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Posts posted by commanderducky

  1. Hey everyone, I'm somewhat of a newbie at creating forms and I'm having trouble figuring out where my "submit" button is sending the responses. The example (found at: http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...html_form_radio ) says "If you click the "Submit" button, you will send your input to a new page called html_form_action.asp"When I clicked on the button on my page I was directed to one of my error message pages (custom "page not found" error page). I'm not sure if the viewer is supposed to see their results, or if they are supposed to be directed to a "thank you for responding" sort of page that I create.When I went to my website and looked for a file called html_form_action.asp, there was none. I thought maybe I should create one, so I did and now when I click on the "submit" button in the form, I get a blank page (I'm assuming that means it's taking them to the html_form_action.asp page). So now that begs the question...Is this example supposed to actually send me the results, or just display them for the viewer to see? I have a hard time imagining that it's just for the viewer to see--what point would there be in that? So that leads me back to being confused where the results are going. Please help!You can also e-mail me at commanderducky@yahoo.comThank you!

  2. Thank you alot just some guys for that psychological relief you gave me. I would now contact the two recommended hosting service providers now. I love you. Thanks.Steve
    I just wanted to add that you might also want to try webmasters.com - they have bulk discounts on e-mail accounts, web hosting, etc.... You'll need to talk with someone there about it, I'm not terrible familiar with how it works, but I knew someone who was into programming and he was able to get huge discounts because he had some kind of bulk e-mail sign-er up-er thing. :) I hope that helps.
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