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Posts posted by wallyson

  1. ok to Flic: onsubmit=" return check()" Would be how you do it, i already know that you figured it out but still, its kinda sad when you have to go through all of this and end up doing fixing the problem on your own because the people who were helping you decided to start arguing.To the people who were arguing: PM-ing is meant for that. So are AIM, YAHOO, and MSN along with Gtalk. this person came here looking for help, not a debate. To make HTML valid by any means, yes you do need the (/) in the input tags, its just bad practice to not do. Also, onsubmit works if say someone is in the textbox writting something, and accidentally hits enter. Onclick only works when someone hits the button, and i dont know about you but i VERY rarely actually use the mouse to hit the submit button.Sheesh.
    in all honesty I did not want to argue, I was just explaining what I meant to say, but quickly jumped off it. All I want to do was help, but unfortunatly some people dont understand that.Flic gratz on your code woring, I know you feel good.
  2. Eep, arguing on my thread!And its still not stopping it :) *Goes off to look at PHP validation*
    flic, the code that scott100 provided will work just fine for checking the whole form. If you need more help check out the validation tutorial in the w3 area. Try to look at his code, and then mimic it with your style. If your doing something complicated his code may become of no use. Try google searching for a validation js file that can do it all: meaning if a particular field is not filled out, a red markup appears to show which one isnt. that sorta of thing.
    flic, the code that scott100 provided will work just fine for checking the whole form. If you need more help check out the validation tutorial in the w3 area. Try to look at his code, and then mimic it with your style. If your doing something complicated his code may become of no use. Try google searching for a validation js file that can do it all: meaning if a particular field is not filled out, a red markup appears to show which one isnt. that sorta of thing.
    I see you got it work, no?
  3. What is "I know citigroup, and amazon dont" supposed to mean?
    What im saying is is that most business corporations who sell a product stick to traditional old standards so that people who have different types of browsers or older versions of browsers can still view the site. html 4.01 is being widely used in most corporations for this very reason.and most of the internet is business of some sort, so back to my statement: who cares if its not written in html vs xhtml.
  4. Don't mean to sound harsh but wallyson do you know what your talking about ? :) Do you know xhtml ?That says it all... check() is validating the form input among other thingsThat's just bad advice, why do that :) Essentially the best way (IMO) to validate a form is using onsubmit.
    <head><script>function check(elmt){var outcome=true;if (elmt.one.value=="")outcome=false; //if form empty do not submitreturn outcome;}</script></head><body><form action="process.php" method="post" onsubmit="return check(this)"><input type="text" id="one" /><input type="submit" /></form></body>

    you dont need / for this to execute, the onClick event works just fine, and what does check() do implied that he shows me the JS hes using. I use alot of DOM for my complex websites, so im used to using this.form and such. As with the return, you are correct in YOUR example, but it doesnt always have to be there.People write different code. who cares about xhtml, I know citigroup, and amazon dont.
  5. <form name="myform" id="myform"><input type="text" name="mytext" id="mytext" /><input type="submit" value="enter text" /></form><script type="text/javascript"><!--var text = document.myform.mytext.value;document.write(text);--></script>

    Why does this not work?

    It may becuase there is no submit type and no method in there try this:
    <form name="myform" id="myform" method="get"><input type="text" name="mytext" id="mytext" /><input type="submit" value="enter text" onclick="showForm(this.form);"></form><script type="text/javascript"><!--function showForm(form1){for(var i=0; i<form1.length;i++){var text = document.getElementById('mytext').value;document.write(text);}}--></script>

    Ok, over kill a little bit, but I only added the loop incase you have multiple inputs like name, day, country.. so on. Anyways you submit the form with the onclick event to the function showForm. anyways the variable text will get the data (note: use IDs with every input, becuase its easier to get using Jscript) of mytext.Then it simply prints out.

  6. You could do something like this:
    <script type="text/javascript">	document.write('<span class="myclass">Portfolio</span>');</script>

    ahh I understand hahaha its easier to just use a div instead.
    <script type="text/javascript">	document.write('<div class="myclass">Portfolio</div>');</script>

    and ifyou wnated to get really technical, you could also use innerHTML (DOM) to save the data to a variable that you can pass around via div id in the html.

  7. Hi,www.gecofabrications.co.uk/contact.html is as you can see a contact form. This is validated using javascript and that works ok, however even when the form validation fails the form still gets sent!Anyone know why?Any help much appreciated!Flic
    Try doing the following: Get rid of the onSubmit, and do onClick on teh html submit button, and also do instead of this, do this.form.works for me on my form submits. And you dont really need the back slashes (/) at the end of the inputs.
    <div id="content"><h1>Email Us</h1><form name="contactform" method=post action="send.php"><p><label for="name" id="namel">Your name: *</label><input class="text" type="text" name="name" /></p><p><label for="email" id="emaill">Your email: *</label><input class="text" type="text" name="email" /></p><p><label for="tel" id="tell">Your phone number:</label><input class="text" type="text" name="tel" /></p><p><label for="ref" id="refl">Your reference:</label><input class="text" type="text" name="ref" /></p><p><label for="enq" id="enql">Your enquiry: *</label><textarea name="enq"></textarea></p><p> </p><p><input type="submit" value="Send Email" onClick="return check(this.form);"/></p></form></div>

  8. My problem is: I have a css file body {background-color: "#FFCCFF"}h1 {font-size: 20pt; text-align: center }h2 {font-size: 15pt; text-align: center }and an html file:<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="foliocss.css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('Portfolio'); </script> </head> <body> <h2> CV </h2> </body></html>how to change the size of the text in document.write using the css file.what and how to write in the css10x
    If you explain a little better, I know I can help you.
  9. Jesh,Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, the editor doesn't recognize it, and there is no output. Sad. :) What I am going to have to figure out is:1. The exact script to put into the js doc.2. The div call, which i think i have.3. How to make this easier in the future.Here is the issue I am working with:I am using (read 'have to use') a web based WYSIWYG editor, that essentially breaks a page up into components...
    • there is a wrapper that contains the navigation pieces.
    • There is a WYSIWYG editor which inserts the pages into the wrapper.
    • In order to get any js into the pages, I need to do a call to the js doc.

    I am not the most skilled programmer, so this is a bit of a challenge for me. Just starting out with O'Reilly's JavaScript book (not the 5th edition either, sadly). :)

    The post above your post is using the innerHTML feature. which all the data is sent to the div ID. in the html page, simply have a div with the id= whatever the id was. and all the data should be displayed there.ps. how does the editer not recognize javascript DOM?
  10. I dont have a problem about javascript(at the moment), im just writting down some functions i use as bases when i use an AJAX program so that others can use it as well and aren't so lost when all of us on here talk about AJAX coding and so on
    <script type="text/javascript"><!--function createRequestObject() {	var ro;	var browser = navigator.appName;	if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){		ro = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");	}else{		ro = new XMLHttpRequest();	}	return ro;}var updateId = createRequestObject();function ajax(argument) {   updateId.open('GET', "show.php?argument="+argument);   updateId.onreadystatechange = handleConts;   updateId.send('');}function handleConts() {	if(updateId.readyState == 4){	 	 document.getElementById("div_id").innerHTML=updateid.responseText;	 	}}//--></script>

    By changing the script around a little bit you can suit this to do anything you need pretty much.

    Very nice, now you should add the page show.php with maybe a switch or somethin, to show how its gettin the data and then returning it.
  11. Yeah, that worked great in my browser.Now, since the number of elements on your form is dynamic (depending on how many times the user clicked one of the "+" buttons), you'll have to iterate through the elements of the form to get at the values. Something along the lines of this?
    function get_values(){    var count = document.myform.elements.length;    for(var i = 0; i < count; i++)    {        var element= document.myform.elements[i];        if(element.type == "text")        {  // we're only interested in the text inputs            if(element.name.indexOf("announceUrl") > -1)            {   // this iteration is for the URL                // get the value by using "element.value"                // and then do whatever you need with it.            }            else if(element.name.indexOf("announceHeadline") > -1)            {   // this iteration is for the headline                // get the value by using "element.value"                // and then do whatever you need with            }        }    } }

    Hope this helps!

    Ha I ended up figuring it out. I simply added in an ID in the two input fields.Then getElementById it. Thanks for helping me out though, your first post helped themost. hahahaWally
  12. You should be able to do this using DOM - specifically .createElement(), .appendChild(), .removeChild().Check out the XML DOM and HTML DOM tutorials.
    OK here is what I have using DOM to create some multiple input boxes:
    <html><script>var annouceInputs = 1;////////////////////////////Creates new announcement //////////////////////////function addAnnounce(){    var table = document.getElementById('annoucementData');     var tr = document.createElement('TR');	  var td2 = document.createElement('TD');     var td3 = document.createElement('TD');	  var inp1 = document.createElement('INPUT');	//url for announcement  var inp2 = document.createElement('INPUT');	//headline for announcement  var breaks= document.createElement('br');  var inp3 = document.createElement('INPUT'); // delete "-" button  var p1 = document.createElement('p'); var p2 = document.createElement('p'); var inp4 = document.createElement('INPUT'); var break2 = document.createElement('br');  if(annouceInputs>0)  {			  var img = document.createElement('IMG');	   	 inp3.setAttribute('type', 'button');	 inp3.setAttribute('value', '-'); 	  inp4.setAttribute('type', 'button');	 inp4.setAttribute('value', '+');		 	p1.className='delete';		inp1.className= 'delete';	 	inp2.className= 'delete';	 	 td3.appendChild(inp4);	 td3.appendChild(break2);	 inp3.onclick = function()	 {				 removeElement(tr);			 }	 	 inp4.onclick = function()	 {	 	addAnnounce();	 }		 td3.appendChild(inp3);		 }		 inp1.setAttribute("name", "announceUrl"+annouceInputs);  	 inp1.setAttribute("value", "URL"+annouceInputs);  	 inp2.setAttribute("Name", "annouceHeadline"+annouceInputs);	 inp2.setAttribute("value", "Headline"+annouceInputs);		 table.appendChild(tr);		 	 td2.style.paddingLeft = "50px";	 tr.appendChild(td2);		 tr.appendChild(td3);	 td2.appendChild(inp1);	 td2.appendChild(breaks);  	 td2.appendChild(inp2);				 annouceInputs++;}////////////////////////////////Removes the new Child element//////////////////////////////function removeElement(tr){		tr.parentNode.removeChild(tr);}</script><body onload="addAnnounce();" > <br /><br /><FORM NAME="myform" ACTION="#" METHOD="GET"><table> 		<tr>		<th><p>Email Generator</p></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td style="padding-left: 50px;">		<input class="delete" type="text" name="date" value="Date">		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<th align="left"><p>Announcements</p></th>			<td valign="top">		<input type="button" value="+" onClick="addAnnounce();">		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<tbody id="annoucementData" valign="top" border="1">		</tbody>	</tr></table></FORM></body></html>

    Ok you can pretty much copy and paste that into a temp page, and view what it does.I got it to do what I want, but now Im having trouble actually collecting the data.How do I get the data from the multiple input boxes now that I have created them?Please help.Wally

  13. Hello, I am trying to create multiple input boxes in sets of 2 (one is for url, and the other for headline).Now the tricky part is that, There is a "+" button and a "-" button. If a user clicks on the "+" a new set of input boxes appear. and if they user clicks the "-" they input boxes go away.How do I do this in Jscript. Ill show a little of my code.

    var cfields= new Array();var x = 0;function showFields(){	var divID= 'results';	var output='';		output+= '<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 151px;padding: 3px;" id="announcements"><input type="text" value="URL"><br>'+				'<input type="text" value="Headline"></div>';		output+='';	document.getElementById(divID).innerHTML = output;}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function newField(){var foo = new showFields();cfields.push(foo);alert(cfields);x++;}</script><body> <!--<a href="#" onClick="showFields();">Click here</a><a href="#" onClick="newField();">new Field</a>--><br /><br /><table>	<tr>		<th><p>Email Generator</p></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td>		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 151px;padding: 3px;"><input type="text" value="Date"></div>		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<th align="left"><p>Announcements</p></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td>		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 151px;padding: 3px;" id="announcements'+x+'"><input type="text" value="URL"><br>		<input type="text" value="Headline"></div>				<div id="results"></div>		</td>		<td valign="top">		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: px;padding: 3px;" align="center"><input type="button" value="+" onClick="showFields();"><br>			  <input type="button" value="-"></div>		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<th align="left"><p>Press Release</p></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td>		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 151px;padding: 3px;" id="announcements'+x+'"><input type="text" value="URL"><br>		<input type="text" value="Headline"></div>		</td>		<td valign="top">		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: px;padding: 3px;" align="center"><input type="button" value="+"><br>			  <input type="button" value="-"></div>		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<th align="left"><p>In the Press</p></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td>		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 151px;padding: 3px;" id="announcements'+x+'"><input type="text" value="URL"><br>		<input type="text" value="Headline"></div>		</td>		<td valign="top">		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: px;padding: 3px;" align="center"><input type="button" value="+"><br>			  <input type="button" value="-"></div>		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<th align="left"><p>Point of View</p></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td>		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 151px;padding: 3px;" id="announcements'+x+'"><input type="text" value="URL"><br>		<input type="text" value="Headline"></div>		</td>		<td valign="top">		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: px;padding: 3px;" align="center"><input type="button" value="+"><br>			  <input type="button" value="-"></div>		</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<th align="left"><p>World Online</p></th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td>		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: 151px;padding: 3px;" id="announcements'+x+'"><input type="text" value="URL"><br>		<input type="text" value="Headline"></div>		</td>		<td valign="top">		<div style="border: 1px solid; width: px;padding: 3px;" align="center"><input type="button" value="+"><br>			  <input type="button" value="-"></div>		</td>	</tr></table></body></html>

    I tryed to make an array and stuff a new set in the array. Im sure this is not how its done.If anybody could help I would appreciate it.Thanks,Wally

  14. I'm telling you, distinct-values() is the real deal, but it's simply not supported yet:
    nodes = xmldoc.selectNodes("distinct-values(Holiday/Data[Month = 'August'])");

    There isn't any other XPath only way to do this. Scripting can only do it's way around it with more scripting.

    Hey man, Thanks for the help! I actually got it all to work now. I used javascript algo to fix my duplicate problem, and I also used the bubble sort to sort it by day (1, 2, 3 ....) You were very helpful.Again thanks much,Wally
  15. Hi Wally, I'm not sure I fully understand your problem. Let me apologize up front if this is not what you need. Let me first describe what I think you have.
    • It seems that you want to avoid showing duplicate holidays in the output.
    • You would like to have the XML parser do it for you.
    • Duplicates are identified using the Holiday and Day fields.

    If I'm right, this suggestion won't help you much. First, organize your loop so that it first creates a "duplicate test key"; I'll call that DTK Judging from the way you are constructing the output string, a "duplicate master list" would be easiest; I'll call that DML.Initialize your DML to empty for the start of each month's processing. Before adding to the output string and after loading up holy and soly...

    1. Construct DTK (DTK=holy+soly;).
    2. if DTK is a substring of DML skip the data
    3. if DTK is not a substring of DML, extend your output string AND append DTK to DML.

    This will strip duplicates from your XML input stream regardless of sort order.

    Hey thanks alot, I actually figured it out on my own. I ahd tried an original method that didnt work, I got so frustrated I went back to the old set up and changed things around. I ended up creating a new array and placing all the elements inside of it. Here look at it:
    var temp2 = new Array();//////////////////////////////////////  This removes duplicates in the array.///////////////////////////////////for (var x = 0; x < result.length; x++) {		for(var y=0; y < result.length; y++)		{							if((result[y][2] == result[x][2]) && (result[y][1] == result[x][1]))				{						temp2[y]=result[y];						break;					}						}}

    Yup thats all i did. After that I used the bubble sort to sort the array by day (1 2 3 4 5....) You get the idea.I spent a week and half trying other methods such as xsl and xpath. Man it was a simple 1 line of code.hahahha

  16. Let me rework my question. To make it easier, I want to get rid of the duplicates inside my xml array. I tried using a duplicate method, but it only works on single dimentional arrays.But, I want to try making an alt. array and sorting the unique ones inside it (I guess) like you mentioned above. I may need help. I get on it really quick and then post back.
  17. Oh, pure JavaScript way. Um... no. You'll have to wait until the distinct-values() function is supported.The only workaround I can think of is if you query every element of the targeted group and compare it's value with the previous one, then output it if it's not duplicated. I'm not good at JS, so I can't tell you how exactly to do this.
    th js way still incorporates the xpath way but its only a string like:nodes = xmldoc.selectNodes("Holiday/Data[Month = 'August']");I have tried that and it works, printing out all the holidays in August. but then again getting rid of duplicates im not good with the xpath syntax so I wouldnt even no where to begin with an xpath expression to check and stuff.
  18. Will the file holding the data always have the days in order, or could they appear randomly?If it's in order, then you could always check [x-1] to see if it's the same as the current [x] value (if it is, don't print the date).If not, you could sort the data first then do the above, or you could hold all the dates in a temporary array as you find them, and query that list every time [x] increases?
    Let me rework my question. To make it easier, I want to get rid of the duplicates inside my xml array. I tried using a duplicate method, but it only works on single dimentional arrays.But, I want to try making an alt. array and sorting the unique ones inside it (I guess) like you mentioned above. I may need help. I get on it really quick and then post back.
  19. You mean you want to perform an XPath expression that returns only distinct values?There are three ways:1. The XPath 2.0 function disting-values(). Not supported by most of today's XSLT processors, so it's probably out of the question.2. The set:distinct() EXSLT function. It's not supported across XSLT processors though. If you're using XSLT on the client side, then it's not supported for sure.3. Download the set:distinct EXSLT template and include it in your stylesheet. Call it like this:
    <xsl:call-template name="set:distinct">   <xsl:with-param name="nodes" select="node-set" /></xsl:call-template>

    Im not sure if I can use a template with what im doing. inside the html page, I use javascript to load a xml file, then i do: nodes = xmldoc.selectNodes("xpath query goes here");nodes is then going to have the xml data that is sorted. its basicaly xsl in javascript (sorta) becuase its using xpath to make the quieries. so Im thinking loading a template is out of the question. which leads me to this question, is there a duplicate query that will work with this.
  20. The reason XSLT won't be make to udnerstand JS is that it's a transformation language. It's the bridge between XML and XHTML, not the bridge from one XHTML to another slightly different XHTML like JS is.Think of it like PHP. The output is what is processed, but PHP can't directly grab a JS's value (unless we're talking AJAX, but that's another thing).It's your choise if you'll use it or not though. I'm just saying it's your approach that needs rethinking, not the language being reinvented.
    thanks, well I am still using xpath to do my deeds. Now im having troulbe creating a no dupelicates query. becuase thats basically what this is, I dont want any duplicates to print out.im using javascript to make the query. Do you know of any good get rid of duplicate sorts?
  21. Ok here is my xml that im parsing using a parer:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Edite with [somekind of software] --><Holidays>		<Data>			<Month>August</Month>			<Day>2</Day>			<Holiday>Virgin of the Angels Day</Holiday>			<Country>(CR)</Country>			<Year>2006</Year>		</Data>		<Data>			<Month>August</Month>			<Day>3</Day>			<Holiday>Fast Tishaa Beav</Holiday>			<Country>(ISR)</Country>			<Year>2006</Year>		</Data>		<Data>			<Month>August</Month>			<Day>3</Day>			<Holiday>San Salvador Day</Holiday>			<Country>(SLV)</Country>			<Year>2006</Year>		</Data>		<Data>			<Month>August</Month>			<Day>4</Day>			<Holiday>San Salvador Festival</Holiday>			<Country>(SLV)</Country>			<Year>2006</Year>		</Data>		<Data>			<Month>August</Month>			<Day>2</Day>			<Holiday>Virgin of the Angels Day</Holiday>			<Country>(IRL)</Country>			<Year>2006</Year>		</Data>					</Holidays>

    Ok so its an xml file full of holidays, dates, and months. easy enoughOK when a user selects a particular Month from a drop down menu, all the holidays that are with in that month should appear. I have this part working. Now what I want to do is only display 1 instance of a holiday example: If i have 15 Christmas's in December I only want 1 Christmas to show up, not all 15 here is my code now:

    function showHolidays(pass){var heys = new Array();heys = pass.split(' ');var theDiv= "results";var cats = new Array('Month','Day','Holiday','Country','Year' );var output = ' ';result = parseXML('holidaysxml.xml', true, cats, 'Month', heys[0]);output += '<p><font color="white">'+heys[0]+' '+heys[1]+'</font></p>'+'<p><font color="white"> Holidays</font></p>'+'<ul>';for (var x = 0; x < result.length; x++) {						if(result[x][0] == heys[0])			{								var holy = "'"+result[x][2]+"'";						var moly = "'"+pass+"'";						var soly = "'"+result[x][1]+"'";						var hello = "'"+result[x][3]+"'";								output +='<li style="color: white;"><a href="#" class="Select" onClick="showCountries('+holy+','+moly+','+soly+','+hello+');" >' + result[x][2] +' - '+ pass+' / ' + result[x][1]+'</a></li></div>'									 }//if}//outer foroutput += '</ul>';document.getElementById(theDiv).innerHTML = output;}

    That code will simply print out every holiday in the month of whatever the user selects. I only want to print out 1 instance of each holiday if there are more than 1 holiday if they have the same name and day.Please help.Wally

  22. What I'm trying to say from the start is that you can't convert a JavaScript variable to XSLT one. Not only that, but you can't use JavaScript values with XSLT in any way. You can however convert XSLT variable/parameter to a JavaScript one, and/or you can use JavaScript to adjust a parameter's value, thus influence on the output. You must rethink your approach to the thing you're trying to achieve... whatever it is (I still can't grasp it. I need markup).
    Hey man I really appreciate all your help, I simply started over and using a jscript parser I have already made. xsl is really nice, but man do they need to modify it so that it can understand other languages. Its ok when your not using javascript so much with hard functions. I even had a jscript and xsl guy of like 10 years help me out, and we couldnt figure it out. Sad to say, but I probably wont be using xsl again, simply becuase its a headache when the code gets complicated. Still kool non the less.
  23. Well, the script I showed you activates when called (either with a click on link with approariate href, or in a script).You could add the select attribute with a default value though:
    <xsl:param name="pass" select="'some value you want to use as a default one'"/>

    If you've adjusted the script properly, the parameter should be changed on the appropriate event. Note that the selected value must match exactly the content of the element you're aiming at. For example:

    <xsl:param name="pass" select="'Emancipation Day'"/>

    Check this out.
    function showCountries(pass){	var results ='';	var sendtoDIVid = "requests"; ']]><xsl:variable name="fool">'+pass+'</xsl:variable><![CDATA[';// convert pass to xsl variable	switch(pass)	{		case pass:			results +='<p style="color: Navy">Countrys</p>'+			'<p style="color: Navy">'+pass+' 2006</p>'+			'<ul>'+	']]><xsl:for-each select="Holidays/Days/Data[Holiday = $fool]"><![CDATA['+ //Holiday checks agaisnt xsl variable $fool.	'<li style="color: navy">'+']]><xsl:value-of select="Country"/><![CDATA[</li>'+//the countries of that holiday print out.	']]></xsl:for-each><![CDATA['+			'</ul>'+			'</table>';					document.getElementById(sendtoDIVid).innerHTML = results;		break;		default: 	}}

    I converted the jscript pass variable into a xsl variable, then I use that. BUT it doesnt work, but I know my logic is correct, cas when you take this: ]]><xsl:variable name="fool">'+pass+'</xsl:variable><![CDATA[';// convert pass to xsl variableand change it like this:]]><xsl:variable name="fool">Emancipation Day</xsl:variable><![CDATA[';// convert pass to xsl variableThe stupid thing works!!!!!!????!!! Oh man Im about to start over and simply use a jscript parser I already have. This if my first time with xsl and I really dig it alot cas its so simple. I dont want to start over.

  24. Try to place the <xsl:param> element as a top level element. In other words, outside a template. Something like:
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" ...><xsl:param name="pass"/><xsl:template match="/">...</xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>

    I did that and it seems to work, but when I alert the pass value to check it, its empty. The pass is empty.
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