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Posts posted by avboy5000

  1. I have a question about CSS Pseudo-class styles when I use the a:active it works fine but when I put a new word in there like a.glink:active my dreamweaver says its doesn't work right in explorer 5, I personnely use firefox but most of the people I do work for uses explorer so I have to make everything explorer compliant. Could you please help me with this. I know from the tutorials the order that the pseudo class style is supposed to come in so could some one please help

  2. I am about to release a website for a newspaper, but the paper doesn't want an extravagant website at the time because the lack of articles and information that will be on the site at the begining. It has been discussed calling the first site a beta site until there are more artilces online and archives of all of the print versions.I was wondering if it was alright to call a web site a beta site in this situation. I have researched the word beta on several different sites and most of them were referring to software and games. I just dont want to use the word and then someone think I am an idiot for using it in the wrong context.So does anyone know if it will be alright to use it our not?

  3. I think the whole sleek look that apple provides is both a pro and a con. Yeah right now the products apple is putting out looks cool but it want last. Apple purposely changes thier design so often that people feel the need to go buy a new MAC and you cant upgrade even if the style didnt change.PCs on the other hand rarley have a style change, I mean yeah eery once in a while but not as often as the MAC, and since your PC equipment has the same style as last year you can just upgrade your system which is a lot easier in a PC than in a MAC.and whoever said the DELL thing, not true. Since DELL sells PCs it is totally different that MAC, I can use my DELL with any HARDWARE I have so they dont lock you in to there products.And it all has to do with what you are doing with it, If its graphic and videos go with a MAC, or better yet go to a Video supply store and ask about the TRi-CASTER its PC based but can do a lot more than the MAC final cut

  4. I was wondering if an HTML document can be linked to more that one external CSS document. And If so I was wondering if there were a limit on how many could be used.To take it a step further I would also like to know if there is a limit to how many external Java Script Files could be linked to an HTML document

  5. I am designing a website for a college newspaper, the layout of mypage is a header and a footer and in the center there is three colomns, left for nav and special content, right for advertising. I was wondering what would be the best script for the center colomn, I want it to read another web page, much like frames but frames are to outdated looking, can any one help me with this??????

  6. What exactly is wrong with wysiwyg programs any way, i prefer to use dreamweaver on split mode. That way I can see what I am scripting while im doing it I dont have to save an open in a browser

  7. I am creating a website for a college newspaper and I was wondering how to place the time on the page and keep it current. What I would like to do is use the time in the following format: Month Day Year XX:XX:XX. and I would like to have the seconds ticking constantly. I have tried everything I know in HTML and I am not yet familier with a lot of the popular scripts but if any one can I help me I would apprechiate it. I would prefer JAVASCRIPT but any thing can help. Thanks

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