of those people..have to know whats wrong and how to fix it :)) i tried 2 px right margin to keep it away from the border but that doesnt work because width overrides i think... and if you stick width to auto then it works..but i NEED to know why it does that..or if theres a 'legible' way to fix it..with width 100% and padding 2px...but if there is no way then ill just keep it auto....also the width doesnt make sense anyway...because text is aligned right and color goes for whole row...but still i would like to know :) so any ideas or pro help is greatly appreciated..and if you want i can stick the whole site up on a free host or something and give you link...or in part four of the tutorial is the full source code so just copy n paste away. Thankyou!Note: i think the links in the tutorials are broken.. so when at the bottom of page..it says 'part two' instead of clicking that link...just change ...first-css-website/page-1.htm.. to first-css-website-part-2/3/4 (whichever your up to)/page-1.htm...all done...

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