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Posts posted by razel2585

  1. After some though, I feel I should probably expand on they "WHY" of which I'm having trouble.I can't seem to understand how I would use CSS to form the shapes that I have with the tables. I understand when looking at code, however I just cant visualize how to put it all together. Does this make sense?The only thing of which I am certian is that I am uncertian in the first.

  2. Ok, some background on myself:I started learning html when I was 14. I stopped when I was 15 (javascript just wasn't my area).I've recently been studying up on CSS, as well as looking at PHP and SQL, however I'm not knowledgable in any case.Now I have a website, done in html, that I want to convert into a strictly CSS format. This website.First, while I've been through the tutorials here a number of times, I dont even know where to get started. I'm not sure what would be the best course of action to take in this case, and when I see some of the things that can be done with CSS I'm simply bewildered. Of course then we must take into accound the fact that I'm also trying to add a portal, such as PHPnuke, to the site with the same layout. While I know it can be done, I dont have the first clue as to how to do it. Can anyone offer suggestions or atleast point me torwards some useful tutorials that might suit my needs? I've tried looking through the CSS Zen Garden but it just makes my head hurt. Google's results overwhelm me (I can never find the same thing twice).Help... please *whimper*

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