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Posts posted by steffalynn

  1. Hey, this is great code! I have a similar problem, tho.I'm trying to do a slideshow in lieu of flash (I really really don't want to use flash), but I need fading transitions. I've looked all over, but I can only find code that will fade in IE--anyone know where I can find code that works for FF and Opera?

  2. Yah, I had seen that before, and was only having trouble with the bottom image. I figured it out, though: there's a white image to the right of the nav, and I didn't have THAT on one line. So there were two extra pixels for the area with the buttons and it defaulted to the bottom, making it look like that last button was the culprit.Totally weird, and I didn't even include the code that would have given anyone a clue! Thanks for taking a look, though, I totally appreciate it!

  3. This just doesn't make any sense to me. I found out that when you do a mouseover/mouseout function, you have to have each cell (<td>) on the same line or else you'll get these gaps between your images. I have all my code set up exactly the same and for whatever reason I'm only getting a gap around one image, but only in ie--it looks fine on firefox.Here's what I coded:

    <TR><TD><a href="survey.html"><img border="0" src="boximgs/survey.jpg"  width="167" height="41" name="b2" onmouseOver="mouseOver2()" onmouseOut="mouseOut2()"  /></a></TD></TR><TR><TD><a href="pbhighlights.html"><img border="0" src="boximgs/pbhighlights.jpg"  width="167" height="39" name="b3" onmouseOver="mouseOver3()" onmouseOut="mouseOut3()"  /></a></TD></TR><TR><TD><a href="fanscorner.html"><img border="0" src="boximgs/fanscorner.jpg"  width="167" height="40" name="b4" onmouseOver="mouseOver4()" onmouseOut="mouseOut4()"  /></a></TD></TR><TR><TD><a href="saywhat.html"><img border="0" src="boximgs/saywhat.jpg"  width="167" height="40" name="b5" onmouseOver="mouseOver5()" onmouseOut="mouseOut5()"  /></a></TD></TR><TR><TD><a href="tv.html"><img border="0" src="boximgs/tv.jpg"  width="167" height="40" name="b6" onmouseOver="mouseOver6()" onmouseOut="mouseOut6()"  /></a></TD></TR><TR><TD><IMG SRC="boximgs/mag.jpg" WIDTH=167 HEIGHT=40 ALT="" /></TD></TR><!--THIS SEEMS TO BE THE "PROBLEM" IMAGE--><TR><TD><a href="archive.html"><img border="0" src="boximgs/archive.jpg"  width="167" height="35" name="b8" onmouseOver="mouseOver8()" onmouseOut="mouseOut8()"  /></a></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=5><IMG SRC="boximgs/lastupdated.jpg" WIDTH=810 HEIGHT=45 ALT=""></TD></TR></TABLE>

    Here's what it looks like in ie (note that there should be the 1 pxl whitespace around each "section"--not my idea, believe me!javagaps.jpgPlease help me! =(

  4. I tried this out and modified as follows. Any idea why it isn't working?In the head:

    <script LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT">function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0   window.open(theURL,winName,features);}// --></SCRIPT>

    In the body:

    <ahref="java script:MM_openBrWindow('rules.htm','rules','width=650,height=550,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no')">click here </a>

  5. you are defiing your functions twice you cannot have 2 functions with the same name and expect them to do different things. The function takes what you defined last.make a mouseOut1 and mouseOut2...etc and use them accordingly.
    ah HA! You just made my day so much easier. Thanks A-netguy!
  6. HELP PLEASE! I can't seem to get this to work . . . if you use the code, my "survey" part highlights but not my "playersbench" part. Also, the "survey" image remains highlighted while I'm mousing over the "playersbench" part on top of it, but I can't seem to find any problems with my table setup. Here's the code in my head spot:

    <script type="text/javascript">function mouseOver(){document.b1.src ="images/glowplayersbench.jpg"}function mouseOut(){document.b1.src ="images/playersbench.jpg"}function mouseOver(){document.b2.src ="images/glowsurvey.jpg"}function mouseOut(){document.b2.src ="images/survey.jpg"}</script>

    . . . and here's what I inserted in the document:

    <TR><TD><a href="playersbench.htm"><img border="0" src="images/playersbench.jpg" width="192" height="36"name="b1"onmouseOver="mouseOver()"onmouseOut="mouseOut()" /></a>			</TD>	</TR>	<TR>		<TD><a href="survey.htm"><img border="0" src="images/survey.jpg"  width="192" height="36"name="b2"onmouseOver="mouseOver()"onmouseOut="mouseOut()" /></a>						</TD>	</TR>

  7. Must have taken the music off . . . it didnt' interrupt my pleasant internet radio experience.I think this looks very nice. I think it's hard to do bevelled gradients that don't look like they're from 1995, and these do not. Nice work!Must have taken the music off . . . it didnt' interrupt my pleasant internet radio experience.I think this looks very nice. I think it's hard to do gradients that don't look like they're from 1995, and these do not. Nice work!

  8. I had the same problem when I first started making pages. Now I use www.istockphoto.com . . . it's $1 for images that you won't have to edit and they're royalty free, so after you pay the $1, you're all set.I use them for a commercial website, and if you're doing the same, I'd advise checking with them to make sure that if it's okay to use for a non-personal site, or look at the terms and conditions. I know we did back in the day . . .

  9. Okay, so now that I have the basic scroll box in there, how do I change the colour of the box and bar? Can I use an image? In particular, I want to be able to control the colour of it but keep the gradient that is in the windows' theme, and I would assume I need to make an img in order to do that.

  10. Hey, I was wondering how I could get a scroll box on my page without using frames. I want to format the text in it and it needs to be non-editable.I just hate frames, but a scroll box would keep everything above the fold.Thanks!

  11. I've never even heard of that. It depends on browsers supporting it, so maybe it never got any support. But it doesn't look like it's a part of HTML 4.01.I'm a little confused as to what it would do though, granted it would allow you to draw on top of an image, but since it's an input element, what would it submit to the server?
    yah, that's what i meant to ask =)
  12. yah! this is much much better! the only thing i have left is maybe changing the top colour to match the sidebar? then again, the big star does match both and kinda brings it together, so this one's up to you. also, i really like the pinstripes just above the tabs--they break it up and draw the eye.a+ for effort!

  13. okay, so for work we have a database of information gleaned from a survey. one question in particular is multiple response (think checkbox). now i know nothing about access, but i figured out how to make a query to get the results for that question, but alas! i get only one number instead of the whole list. i'd like also to actually only search for one result in that list. the site is programmed in asp. usually we use surveywriter (www.surveywriter.net) for this kind of thing, which downloads to an excel file and NOT a true database. in that case we actually get back a new variable for each response (think Q1_R1 for "question 1 response 1"), which would be easy to sort out by looking for R# corresponding to the variable we're looking for.also, i doubt my language is terribly accurate in this request.at any rate, can someone help me? thx!

  14. ible . . . just for the record, i was saying that i *didn't* think it looked like that. sheesh, my first day and i'm already causing trouble without meaning to!(i edited for this ps):P.s. as long as the dood is a friend of yours . . . i'll take your word for it.

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